Only for girls! 🤭🩸

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I'd recommend exercise too! Even if you really don't want to do anything, just go for a walk, or go work out. Everyone kinda figures out what helps them and what doesn't. (I cant eat too much dairy or anything because it will make me all bloated) I would try green tea too, that really calms me down and helps get rid of cramps

Huh, I was just bettled with advice... great! 🌸 thank you very much for the advice ❤️

And I'm glad that @AgDel joined this forum!

Maybe also nice questions for this forum:

➡️ Are your parents super strict?

➡️ Who is more strict: your dad or your mom?

➡️ Do you think they are too strict?

Maybe also nice questions for this forum:

➡️ Are your parents super strict?

➡️ Who is more strict: your dad or your mom?

➡️ Do you think they are too strict?

Wow, yes, great!

➡️ Are your parents super strict?

Not that much, but there are a lot of small things that I'm not allowed to do (for example me and my siblings can't eat in the car). All the small things make sense and are there for a reason though, so I'm glad they are there as rules. I think being strict to children when they are young helps them be more neat and tidy in their life when they grow up(unless you're too strict and they end up hating rules and try to break as many as possible).

➡️ Who is more strict: your dad or your mom?

In general it's my father.

➡️ Do you think they are too strict?

No. I can see why my parents are being strict sometimes, and I'm glad they love me and don't want me to make too many stupid mistakes when I'm older. All the rules they give are there for a reason, and if you just try to find why the rule is there you can clearly see it's important.

Maybe also nice questions for this forum:

➡️ Are your parents super strict?

➡️ Who is more strict: your dad or your mom?

➡️ Do you think they are too strict?

no my parents are not strict. They let me enjoy my teenage years and they are very understanding. The ONLY thing that my mom doesn’t like is the phone. But she lets me have a phone and do what i want anyways and they never checked my phone (there was never need to do it) i don’t even have a time to stop using the phone and she never took it. for example my brother is 12 and she doesn’t want him to have a phone (my brother doesn’t want a phone,he has a computer) and when i had to buy a phone i had to do it without her knowledge with my dad (he bought it for me) but she accepted it after some hours! And everything was and is always good with this phone thing.My parents give me a lot of trust that I earned. Some stupid people that know me only online maybe will judge me as a bad daughter because of my style or because i smoke,but i can assure you that i am not a bad daughter to my parents,otherwise they wouldn’t trust me,i can assure you this. They let me dress with the styles i like,the makeup i like and they let me dye my hair to express myself and like myself. And i am grateful for that. Because of this i had the possibility of trying new styles and hair i am very happy of. Of course they aren’t happy if i smoke,but they usually make me think about the consequences of my actions instead of punishing me and making me hate them. And when they make me think about my actions,i always understand.

Thank you very much @Miss_Penpal and @Roseeeee for answering the questions!!! 🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰 I agree with @Miss_Penpal about rules and they can make you better too like for example being clean and tidy. BUTTTT in our house i am more tidy than my parents!! 😛 😛 But what you said is true i think. 🙂

And @Roseeeee i dont think that ANYBODY on PPG thinks that you would be a bad daughter. When you talk about your parents you are always super kind about them what you say. And I believe that what you say that you mean it. And what you described: i think they trust you and they know you. So they know clearly that they can trust you. So nobody should judge it i think bc they know you less than your parents!!! ✨🏆

For me these are the answers:

➡️ Are your parents super strict?

Yes i think if i see from my friends my parents are a LOTTTT more strict. For example with helping in our house like helping my mom cooking and helping with the clothes (folding). And i help cleaning the house and doing other things more than my friends. But i DONT mind that and it is normal and when i am doing that with my mom we also talk a lot so it is not bad at all. They are also strict with social media and giving things like personal details and going out for example (I dont mean really going out but also to meet friends after dinner except some friends from my school that they know). And i have also other rules that they give but that is ok.

➡️ Who is more strict: your dad or your mom?

My dad 1000000%.

➡️ Do you think they are too strict?

Maybe they are a lot stricter than parents from friends BUTTTT i think they mean it in a good way. And it is also culture that in our house my dad is really the person who decides a LOTTT of things. But if we think it is not fair i dont want to argue with my dad because that is not a good idea and also it is not respectful. But i talk with my mom and sometimes she talks with my dad ORRR with my aunt bc she can also talk with him and they say sometimes he is like a dinosaur but it is a joke they dont REALLY mean it of course. 😛

Maybe also nice questions for this forum:

➡️ Are your parents super strict?

➡️ Who is more strict: your dad or your mom?

➡️ Do you think they are too strict?

My parents are a bit strict, like about social medias, phone and going out, but they don't mean it in a bad way. I think my dad is stricter than my mom, because he really cares about how I dress, if I wear makeup, if I date anyone... Sometimes they're too strict, but I know they are only trying to learn me rules to make me more mature.

My parents are a bit strict, like about social medias, phone and going out, but they don't mean it in a bad way. I think my dad is stricter than my mom, because he really cares about how I dress, if I wear makeup, if I date anyone... Sometimes they're too strict, but I know they are only trying to learn me rules to make me more mature.

Merci beaucoup @AgDel!! 😊😊 Are you allowed to wear make up? I cant wear that to school. Only if there is a super special thing like for example a wedding only a little bit is allowed. BUTTT less than my mom because it is more respectful in my culture. But i dont mind it because because it is normal for me. But some in my class do wear make up also to school. I think that is ok too because they decide it with their parents and i dont want to judge it. 🙄🙄 So if they like it and it is allowed that is also ok i think.

I'm allowed to wear a little bit of make up for events, but not really at school. If can't wear make up, can you wear nail polish ?

I'm allowed to wear a little bit of make up for events, but not really at school. If can't wear make up, can you wear nail polish ?

Oh, haha, I can do all of this 😄

I'm allowed to wear a little bit of make up for events, but not really at school. If can't wear make up, can you wear nail polish ?

I can have natural looking clear nail gloss that is not a problem BUTTTT not coloured nail polish bc my parents believe that it only distracts in school and I am not in school for trendy things but to learn and get good scores. Also clear lip gloss (NOTTT really shiny) is ok but NOTTTT any coloured lip stick. And that is for the same reason so you dont distract with it. My dad puts a lot of stress and pressure to get good grades and be in the best group of my class. So anything that distracts is NOTTT good (at least he thinks that). But my mom is more if you get good grades that is good enough.

Thank you very much @Miss_Penpal and @Roseeeee for answering the questions!!! 🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰 I agree with @Miss_Penpal about rules and they can make you better too like for example being clean and tidy. BUTTTT in our house i am more tidy than my parents!! 😛 😛 But what you said is true i think. 🙂

And @Roseeeee i dont think that ANYBODY on PPG thinks that you would be a bad daughter. When you talk about your parents you are always super kind about them what you say. And I believe that what you say that you mean it. And what you described: i think they trust you and they know you. So they know clearly that they can trust you. So nobody should judge it i think bc they know you less than your parents!!! ✨🏆

For me these are the answers:

➡️ Are your parents super strict?

Yes i think if i see from my friends my parents are a LOTTTT more strict. For example with helping in our house like helping my mom cooking and helping with the clothes (folding). And i help cleaning the house and doing other things more than my friends. But i DONT mind that and it is normal and when i am doing that with my mom we also talk a lot so it is not bad at all. They are also strict with social media and giving things like personal details and going out for example (I dont mean really going out but also to meet friends after dinner except some friends from my school that they know). And i have also other rules that they give but that is ok.

➡️ Who is more strict: your dad or your mom?

My dad 1000000%.

➡️ Do you think they are too strict?

Maybe they are a lot stricter than parents from friends BUTTTT i think they mean it in a good way. And it is also culture that in our house my dad is really the person who decides a LOTTT of things. But if we think it is not fair i dont want to argue with my dad because that is not a good idea and also it is not respectful. But i talk with my mom and sometimes she talks with my dad ORRR with my aunt bc she can also talk with him and they say sometimes he is like a dinosaur but it is a joke they dont REALLY mean it of course. 😛


Cool! Who wants to suggest topics now???

