Everyday Life In ..............(Enter Your Country)

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Here's the day in summer vacation --
I wake up at 10am the regular day. And I go out with friends ๐Ÿ˜ƒ (Go to everywhere! By bus, by bike or by motorcycle!)
Sometimes I stay at home and watch dvds or chat with friends =D
When it is Wednesday and weekends, I go to work at 8:50am ๐Ÿ˜ƒ And come back at 9:00pm =D

Edited by niii .
Every Sunday morning I meet my twenty-two dogs which I look after in a dog shelter along with a friend, and on Monday afternoons I volunteer at an eldery people's nursing home!
Sounds nice and healthy

I live in Finland and I'm a vocational school stundent. I wake up 6:00 am and go to shower. Then I eat breakfast which is usually some fruit, bred and backberry puree and glass of water. Then I dress up, brush my teeth, clean my face, pack my schoolback and cycling to school. In this period my school starts mostly at 8:00 am and we have mostly just occupational subjects (no math, languages etc.) so I don't have homeworks either. We have lessons until 11:30 am and then we have lunch break which lasts 30 minutes. But I don't go to eat lunch because I'm not hungry. My schoolday ends at 3:30 pm (except on thursdays and fridays it ends already at 11:30 am) and then I cycling back home, eat something fast like noodels because right now I'm at driving school (in otherwise I would cook dinner for my family) so then I'm cycling to my driving school and take theory lessons which starts at 5:00 pm and ends at 6:30 pm. My street dance lesson starts also at 6:30 pm so I have terrible hurry to go to the dance school. My dance lesson ends at 8:00 pm and I'm back home at 8:30 pm. Then I go to shower, eat supper which is usually backberry tea with honey and an apple. Then I hang in the internet until 10:45 pm and then I brush my teeth, clean my face and go to sleep around at 11:00 pm. Somedays I go to sleep at 12:00 pm, it depends.

A day in Nantes, France...

I wake up at 6:00 am to take the bus at 7:30 to go to High School.
Before going to class I smoke a cigarette, and then we go for a day of classes ... boring.
In the evening, from 18:30 to 19:30, I work as a maid to earn some money because I don'tt want to be always dependent on my parents.
People think it's a thankless job, but I like it: I feel useful.
After, I get home, I eat and sleep.

That's it my day ๐Ÿ˜‰

wantii has already described everyday life in Poland, but i wake up earlier, my usual day lasts longer, so my life is different and i will tell you about it! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

5 : 00 - my alarm clock starts ringing, i switch it off
5 : 00 - 5 : 15 - i lie in my bed ( still have 15 minutes)
5 : 15 my mother comes to awake me.
5 : 30 i pretend to be having breakfast ( my mum doesn't let me go out if i don't eat something)
6 : 00 i go to school
8: 00 my school day begins
16 :00 my school day is over ๐Ÿ™‚
studying, eating, watching tv, surfing the net, taking a nap, eating, ROUTINE ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
my weekend is slighty different ๐Ÿ˜‰
1 : 00 - i start thinking i suffer from insomnia, i can never fall asleep.
2 : 00 - i fall asleep ;D

a weekday in the Netherlands:

I wake up at 6:25 am. With the sound of my alarm clock ๐Ÿ™‚. And in spring and summer there are birds too.
I go downstairs, eat a piece of bread with sprinkles and go back upstairs, I brush my teeth, do my hair and make-up and change clothes. I leave home at 07:10, I cycle to school. At 07:25 I meet my friends on my way to school so we can cycle togeter. At 07:45 I meet another friend. I arrive at school at 08:05.
I put out my coat and go to my locker and if there is time left, i go to the bathroom to do my hair. the lessons start at 08:15. I have 3 lessons of 50 minutes. the first break is from 1o:45 till 11:10. Than i have 2 lessons and after that I have a lunch break from 12:50 till 1:20pm than I have 3 lessons, till 3:50 pm. Than I go to my locker to pick up my books and I cycle home. Most of the time allone because my friends have different timetables. When I come home at 5:00 pm , I drink juice and eat something I make some homework and we have dinner at 6pm. after that I make homework again. And sometimes, when i don't have a test the next day I watch some TV, Most of the time 'House' form 7 till 8. I go to bed at 09:30

So that was my day, hope you like it


Well,Im a singaporean and a private school student.So its usually like this, I wake up at 5:30,go to school at 6:15,the back home about 17:15,then..complete all the homework and projects the teacher decides to give that day..and go online etc until my mum nags at me to go to sleep at about 11:00...haha...not as colourful as you guys,but you get used to it..๐Ÿ˜›

2morrow is Monday ๐Ÿ™ so blue
It's spring now in Formosa~ I hate the busy live, but still enjoy it ๐Ÿ™‚
But we need to go to school from 7:30a.m to 5:00p.m, my classmates almost going to be my cousins, I know that's really crazy > <

Well, this is an ordinary Monday in Brazil for me ๐Ÿ˜

the alarms rangs! Thank God! haha
I go catch the van again, have a sit and go home. I arrive home at 13:00, at the time House M.D starts! I watch it while I'm getting ready to go to my English Class, that starts at 14:00. It finishes at 15:30, then I go home again and watch TV all the afternoon...At 19:00 I do my homework and watch more TV or use the computer..At midnight I go to bed (I don't feel tired before midnight o.O). Then, it's Tuesday and I wake up at 5:30am...

Next ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

You go to school, go home, and go back to school? That's weird, I just stay in school the whole day.
BTW i love house too :wub

a day in belgium, xp
wake up at 7.30, i hurry, cause i'm late xD, wash, getting my clothes on, brush my hair, etc....
eat breakfast, almost nothing cause i'm so late, i usually eat toasted bread or cerials xp like rice crispies, that get my bike, ride to the station, in a hurry, i get there, always a lot of traffic there with all the busses, i put my bike away and lock it, hug/kiss my boyfriend, ( he comes to school with the buss, so i always walk to school with him from where his buss stops) walk to school with him, meet my friends, talk a bit, than school, i'm in animal care, so normaly i have a lot of non theory classes, but today it was theory, so boring xp, than eat lunch in the noon with my boyfriend, laugh a lot with my friends during the day ๐Ÿ˜ and ignoring the boy's that are wisteling and calling to me like babe, and calling my name, and you're hot,, pff.. they studdy building houses etc.. so you know ;p than i had no 8 hour today, so school stopped at 15U.25, walked with friends to the station, cause my boyfriend has an 8 hour, ride back home, go inside to drink ice thee, go back outside to walk an half hour with my dog, a cavalier king charles spaniรซl named luka, 2,5 years old, ๐Ÿ˜ go back inside, hungry, heard the ice cream man!! went outside to get ice cream ๐Ÿ˜ banana and smurf(blue ice) , the man always pests me=p he's verry funny, .. ate pizze at 6. and now i'm surfing on my pc. , that's a usual day in belgium here, and also it's verry cold here, can't wait till spring comes, <3
next ๐Ÿ˜

In America, I wake up at 5:45 AM Monday-Friday. Get dressed, eat breakfast, which is usually something quick, like a Poptart. Then I pack my bag and wake my mom to drive me to school, of which class starts at 7:20. At school, I take French II, Algebra I and Physical Education (These two classes switch off, I have them every other day), Lunch, Drama I and English I (Which is just reading stories basically...) School ends at 2:50 PM. Then I either walk home, go to a club if I have one that day, or my brother or Dad picks me up if they can. I come home, have a snack, go on the computer, do home work, etc.
Sounds like fun, right?!

Hmmm... in Korea, things are quite different from what u have wrote.
I go to school till 8 30am and come back home at 3:30pm.
Then.. there's a thing called " academy " we go to learn more besides school. Those academies are like 2~3 hours.
I go to 2 academies a day so when I come back - it's 10pm. Then I do my homework, check time - it's 1am!

my country is Russia, Southern the warmest part of it. I live in a village so my everyday life depends on a season. in winter, in the end of autumn, in the beginning of spring I stand up at 8 or 9 , during breakfast I watch EURONEWS channel, then clean the house, prepare my lessons (Im a teacher), after lunch I go to school by bus (if I miss it I have to take a taxy). my lessons are over about 6 oclock in the evening and I return home by bus also. sometimes I go to grocery on my way home. at home I have a supper? take a bath, then watch some films or read a book or communicate with friends via Internet. at midnight I go to sleep. on some days I go to public pool .
But in the warm time of the year my family grow vegetables to sell. so we have to stand at 5 oclock every morning to work in the garden, because it is to hot work hardly during the day.
its a typical non holiday day for me

life in rural Indonesian town

wake up at 5, lock my stall and go inside the traditional market, eat tahu and tempe and sometimes salted fish. Go back to my house, 15 minutes away walk, shower and change to uniform and go to school which starts at 7. Go to school, hang out, play futsal (small soccer) go home at 3. Change, if it is the second thursday of a month i go to the dock to buy some cigarettes and goods and restock my family's small cigarette stall in front of the town's market. If it is my day, ill attend the stall until the next day, if not then im going to play with my friends in the field. i usually accompany my uncle deliver the good to the main town which is 10 hours away. cowboy

Seems like I didn't write something here. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Everyday life in The Netherlands.
Usually I wake up at 6.30 am. I go downstairs for breakfast and coffeem, else I won't be awake anymore when I arive at school. At 7.00 am I go upstairs again. Using the bathroom, changing, make up and hair, things like that. At 7.40 pm. I am leaving to school. Yeah, 30 minutes at a cycling. I have my first class at 8.25. It depends on how much classes I have, how late my schoolday is ending. Cold be 12.45, 14.10 or 15.10. 30 minutes cycling again, before I am home. Once home, I sit down for a moment and make my homework if I need to. at 17.30 we have diner. If I still have homework, I'll do it, else I am watching tv or so.

I have lunce in the break at 12.45, by the way. (A)

So...a day in Warsaw - I stand up at 7 o'clock. Then I have breakfast and wash. I go to school by car. My lessons usually start at 8. We have 5 - 7 lessons daily. We learn Polish, Maths, English, History, Biology, PE, IE etc...Every lesson lasts 45 min. We've got 10 min brakes...Oh, school is so boring, isn't it? ๐Ÿ˜›
A come home and then after dinner I do my homework, play the computer and I go to sleep at 10 pm.

But weekends are much better - I wake up at 8 - 9 and go riding a horse ๐Ÿ™‚ I also meet my friends and we record movies on my mobile XD. Generaly, it isn't bad, but sometimes I want to get somewhere away...๐Ÿ™‚

My basic days

I'm from Finland. Every morning I woke up 06:00am and I make up, brush hair, I change my clothes maybe 5 times (haha) and then if I got time I watch cartoons XDDXD Then I go to media high school about 07:30am by scooter. My school is about 8.5km away from my home.
I go to buy a cup coffee from school restaurante, sit on computer and I do websites, I do codes, take photos etc. Sometimes I have lessons (on next month I have only psykology and Swedish lessons) in other high school wich is about 3km away from media high school. My school days end 16:00pm and on mondays I need to hurry from my Chinese lessons wich are about 2km away from normal high school and about 3-4km away from media high school.
I get home 18:00pm. On fridays I need to go to teach 9-11 years old kids to dance (so it's my job) at 16:15pm.
When I get home I need to clean up, eat something and if I don't have exams I go to visit my friends or boyfriends home.

My school life is hard only because of days are longer than in middle school and my schools are so far away from my home. And I live in little town where busses don't really are good option to travel because one bus come every hour so I need to wait long before next bus come.

On weekends I just relax and watch movies. I really try to forget all school things.

Ahah nice this topic ๐Ÿ™‚
So it's time to know something of the normal life of an italian student.
I attend the university! The course timetable is variable so i can have lesson at 8 a.m for three hours, or i could start at 3 p.m until 6 p.m for exemple! XD
I hope always to have lessons in the morning so that during the afternoon I can study.. The morning I'm too sleepy to learn any notion XD
I go to university by bike, even if it rains..i bring an umbrella! Well if it rains a lot..i go by bus XD
I'm studying neuroscience that is included in psychology!
I live far away from my parents and I share an apartment with 5 other students, so I have to think about shopping and cook .. I'm not very good, I love eating but hate cooking!! ๐Ÿ˜›

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