Everyday Life In ..............(Enter Your Country)

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Everyday life in the United States. Depending on where you live you might be awaken by birds singing, traffic or just the whispering breeze in the plain states. For me it use to be traffic but now I'm back to the country side where birds wake me. I might have orange juice to drink or tea. Maybe eat an egg and cheese bagel sandwhich or make my homemade breakfast salad. Which is
Apple sauce in the middle of the plate, surrounded by cheese then lettuce laid down and scrambled eggs tossed over the lettuce with maybe bits of bacon or ham tossed in the egg and lettuce with a light Italian Dressing. It's really good and it's a creation to look at.

Being I'm a Stay at home mom these days. I of course start my day with getting the children off to school, watching the weather in passing as I pick up clothes for wash or books left out from the night before. Being it's spring I open up all the windows letting the fresh breeze in and tend to my garden. I say hello to neighboring dogs on their journey of the day, and a Frog who has been with me in my small garden pond since I put it in 3 years ago. He greets me every morning starting in late April til the Oct months.

I still have a little one at home so we might work in the gardens, go for a country walk or even to the falls where I love to take pictures. We might eat Meat loaf and baked Macaroni and Cheese in the oven, a night of Pizza which is no longer delivered as we are in the country again. but the pizza shop is just a corner market away down the road so we pick it up. Spaghetti with a salad and garlic bread is big in my house but so is sea food salads. We buy all the stuff and put it together ourselves. In the summer time fruit salads are a plus as I grow my own berries. Black berries, strawberries, raseberries and this year I've added 3 blueberry bushes. I love making blueberry muffins!

We have a whole week night schedule of what we watch. From House, Ncis, Criminal Minds, Ghost Whisper, Hell's Kitchen, Friends, Rebra and a few others.
We love movie time as a family and you'll find us traveling about fishing and camping, walking trailes, to playing vollyball and swimming.

Homework is a must as soon as the girls get home, then they have the night to play, sometime they like to relax with books. If it's a warm night you'll find us lingering outside on the back deck longer than usual, watching the kids play, visiting with family and listening to the peeper come out.

I gave you a pretty big variety of what we do. But that's us in the USA.

Who's next..................

Haha I guess I'll be next. Definitely shorter though.

I live in an apartment in the suburb of Paris so I guess I'm 100% urban. I wake up every morning at 7, then have for breakfast hot chocolate with some sh***y kind of industrial piece of breakfast cake. Then I get dressed, brush my teeth, ride the bus (bad idea to drive cars there's a lot of traffic and buses have special lanes :], to encourage people to ride public transportation).
Then I get on the subway (bus + subway = 1hr) and finally arrive at work amid Paris. I'm a webmaster and systems administrator for a living. I still study (CSC) some days; it's part of the contract with my school/company/me.
I get off work at 6 something, then I have to "undergo" again 1hr of transportation 😛 so I'm home at about 7.15pm.

How fascinating my days are in Paris, right? Haha

Next ?

I guess that's me..

Monday through Friday I wake up at 5am to start getting ready for school..I'm not really sure what I eat for breakfast because I'm so tired in the morning that I really just walk around with my eyes closed, put something in a bowl and eat it. I leave at about 7am and drive to school with a friend. Then, unfortunately stay at there until 2.38 (1.38 on Fridays :] ) I take English, Geometry :[, American History, Français, and Biology.. in that order everyday..boring.

I usually hang out with my friends after school although I can't really tell you what we do because it's mostly just spur of the moment things which is the best way to live!! Same with weekends, we have absolutely nothing to do out here where I live but we always find something. I guess my everyday life is just being in the company of friends and laughing hysterically and that stupid things we say and do.

Oh and I talk to a guy who lives in France.



Well, this is an ordinary Monday in Brazil for me 😁

At 5:30am I wake up and go have a breakfast, which is always the same thing: chocolate milk and bread with butter. Then, I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and put on my uniform (sometimes I also take a shower, but I'm usually late, so I have no time do to this xD). At 6:25 I'm downstairs to catch the van to school. I get in, have a quick look at the cutest guy ever <3 and have a sit. At 7:00 I arrive there and wait for the class starts, at 7:15. I have Portuguese, History, Chemistry and Maths.
When it's 12:15 the alarms rangs! Thank God! haha
I go catch the van again, have a sit and go home. I arrive home at 13:00, at the time House M.D starts! I watch it while I'm getting ready to go to my English Class, that starts at 14:00. It finishes at 15:30, then I go home again and watch TV all the afternoon...At 19:00 I do my homework and watch more TV or use the computer..At midnight I go to bed (I don't feel tired before midnight o.O). Then, it's Tuesday and I wake up at 5:30am...

Next 😃

So, I'm next. I live in India.
My day starts at 4.00 am and I study till 7.30, after which I get ready for school, you know, brushing teeth, bathing, dressing up and eating. The breakfast is usually something made from rice or wheat, mixed with some pulses and spices. And, usually, a cup of milk. The school bus arrives at 8.25 and I reach school by 8.45. After the prayers and assembly, we have 3 classes (each of duration of 40 minutes) starting from 9.00. Then an interval break at 11.00. Then, I've two classes before lunch at 12.30 pm. The lunch break is the time for catching up with my friends. The classes resume at 1.00. We have four classes (If you're in a grade above 9) or 3 (If you're in a grade less than 9). The subjects are English, Tamil (or their particular regional language), Math, Physics, Chem., Botany, Zoology (Some have it together as Science), History and Geography (Again, together as Social Science.) There are other extra curricular classes-some compulsory, others optional. They can learn the optionals from 3.45 to 5.00 pm. I board the school bus again at 3.45 and reach home by 4.15. Then, watch TV or browse in the computer till 5.00 or 5.30, after which I reluctantly 😃 start with the home work. Finish it and eat dinner. Then, maybe watch some more TV or browse internet and sleep. (I don't go to bed at a regular time, but it's usually early). Then, repeat the boring routine all over again. 😉

Haha I guess I'll be next. Definitely shorter though.

I live in an apartment in the suburb of Paris so I guess I'm 100% urban. I wake up every morning at 7, then have for breakfast hot chocolate with some sh***y kind of industrial piece of breakfast cake. Then I get dressed, brush my teeth, ride the bus (bad idea to drive cars there's a lot of traffic and buses have special lanes :], to encourage people to ride public transportation).
Then I get on the subway (bus + subway = 1hr) and finally arrive at work amid Paris. I'm a webmaster and systems administrator for a living. I still study (CSC) some days; it's part of the contract with my school/company/me.
I get off work at 6 something, then I have to "undergo" again 1hr of transportation 😛 so I'm home at about 7.15pm.

How fascinating my days are in Paris, right? Haha

Next ?


That seems to make up a long day for you.
What do you to relax?

Well, this is an ordinary Monday in Brazil for me 😁

At 5:30am I wake up and go have a breakfast, which is always the same thing: chocolate milk and bread with butter. Then, I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and put on my uniform (sometimes I also take a shower, but I'm usually late, so I have no time do to this xD). At 6:25 I'm downstairs to catch the van to school. I get in, have a quick look at the cutest guy ever <3 and have a sit. At 7:00 I arrive there and wait for the class starts, at 7:15. I have Portuguese, History, Chemistry and Maths.
When it's 12:15 the alarms rangs! Thank God! haha
I go catch the van again, have a sit and go home. I arrive home at 13:00, at the time House M.D starts! I watch it while I'm getting ready to go to my English Class, that starts at 14:00. It finishes at 15:30, then I go home again and watch TV all the afternoon...At 19:00 I do my homework and watch more TV or use the computer..At midnight I go to bed (I don't feel tired before midnight o.O). Then, it's Tuesday and I wake up at 5:30am...

Next 😃

So, you go home to eat and then back to school again?
Did I read that right?

Interesting, we don't have that in the school around here.
College is a bit different, they come and go at what ever time they wish.
Some don't even start their first class until 10:00 am.
You pretty much make up the times you want to learn.

avividmind from where do u get such a long time to read all this

I'm the next now. This is a day of my life in Colombia:
I wake up 7 am but I get up at 8 or 9. The first I do is to go to bathroom and wash my face -I can't start a new day without doing that- Then have breakfast, it's usually a cup of chocolate and bread or -for changing- bread and a cup of chocolate. After digest my breakfast, I do something of household chores, review my notes or watch some TV. I take a shower, get dressed, brush my teeth.
Around 11am I have lunch, brush my teeth. At 11:30 I take the bus in order to start college at 12:30 - There I take seven subjects which change every six month (except for Educational Method, French, English and German)- I stay in college till 18:30.
At 19:30 or 20 I'm back home. Immediately I wash my hands and have dinner. I also watch news, listen to music, read, do my housework for next day- at the same time? yeah-. I usually go to sleep at midnight or 2 am, it's all depends on how tired I am.

here is next, from Turkey. my name's hamza, and im 22. im a student in university named as Istanbul University , business administration faculty , one of the most oldest and important university in Istanbul,Turkey and also in europe. i always wake up at 7am. and get ready to go to school or work. as everybody does, my first station is bathroom then i am ready for breakfast. my mom always prepare for breakfast for us. because she always says " the breakfast is the most important meal in a day." and i totally agree with her. my ordinary day is go to school 9-10 am and come back home again at different times depends on lessons. my home is in ASSIA but my school is in EUROPE, but in Istanbul it takes 1 hour and 30 minutes to get there. Istanbul , maybe you dont know, is between asia and europe, its really fantastic. do u know anywhere like Istanbul?
Anyway, usually i am with my friends, and go to cafes in Istanbul. Its really enjoyable for us. but nowadays i am working with my father in our family business as a trader. so i havent enough time to see my friends much more than schooldays. but today i ll go to dinner to my ex-scool and then go to play a match. my social life is really so independent to my other operatios. if my friend call me and wanna to meet, i change my schedule and meet with him or her immediatelly. i know the importance of time.
i travell alot and wanna make friends all around the world, and if u have an idea about visiting Turkey, i m really appriciated to accomodate u here. search more about Turkey, and see what a wonderful places there are.
thank u for this topic.

Edited by theinsomnia .

This is what it's like to live in my life in the suburbs of New Jersey. (Because that's where I live right now...) Also remember that I'm Lithuanian, so that influences some things too.
This is going to be long so be prepared.
My mom wakes me up (I NEED A NEW ALARM CLOCK!) to go to school. I stay in bed for about a minute and get up, go to the bathroom, eat breakfast (it's weird, but I would have something like macaroni & cheese or a sandwich of some sort, then I would ALWAYS drink tea), and go to brush my teeth.
I go to school and learn about stuff (obviously) and then we have lunch. So uh... we eat and chat with our friends about everything. The school serves us things like hot dogs, or hamburgers, or salads, or chicken nuggets... it depends on what you like. They always have milk and snacks. Some things you have to buy extra, like chips or soda. (It's not as unhealthy as it sounds! They still have apples and stuff like that!) The middle school has more assortments than the elementary school. I usually bring my own lunch. That usually includes a sandwich, apple crisps, Sun Chips (it's a brand), apple/pear juice, and maybe something else thrown in.
After school is over I walk home most of the time, other times my brother would drive me home because he doesn't have work. (He turned 18 today! happybday ) Just not today. Sometimes I walk home with my friends and other times I don't. Everything just depends on the circumstances. I get home, and usually my parents would be at work and the first one to come home is my brother. Then my dad and then my mom.
Before my mom had a job she would always have dinner ready after school was over. That was usually soup. But sometimes (if I'm lucky) she would make something like cepelinai drool (there we go! It's Lithuanian, and can also be called didžkukuliai), which is made from potatoes and has a meat filling. Except mine is filled with farmer's cheese because I don't like meat. Except chicken. ^_^
Although now I just go on the computer and have a quick snack until my mom gets back from work (at around 7pm). I might watch T.V. for a while... and then at around 6pm I have to start homework. I do that, and then I get finished before I go to sleep. So to prepare for that I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth tooth , go back to my bedroom to floss and put lotion on my face and whatnot. (Most people don't do that, at least I don't think they do.) Then when I go to bed I would either listen to my iPod, read my book (currently Twilight), or just start snoozing. sleep1
And that's my typical day! Don't even get me STARTED on weekdays! stuart

this all is long, so I will write something shorter.
I live in Slovakia.
I get up at 6:45 and about 7:30 I go to school. The school starts at 7:55 and ands about 14:10 or earlier. Then I go to bus station and go home by bus. Whole afternoon I can do whatever I want. In the evening I have a basketball-training. then Im so tired that I go to bed or just watch Tv.

A day in Israel,
Well, You get up in 7:15, Eat,Drink and put on clothes, Brush your teeth and run to the bus station, Hope you won't miss the last bus.
And then those dumb people with their stupid ringtones piss you off.
You start to fight with them. And Blahblahblah,
You get bored in School, Begging to get released earlier.
When you get home to turn on TV, Watch Friends,Smallville,Dr. Who, Stargate SG-1 or everything else that makes you happy.

I'm from turkey, and a day is like that...

I get up at 6:00 on weekdays, i dont have breakfast, i drink milk or ice tea and go to the bus stop. I arrive school at 6:30. I'm going to a art school and it starts so early. at school me and my friends talk and laugh and act foolish and get tired. after all that things i go to home and live in the hell for another day!

Me next...
I'm from the United States, but I also lived in Mexico for a couple of years.

Currently I am in the US.
I usually wake up like 6 am and try to leave my house by 7am, because I start classes at 8am, and it takes me like an hour to get to school. I'll have a quick breakfast, like toast and hot chocolate on my way out. I'm in college right now and take 5 classes. In between classes I'll go to the cafeteria and eat something or go to the gym or do homework. I 'm on a dance team, so I sometimes stay after school. Then I'll go home. I usually be very hungry, so I'll eat whatever my mom made for lunch. I'll help clean up the kitchen and then I might use the computer for a while or rest in my room, then do some work. Then at 8pm I'll watch the novela on tv. After that I'll use the computer and then go to sleep. Sometimes, like on weekends I'll go shopping or if there's a good movie out, I'll go to the movies with some friends. My family likes to go out to eat on Sundays. When go out as much as we do in the summer now that winter is coming. It gets really cold and we don't really feel like going out. And that's pretty much it....

When I lived in Mexico:
I would wake up for school like at 6am. Classes start at 7am. My mom would drive me and my sister to school, like 15 minutes away. I got out at 2:15, or sometimes earlier if my teachers dismissed the class early. Then I'd hang out a while with my friends outside of the school. There were like snack stands outside, so I would usually buy like fresh fruit or chips to snack on. Then me and me sister would walk to bus station and take the bus home. We would then get off the bus and walk about a block to get home. ((On tuesdays there is a farmers market that runs all the way through the main street of my pueblo. We would usually walk through the market, then go home. I love going to the market!!!)) My mom would have lunch on the table once we got home. We would eat, all my family together. Then we would help clean up the kitchen. Then I would go take my uniform off, and get ready to go to some sort of class, like cardio class or dance class or french class. I would leave my house. Sometimes I would walk or take my ATV, depends if I was running late or not. After those classes, I would come home, shower, do homework and then get ready to go out with my friends. I would come home at around 10pm and then get my things ready for school tommorrow and then go to sleep!!

There is some other stuff I might do, but that is a usual day
Take care everyone!!!

In Poland I usually wake up at 6:30, but I get up at 6:50. Then I eat breakfast, usually sandwich with jam and cereal. I go to school on foot, with my friend. It's about 10 min. Then the lessons starts at 8:00.
We usually have 7-8 lessons, for example (in Thursday): polish, english, maths, chemistry, history, personal and social education, physics. A lessons take 45 min. Between a lessons we have 10-20 min breaks.
After lessons we have an extra classes. I go to a volleyball trening.
I get home at about 15:00. Then I have a dinner (tasty polish dinner). Then I can do what I want. I go to orchestra, where I play trumpet.
I usually go to bed at 22:00, byt I love readinng in bed, so I get to sleep at 23.

PS Polish people aren't robbers, louts, muppets and other similar things..


I wake up at 5:45 but don't get out of bed until 6:00 (:
Then I go wash my face and put my contacts in.
Get dressed.
Eat breakfast if I feel like it...
(Normally by now I'm rushing around because I'm late. Haha.)
Then I brush my teeth and walk (or run) to the end of my super long driveway to catch the bus at 6:52! Then ride the bus to school, which starts at 7:15, go through my classes.
Honors Chemistry, Advanced Placement US History, Honors Biology, French, Keyboarding, Lunch, Honors English, and Avanced Algebra w/ Trigonomitry!<---- every day Whew, thats alot. :/

Then if it is fall I stay after school to go to Varsity Soccer practice, if it is spring I stay after for Tennis. But in the fall and the spring I have practice for my Travel Soccer team. At about 6:30 until 8:00 and get home at 8:30 and do my homework, eat dinner, and shower, then SLEEP! (:

In the winter I go home on the bus and go to futsal practice at 7:30!

In the summer I have FUNNNNN!!!!! (:

Wow, I wrote A LOT! (: Lol.

Well, i wake up at 6; do all of my daily deeds, and then leave for my bus at 6:50. unlike allie, i don't rush around in the morning 😛 then i go to my classes, Math, Latin, Chemistry, English, Government, World History and of course spanish; Then i come home, and DONT DO HOMEWORK lol and i usually have practice at night;
on the weekends, its soccer time!!!
during the summer, i chill with AO (:

So its a typical lifestyle 😛

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