

  • Something to tell the world!

    Hi, you can call me Ao. I like to learn new languages, especially italian and korean (even if I'm not good at korean yet). I like a lot of different music kinds, such as rap, pop, kpop, metal (with reserve. I don't like nu metal), and basically any music except if it has french lyrics. I write and read a lot, I like to draw, dance, crochet, and I play harp.
    If you want to talk to me, I speak english, italian, esperanto, and a tiny bit of korean and finish, but I would be happy to discover other languages. We can talk about everything you like, I promise I don't bite.

  • Cities and countries I have visited

    Rome, Italy. A stunning city, with a lot of history and culture, but full of people. If you want to travel there, you can visit many museums, or just walk on streets and look around, because the city is a piece of art in itself. Una città splendida, con una granda storia, ma li ci sono molte personne. Se vuoi visitare Roma, ci sono molte musei.
    Berlin, Germany.

