So a man doesn´t have to look after the child he was a part of creating but a woman has? Just because he doesn´t want it, but the woman has to because no matter what she does like giving it up for adoption or aborting it, she will be a bad humen being in the eyes of society is fair?
Here you are twisting my words, so I suggest you to read again what I've said earlier:
Secondly because if you want to say that it's your body, then your choice, then there shouldn't be any law to force a father to assume his child, since it's woman's choice anyway.
My position seems pretty clear to me.
It is actually science that researched it very well, after that point all organs are developt and need to grow, just wanted to point it out, since you are aborting a fetus or an embroy not a child. In most cases an embryo, since a fetus can in most countries only be aborted if there is a critical medical reason ( endangerment of the life of the mother)
And I'm telling you that in science, some boxes are made out of convenience, still, since I'm not talking about a delay after which abortion should still be legal or not, I don't see why you pointed out with the need to say "it's not a child"...
Still no example, i would be quite happy to get to know that something changed on that side.
I suggest you to read again my answer to get why there is no example.
It is not about who suffers the most, the point is woman have to accept great risk of side effekts, man don´t .
It's getting tiring to say it: No, you are not forced, as a woman, to take the pill. Nobody force you to choose the pill over another contraceptive, and pill is pretty much "popular" mostly in Europe...
They are researching since 1930er for a contraseptiva for the men, they have resolutions almost as long as the pill, which came on the markt in the 1960er. So... not recent.
So, if it isn't very popular yet, it's because men refuse it? Didn't it come to your mind that it also might be because making a pill to stop 1 ovum to fuck up everything is much more easier than stopping hundred millions of spermatozoids to do so..? No, it's certainly "men's fault" or something like that and "women have to take pill"? Please...
I am pointing it out because you are saying that the woman can just take contraceptiva,.....
Please, show me where did I say that it's the woman that should take a contraceptive, because I can't remember to make such statement.
But making safe abortions illlegal in most cases isn´t the solution either.
I never said this should come alone. As mentionned by PolyguySJ, you can increase education, access to contraception and morning pills for instance. Else, if some people want to practice an illegal and unsafe abortion, or if they have to deal with their crap for the next 18 years, I honestly couldn't care less.
Making not create another living being should be the responsibility of both partners and not just the responsibility of the woman
That's exactly what I said multiple times already...