What makes you fall in love with someone?

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And how do you know if it's really love or just affection?

It is so nice you are on the forum again @Simone724!!! 😊😊 And if i am honest of the question that you asked: i have no idea. Sorry if that is not a very good answer!!!! 😛

But i am very curious what other people will write as an answer. So I hope many people will post what they think below. ⬇️⬇️ If we can get nice answers i can put it in this forum in the love part. ❤️🥰🥰

  • (Headline: ) Sevigi kimdir?:

    Sevgi nedir?
    Bu nedir?
    Bir eşyamı?
    Yoksa bir varlıkmı?
    Tanısam bilmem,
    Nesin sen sevgi?

    Nasıl bir duygu?
    Karda yürürken üşümekmi?
    Bahardaki çiçekleri koklarken bir ağacın altında oturmakmı?
    Yoksa Yaz yağmurunda dans etmekmi?

    Ben bumları,
    ne karda kışta donarken,
    ne baharda kuşların şarkısını dinlerken,
    nede yaz yağmurunda dans ederken yaşdım.

    Ben acıyı tanıdım!

    Ama o gün:
    O bir kelime,
    O selamlaşma,
    O gülümseme,
    O ses,
    O bakışlar,
    O tebessüm,

    Birdaha düşündüm:
    Sevgi nedir?
    Sevmek nedir?
    Sevgi benim için O.
    O, Evet, O!

    Gözlerinin içinde kayboldum,
    onu buldum.
    Hayır, gercekti!
    Evet, O benim sihirbazımdı!
    Beni bügüledi!

    Ve Sevgi ne?
    Bir ses, bir bakış, bir kelime, nir tebessüm değil!
    Sevgi bnim için Odur!
    Benim Aşkım!
    Bana Sevgiyi öğreten Odur!
    Benim Herşeyim!
    Kalbimin derinliklerinde saklıyorum onu!
    Evet, onu!

    Sevgi kimdir?
    Sevgi (his name)!

    (Headline: ) Who is Love?:
    What is Love?
    What is it?
    A thing?
    Or is it an entity?
    If I see it I wouldn't recognize it,
    What are you love?

    What kind of feeling is this?
    Getting cold while walking in the snow?
    Sitting under a tree while smelling the flowers in spring?
    Or dancing under a summer rain?

    I just knew pain.

    But that day:
    That one word,
    That one greeting,
    That one grinning,
    That one voice,
    That look,
    That one smile,
    I was facinated...

    I thought again:
    What is love?
    What is loving?
    For me he is love.
    He, yes, he!

    I was lost in hus eyes,
    I found him.
    Was I dreaming?
    No, it was reality!
    Was he a magician?
    Yes, he was my magician!
    He facinated me!

    And what is love?
    A voice, a look, a word, a smile?
    It's not!
    He is love for me!
    My Love!
    He taught me love!
    My everything!
    I am hiding him in the deepest spot if my heart!
    Yes, him!

    Who is love?
    Love is (his name)!

    1. Ulan Sevgi:/Oh Love:

  • Al, / Take,
    Ama Bırakma / But don't leave.
    Ver,/ Give,
    Ama geri isteme./But don't want it back.
    Vurma,/Don't Hit,
    Kırılmasın./ So it doesn't break.
    Seni sevdiğini göstersin./So she shows her love back.

    Ey Adam! / Hey Man!
    Seni seviyor,/She loves you.
    Görmüyormusun?!/Don't you see it?!
    Görsen ne fayda?/What's the use of seeing it too late?
    O cansız..../She is lifeless...
    Kanlar içinde..../In blood....
    Senden vazgeçmiş..../Gave up on you....

    2. Sevgilim...:

    Böyle devam ederse hiç bir şeyim değilsin...
    Ama sen ölümüne kadar benim değilmisin...?
    Senin olmak istiyorum!
    Ama olamıyorum...
    Sen neden beni hiç sevmiyorsun?
    Benı sevdiğini söylüyor, beni istemiyorsun....
    Nedenini söylesen!
    Ahhh, bi söylesen!
    Nedenleri bıraksan
    Ve beni sevsen....

    2. English:

    Are you my sweetheart?
    Are you mine?
    Are you my dear?
    Are you my love?
    If it continues like this, you are nothung to me...
    But aren't you mine until your death...?
    I want to be yours!
    But I can't...
    Why don't you love me at all?
    He says you love me, you don't want me...
    Tell me why!
    Ahhh, tell me!
    Leave the reasons
    And love me....

    3. NO!:

    I see...I miss you...
    Even my friends want you...
    But, I can't say NO!
    I can't say that I am in Love with you...!

    4. Kanlı son...:

    Perdelerin üstü kan,
    Duvarların üstü kan.
    Şahım yanıyor,
    Hayatım önümden geçiyor...

    Kendimi yaralıyorum,
    Bıçakla vücuduma delikler açıyorum...
    Ailem bana bakıyor,
    Dur dur, yapma! Diyor.

    Bu yarayla yaşamak zorlaşıyor,
    Uçurumların sonu görünmüyor...
    Artık bitsin istiyorum
    Ve kalbime o bıçağı saplıyorum....

    4. English:
    Bloody end:

    Blood on the curtains,
    Blood on the walls.
    My King is on fire,
    My life is passing in front of me...

    I hurt myself,
    I make holes in my body with a knife...
    My family is looking at me,
    Stop, stop, don't! They are saying.

    It becomes difficult to live with this wound,
    The end of the cliffs are invisible...
    I want it to end now
    And I stick that knife in my heart....

    5. O ve ben...

    Nereye bakıyorsun diye sordular.
    Ona bakıyorum desem kim inanır?
    Karın beyazlığı onun ruhu,
    Ayın ışığı onun gözleri,
    Güneşin yansıması omun gülüşü,
    Çiçeklerin o büyüleyici kokusu onun kokusu,
    Her şey O!
    Ama O benim ben onunmuyum?

    5. English:
    He and me:

    They asked where you were looking.
    If I say I'm looking at him, who will believe it?
    The whiteness of his soul is the color of snow,
    The light of the moon is his eyes,
    The reflection of the sun is his smile,
    That charming smell of flowers is his smell,
    He is everything!
    But is he mine, am I his?

    6. Sorular...:

    Ne desem ve gülümsesem?
    Nasıl ona mektuplar verebilsem?
    Kanatları nerede bu kelimelerimin?
    Nerede mektuplarımın kanatları?
    Leylekler neden beni ona götürmüyorsunuz?
    Mektuplarımı götürseniz?
    Sizde beni yalnız bırakıyorsunuz...
    Onu bana getirseniz....

    6. Englisch:

    What should I say and smile?
    How can I give him letters?
    Where are the wings of these words?
    Where are the wings of my letters?
    Why don't storks take me to him?
    Can't they take my letters?
    They are leaving me alone...
    If they could bring him to me...

    7. Sokaklarda Sarhoş:

    Kaç geçe sarhoşça yollarını bekledim?
    Sokakların boşluklarında seni düşündüm,
    Belki bir mucize,
    Cıka gelir diye...?
    Sığara izmariti vardır elimde,
    Ne yazık sen yoksun karşımda...
    Sigaramın son dumanını içime çekerim,
    Seni düşünür, ay ve yıldızlara bakarım,
    Derin düşüncelere dalarım...
    Yerde bir Rakı şişesi,
    Ayaklarımın dibinde izmarit,
    Etraf kör karanlık,
    Üstüme düşen yağmur damlaları,
    Seni düşünüyorum...
    Sokağın ortasında, yalnız başıma, korkmadan...
    Aklımdan çıkmanı istiyorum,
    Ama seni seviyorum...
    Açı çekiyorum...
    İzmaritlerle kollarıma ismini damgalıyorum,
    Ama aşk açısından çok daha az canım yanıyor...
    Seni çok seviyorum...
    Sarhoşça seni düşünürken,
    Sokağın ortasında sızıyor,
    Ve seni rüyalarımda görüyorum...
    Seni çok seviyorum...!

    7. Englisch:
    Dunk on the street:

    How later did I wait for you drunk?
    I thought of you in the spaces of the empty streets,
    Maybe a miracle,
    He will maybe come...?
    I have cigarette butts in my hand,
    What a pity that you are not in front of me...
    I inhale the last smoke of my cigarette,
    I think of you, I look at the moon and the stars,
    I dive into deep thoughts...
    A bottle of Raki on the ground,
    Cigarette butts at my feet,
    It's blind darkness,
    Raindrops falling on me,
    I think of you...
    In the middle of the street, alone, without fear...
    I want you out of my mind,
    But I love you...
    I'm in love...
    I'm having pain...
    I stamp your name on my arms with cigarette butts,
    But it hurts less then the pain of love...
    I love you so much...
    While thinking of you, while İ am drunk,
    leaking in the middle of the street,
    And I see you in my dreams...
    I love you so much...

  • O, da draußen
    Da will ich nicht hinsehen!
    Ich weiß, dass da der große Schmerz heimkehrt.

    Aber, oh, ich kann mich nicht zurückhalten,
    Nun leutet Licht aufs dunkle Wand,
    Aber, o, wie schade alles bleibt schwarz.
    Jetzt schaue Ich aus dem Fenster
    Und da sehe ixh ihn, ja ihn, aber nicht allein
    Mein Herz stoppt, es möchte nicht mehr

    Sie halten Händchen
    Sie umarmen sich
    Sie küssen sich

    Mein Herz will nicht mehr schmerzen,
    Und so nehme ich es
    Drück es mir in den Brust

    Und nu ist der große Schmerz vorbei...

    => another poem but in German

  • Oh, out there
    I don't want to look at that!
    I know that the great pain comes home.

    But, oh, I can't hold back,
    Now light on the dark wall,
    But, oh, what a pity everything remains black.
    Now I look out the window
    And there I see him, yes him, but not alone
    My heart stops, it doesn't want anymore

    They hold hands
    They hug each other
    They kiss each other

    My heart doesn't want to hurt anymore,
    And that's how I take it
    Push it in my chest

    And now the great pain is over...

    I can just say that such poems (like here) describe love for me and falling in love

    Love is for everyone different

    love is a feeling or maybe something more? who knows... BUT love is something which is for everyone different (due to Experience and Other Things)

I think I never know. I mean, there was someone I felt like... I love them, but I would'nt like to be with them for the rest of my life. But mostly, when I lm in love, I think that "this is it". No, wait. Last time I screwed it up, because I was in love, but with someone I was thinking we don't fit and we are too different. Now I suffer and regret that 🥲

actually, the only thing that makes me falling in love with someone, is her beauty.

very beautiful Mulanyyy @Esma-Nur!!! 🥰🥰

and @Oxiu i really want to ask: can you maybe still talk with her and tell it??? i really hope that!

very beautiful Mulanyyy @Esma-Nur!!! 🥰🥰

and @Oxiu i really want to ask: can you maybe still talk with her and tell it??? i really hope that!

ihope that too

(lemme joke: )

SO YOU THINK EVERYONE U DONT FALL IN LOVE WITH ARE NOT BEAUTIFUL ?! BODYSHAMING (😂 it is a joke. My wills are not to get someone offended!)

actually, the only thing that makes me falling in love with someone, is her beauty.

I am curious bc it was one time that my mom and i heard it on tv (im not sure but was netflix or viki) and somebody said you CANT be in love with a person if you dont know that person. So if you like only the looks than you can only have a CRUSH and if you also like the person how he or she is as a person than you can be in LOVE. Do you think that is true?

And Mare i think if you say for her beauty you mean both looks and how she is? 🙂

I am curious bc it was one time that my mom and i heard it on tv (im not sure but was netflix or viki) and somebody said you CANT be in love with a person if you dont know that person. So if you like only the looks than you can only have a CRUSH and if you also like the person how he or she is as a person than you can be in LOVE. Do you think that is true?

And Mare i think if you say for her beauty you mean both looks and how she is? 🙂

both looks? what kind of looks do you think about then? and what exactly do you mean with "how she is" ?

I am curious bc it was one time that my mom and i heard it on tv (im not sure but was netflix or viki) and somebody said you CANT be in love with a person if you dont know that person. So if you like only the looks than you can only have a CRUSH and if you also like the person how he or she is as a person than you can be in LOVE. Do you think that is true?

And Mare i think if you say for her beauty you mean both looks and how she is? 🙂

Well, sometimes we fall in love with the person WE THINK she is, because it's not like we get to know someone, and we know everything about that person. But... I think it's completely normal when it comes to fall in love. Another thing is loving that person with the time, forever, etc.

I would like to tell one thing also: if You contact with someone, like, often, because it's your friend for example. And You may not consider this person as attractive. But if You like that person, know her more and more, her charm catches You, You can change the perceiving that person without your will, and suddenly You think that person looks attractive. So You never know, and the physical look isn't always the deciding factor at first.

@Yue_ well, I'm planning try to contact with her... In month or two. But I must finish/fix few things first. But it is stressful, waiting for that moment.

Well, sometimes we fall in love with the person WE THINK she is, because it's not like we get to know someone, and we know everything about that person. But... I think it's completely normal when it comes to fall in love. Another thing is loving that person with the time, forever, etc.

I would like to tell one thing also: if You contact with someone, like, often, because it's your friend for example. And You may not consider this person as attractive. But if You like that person, know her more and more, her charm catches You, You can change the perceiving that person without your will, and suddenly You think that person looks attractive. So You never know, and the physical look isn't always the deciding factor at first.

@Yue_ well, I'm planning try to contact with her... In month or two. But I must finish/fix few things first. But it is stressful, waiting for that moment.

well, i havent got that actually; her beauty is the very fisrst thing attractiive to me.

well, i havent ogt that actually; her beauty is the very fisrst thing attractiive to me.

Yeah, that's something You can know in first place, because You see it.

I was only writing with my first girlfriend for two years. I saw only what she showed me, I knew only what she told me.

But it took some time to get to know her.

Yeah, that's something You can know in first place, because You see it.

yes, but not only in the first place; allways, for me.

Love is the moment in which one is able to slay his/her ego for ever. That's a hard battle, and you're the battlefield. If you are able to run the risk of falling into ruin, then it's love. If not, anything else but love. What makes me fall in love with someone? I have never wanted to know the answer of this question, such an enigma is the wings for love. Only then you'd not fall but ascend.

Love is the moment in which one is able to slay his/her ego for ever. That's a hard battle, and you're the battlefield. If you are able to run the risk of falling into ruin, then it's love. If not, anything else but love. What makes me fall in love with someone? I have never wanted to know the answer of this question, such an enigma is the wings for love. Only then you'd not fall but ascend.

When you post in quotes forum you often quote other people of beautiful things they said. BUTTTT i think we can now all quote YOU because you write like in a poem very beautifully and i think we can start posting diogenes_cask quotes!!!! And this about ❤️❤️ is super beautiful!!! 🏆🏆

When you post in quotes forum you often quote other people of beautiful things they said. BUTTTT i think we can now all quote YOU because you write like in a poem very beautifully and i think we can start posting diogenes_cask quotes!!!! And this about ❤️❤️ is super beautiful!!! 🏆🏆

Thanks a lot, Yue. I sincerely appreciate your words. Nevertheless, I think I am way too far from being quoted. Time to time, I can speak some grandiloquence but it's just the ripe fruit of literature. 🙂

beautiful (email hidden) i don't fall in love easily. i fall in love with someone who communicates and is funny. i fall in love with a beautiful voice and with someone's character. because beauty alone fades it is what is inside that counts. what are you with a beautiful person who is ugly inside. i teach my children that someone who is real love comes through mutual respect and trust and communication and humor and supporting and helping each other. and real love you feel when it flows through your veins, when your heart pounds in your body when you hear or see that person. when you can talk and laugh together for hours without getting tired of each other.