But the West just needs to move along with life and not be in the 40s 50s 60s mindset
But the West just needs to move along with life and not be in the 40s 50s 60s mindset
Igor643, if we won't talk, we will fight! It's better to fight in virtual reality. DWethers, probably uses some kind of program to translate. And yes, Crimea wasn't the birth place of Russia, neither it is a birth of Ukraine. First there were Greeks I guess. So, shell we now fight with Greeks?
I think ukraine started in kiev ngl
Igor643, if we won't talk, we will fight! It's better to fight in virtual reality. DWethers, probably uses some kind of program to translate. And yes, Crimea wasn't the birth place of Russia, neither it is a birth of Ukraine. First there were Greeks I guess. So, shell we now fight with Greeks?What is the point of talking and explaining world events to young dullards? What is the point of explaining the facts of history to them if they don't want to know it? What is the point of this chatter if they keep repeating the same thing every minute - Russia is the aggressor, Putin is a tyrant. It's like banging your head against the wall. There's no point in talking to a zombie. They have no brains. It's a waste of time.
I know I'm in a adult conversation but I really think china and taiwan in with the Russian ukraine situation might just sparks a global problem witch can spark a war
You're sure right about that!!
No, Igor643, I disagree. Actually, it's amazing! I realized that young people are more reasonable sometimes. The old people in the West (and in the East too) are still thinking by old cliche - a good communist is a dead communist. Or something like that. They are what the Western governments put into their braine. The young ones are like clear page. They tink differently. They might not know certain things, but they are more earnest. They will have this world, not we.
No, Igor643, I disagree. Actually, it's amazing! I realized that young people are more reasonable sometimes. The old people in the West (and in the East too) are still thinking by old cliche - a good communist is a dead communist. Or something like that. They are what the Western governments put into their braine. The young ones are like clear page. They tink differently. They might not know certain things, but they are more earnest. They will have this world, not we.Глупости вы говорите. Я уже засомневался в вашем возрасте. Вы что - хотите повернуть историю вспять? Кто главы с самых неандертальских времен в племени ? По нашему - в обществе ? Молодые ? Хрена вам! Большого ,толстого и длинного. Все главы племен были по сей день будут старейшие и умнейшие люди ! "Мир достанется им " - какая очевидная глупость ! Миром будут управлять старейшины ( сейчас это пердуны типа Сореса, Рокфеллера и других стариков . Так кому принадлежит мир ? Что ожидать от современной молодежи, которая погрязла в человеческих клоаках - пиво, танцы, развлечения,извращения, наркотики, ЛГБТ и прочие пакости человечества. Я засомневался, что вам 54 года . Рассуждать так как делаете это вы - это или потакание массе зомби, или неадекватное влечение к молодым. Вы не являетесь геем ?
Сергей не извращенец! Oн яркий пример хорошего члена, который может спорить здесь.
Igor643, why we are on this site? Certainly not to show how we are smart. We can discuss it in personal writings. I am here just to try to convey to the West public what is true and what is not true. Igor, we can communicate in private if you want. But nevertheless, teens are sometimes smarter than we are. Why we are here? To show how smart we are? I am certainly not for such things. What we are doing here? And you know, that next minute somebody might delete us? It's a virtual reality. You are here, and next time we diaper somewhere. What do we do about that? We can do nothing! The West is setting the rules! We have to comply. Don't you agree?
In the end who will succeed by his next generation followers? The one who is a patient teacher. The one who shows grace through compassion.
Years ago, I have gotten most of my news from our main national news source, the most established one that has gained a reputation over many decades with the American people. They taught me compassion and opened my eyes to how the world works even more. But I have learned that any news has the risk of providing incorrect information and to interpret the narrative on my own.
Igor643, why we are on this site? Certainly not to show how we are smart. We can discuss it in personal writings. I am here just to try to convey to the West public what is true and what is not true. Igor, we can communicate in private if you want. But nevertheless, teens are sometimes smarter than we are. Why we are here? To show how smart we are? I am certainly not for such things. What we are doing here? And you know, that next minute somebody might delete us? It's a virtual reality. You are here, and next time we diaper somewhere. What do we do about that? We can do nothing! The West is setting the rules! We have to comply. Don't you agree?Нечего бояться быть удаленным. Множество иностранных чатов есть как конкуренты. Ты находишься на форуме, Объяснять свою правоту. ты здесь не сможешь.Потому, что тебя заклюют, как куры червяка. Я общаюсь с нормальными людьми в личных сообщениях, И там есть разумные молодые люди с которыми можно общаться. Тебе хочется покрасоваться на форуме- пожалуйста это есть твое право. Но здесь для меня я редко нахожу нормальных собеседников. В большинстве своем - это зомбированные западными СМИ попугаи. Читать их бредни ежедневно - это только для смеха и убеждения в их тупости. Но общаться с ними это есть глупость. Я их игнорирую, как назойливых мух. И если хочешь писать мне - пиши на русском - нечего бояться использовать родной язык.
Bzzzzzzzzz... Obviously Igor thinks I'm a pesky fly! I bug those who's conscience is smaller than their mouth. No need to swallow a spider over me! Flies love a good scoop of what's not so clean from politicians.
I've cracked the Cold War silence!
Bzzzzzzzzz... Obviously Igor thinks I'm a pesky fly! I bug those who's conscience is smaller than their mouth. No need to swallow a spider over me! Flies love a good scoop of what's not so clean from politicians.The ears always sit on shit!
You see, Igor643, why we are here? Do you trying to convince me about state of the world? Apparently not. Do I trying to convince you about something? Of course not. We understand it. All we are doing is to convey to the people in the West why Russia is doing what it is doing. If we find people who can understand our logic, it's worth a lot. If they don't understand our logic, it means that we a failed. Many young people in the West not necessarily our enemies. Even the grown ups, not all of them our enemies. You know, many famous people in the West thinking that Russia is doing things which it has to do. The world is now very crazy. It's a total mess! We all need to understand what's going on in this crazy world. If we'll have even just the one person that understands us, it's already a victory.
My news paper's headline was ''USA becoming a more direct party in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine'', by the way
Good afternoon to everyone here wherever you are from and whatever your political opinion is ! As I used to say here before, all the people, communities and countries who feel now agressed, oppressed or threatened by the tyrannic regim of United Russia and his political leaders, I mean Wladimir Putin, Nicolai Progatchev, Serguei Chouighu, Dmitri Medvedev, Wladislav Sourko and Piotr Tolstoi must unite, fight together and create or military and financially support a new Rousskaia Osbowoldinatya Armiia ( POA or Russia s liberation army ) : that the spirits of all those who fought in the past to reach that goal be with us, I mean the Czar Nicolai and his family cowardly assassinated by bolcheviks in 1918, the generals of Russian White Armies during the Civil War which followed ( Piotr Wrangel, Anton Denikine , Lavr Kornilov, Wladimir Kappel, Ievgenny Miller , Ioudenny and Admiral Alexander Koltchak ), general Andrei Vlassov with his men and families ( the vlassovstsy ) who used to fight against Stalin s dictatorship during Ww2, former Vice president of the Federation of Russia and deputy of the Douma ( Russian parliament ) Dmitri Metznov who was cowardly assassinated by men of the Fsb ( Russian secret services ) in the street in 2015 and at last Alexei Navalnye deputy of the Douma and who is now in jail after a fake trial organised by russian authorities of today for having denonciated the corruption of russian government and more specially the use of money s state for his own private pleasure from Wladimir Putin himself !