I admire the "I don't know" part. That is a proper admission as appears from the actual substance of your reaction. This is a very serious topic which demands proper diligence. The reliance on translated newspaper headlines and Instagram posts in matters as these may be an acceptable method in the current age, but I suggest a far more critical and robust manner in generating opinions.
Of course I realize that in modern times people have opinions about everything. This forum thread is a prime example. It also means that diligence and a much more careful approach are subject to erosion (as also demonstrated in this forum thread). A nuanced and critical line of reasoning may be inconvenient, but should not become a relic of the past.
This is not an attack but a friendly advice: be different than the online herd with pitchforks. If you wish to lead by reason: take a step back and reconsider your approach.
yep and that's why in previous replied i said "from the eyes of a netizen" in every forum I never act as an 'expert'. i know my place and myself better than anyone that's why i always show myself in forum, cause i learn a lot from people here and vice versa.
like i learn a lot from teenager here about many things, especially @Yue_ she may be way lot younger than me, but her calmness and ability in dealing to disagreement is something that i admire, and i learn, but does it make me less? nope. and i hang with various, younger, older, same age and we share many things. that's why i'm here. and if i know something and can be consume by public, why do i keep it to myself? i learned that sharing is caring.
I set myself as a netizen who observes how people think about this and that, the review, the thought (that's why it called as forum anyway, everyone in here can say anything) especially the issue of why people are starting to be skeptical of the 'upper class' (government, police, law, doctor) and There are so many examples in PPG forum here and on Quora that so many of them creating forum to convey & discussing their skepticism. (you can visit Quora, and you would be blow up by many things)
of course i wouldn't dare to say things that i know nothing. and imo, that is a statement that I think the information can still be consumed by the public, the rest, I rather not to say, cause yeahhh there is something that cannot be consume by public 😬😬😬