

  • 14
  • Something to tell the world!

    Hi, nice to meet you! My name is Rachael and I am interested in meeting new people. Just about anyone is fine, but I prefer people around my age. I speak English and I speak some French, although I'm not the best at it. I love anime and manga, as well as drawing and reading. I listen to a variety of music, but mainly Japanese. I hope that we can become good friends!  😃
    Hmm, what else about me...?American rased, but I have Irish (In case you couldn't tell with the hair...xD)  And a little German heritage~I love to make new friends and meet new people, and I'm thrilled at all the people I have met so far on this site! It's amazing how big this world is...I love to learn about history and other cultures of all around the world!I want to be your friend, so please, don't be afraid to talk! Some tell me they aren't good at English, but that doesn't stop me from not wanting to be your friend, so don't apologize~! (Because trust me, I'm aweful at French...)Snail Mail is amazing~ I love doing it, so please, mail me~ I like to send things from America and share my culture~So please, don't be afraid to drop me a message~I'm learning Traditional Chinese! 🙂My interests: Chinese, Anime/Manga, Cultures of the world, World History, Military History, Drawing, Reading, Writing, Socializing, Traveling, Cooking. 😁
    P.S.- My Skype name is AppleTann, if you want to add me~ 😁
    I also have a Facebook, feel free to ask me to be friend. 🙂
    And if you prefer e-mailing, that's fine too. 😁
