do you believe in gods? Everyday life and customs

well, im not so sure to believe, yes or no, in àny gods. They could exist, but they can also just nòt exist.

I don't believe

I dont believe in religion, its the game of politics.

But there is just one god, we dont know who or how, and no matter, its always ur heart, but religions just say bullshit about what god or jesus did years ago, we dont want that. Just find your god in your heart, other things aint important

I don't believe in god but I respect everyone who does. For me personally, the fact alone that there are so many religions that differ from each other proves the point that someone has to be in the wrong here about their idea of their religion.

hey everyone , for me i believe in god because that universe and every entity alive did not came from nothing if we took a look in ourself we gonna find that humain body made to be alive with complexe thing and if we look at universe it does too all these things cannot came from nothing even greatest scientists if you looked at their books they say that too because universe created in a way juste for us to live on it there is a scientist how said that sentence i don't remember his name but the point is how can a bigboom to create a complexe univeres and lifes ? scientists said before bigboom there was literally nothing so life and universe came from nothing if we used our brain we gonna find that god is exist .

I don't believe this is a god. But I think those some of religions are useful.They could help some people who lose their bravery and power to live.
Many religions can make mean people kind.
If a religion didn't cause bad effect to people and society, I don't mind people believing in it(such as Buddhism).

I don't believe in god

I believe in God. I love Him because He has given His life for me to set me free.

Hi everyone, I'm glad to exchange ideas on this topic.
I believe in a creator, I imagine him as a great scientist who has control of space and time that he even created, controls and also manages the material to give life.
I start from the assumption that, if we human beings design and create things that are complex for us, we need a designer and an exemplary also for the earth and everything that surrounds us infinitely more complex than our human creations ... I am not a scientist but a I go by logic ...
I have read so much on this subject and this has made me believe even more in this creative energy that also has a name ...
what do you think?
Me Tooooooo