I think no one should glorify puttiing an end to some human's life just to raise up women in society. They perform abortions because they have to though, because of abuse to women or getting a better education or are the one to get pregnant from rape. Humans seem to be the most protected species on earth but once in a while I think most people would ponder about where their purpose came from and look to the fetus as a meaningful speck in this universe.

I live in Poland and I agree with you! Why should someone decide what to do with our own body? Additionally, the ban on abortion is a ban on legal and safe abortion. I don't understand our government's actions. In addition, another WOMAN made us such a hell.

It's an issue that abortion is still a big discussion. More or less, we are already overpopulated on this earth. So why do we even care what some specific women do with their body? At the end, we have bigger problems, whose affect us all human beings.
why do you think earth is overpopulated?

I don’t agree that it’s okay, if you know there is a slight change of getting pregnant if you have sex then why do it if you will kill a living being inside you. The world lies in our hands to make it a better place, when you abort a baby you are killing the future generations and a baby that will carry your legacy, there are tons of women who wish they could be pregnant or at least have a baby to call their own, and all you do it just kill the baby you don’t want. If you don’t want a baby give it up for adoption so it could find a better and be with a person who would love to have them and not kill them.

Woman's body - Woman's choice.

I don’t agree that it’s okay, if you know there is a slight change of getting pregnant if you have sex then why do it if you will kill a living being inside you. The world lies in our hands to make it a better place, when you abort a baby you are killing the future generations and a baby that will carry your legacy, there are tons of women who wish they could be pregnant or at least have a baby to call their own, and all you do it just kill the baby you don’t want. If you don’t want a baby give it up for adoption so it could find a better and be with a person who would love to have them and not kill them.

I don´t know if some one already said that, but.... the Teenager that commited suizid also would also have been the future generation....

i agree with Ratoah: A woman´s body is a woman´s choice

In Poland, when pregnancy is caused by rape, or when woman life is in danger, then woman can abort pregnancy.
I don't know what is alarming in this. Im pro-life, and I don't perceive protecting life as taking any rights from women.

Pretty much this. Abortion is sometimes used as a random contraceptive while it's absolutely not.

As for the "my body, my choice", again no. This is a pure sophism. Why? Firstly because as many would guess and say first, you need a man and a woman to make a child, be it directly or indirectly. Secondly because if you want to say that it's your body, then your choice, then there shouldn't be any law to force a father to assume his child, since it's woman's choice anyway. Thirdly, you have the choice to use a contraceptive with your partner, including afterpill, so eventually people can be a little bit responsible.

One also has to consider that someone need to do the abortion and that it is not necessarily a pleasant job to do. Finally, you can force a woman to get aborted, nothing prevent it actually and I've seen it happening.

So in my opinion, it should be restricted to some cases like in Poland. People have way enough stuff to avoid pregnancy including afterpill in case they fail.

In Poland, when pregnancy is caused by rape, or when woman life is in danger, then woman can abort pregnancy.
I don't know what is alarming in this. Im pro-life, and I don't perceive protecting life as taking any rights from women.

Pretty much this. Abortion is sometimes used as a random contraceptive while it's absolutely not.

As for the "my body, my choice", again no. This is a pure sophism. Why? Firstly because as many would guess and say first, you need a man and a woman to make a child, be it directly or indirectly. Secondly because if you want to say that it's your body, then your choice, then there shouldn't be any law to force a father to assume his child, since it's woman's choice anyway. Thirdly, you have the choice to use a contraceptive with your partner, including afterpill, so eventually people can be a little bit responsible.

One also has to consider that someone need to do the abortion and that it is not necessarily a pleasant job to do. Finally, you can force a woman to get aborted, nothing prevent it actually and I've seen it happening

Abortion isn´t used as random abortion, and an abortion isn´t an easy choice for woman. Many woman have to fight mentally with having an abortion. That´s because for many it is the only possible way.

And there is almost no law in any country that forces the man to look after and raise the child that like you said, took two people to create, most of all the have to pay some money and the real wrok, actually raising the child has to to the mother. Money doesn´t equal raising a child.

It gets accepted for a man to leave a pregnant woman or his child, but a woman the gives a child up for adoption? A cruel human being! A woman thats abort the embryo (Not CHILD! A bundle of cells) because she can give it the life it deserves? A murderer.

And yes i said it and embryo, up to the end of the 14 week it is called embryo. Starting at the 15. week it gets called fetus.

And all but one contraceptiva is for woman, most of hormonal with great a lot of risks. The only contraceptiva that a man can use at the moment is the condom. (I am not counting sterilisation in this.)

The hormonal contraceptiva for men isn´t going on the market because men revuse to take something from which they may get headaches or gain weight or have a higher risk for thromboses and so on, which woman are forced to accept since the first hormonal contraceptiva was introduced. Most contraceptiva actuelly have more and higher risks for their heahlt than what men would have to accept.

Abortion isn´t used as random abortion, and an abortion isn´t an easy choice for woman. Many woman have to fight mentally with having an abortion. That´s because for many it is the only possible way.
Sometime it is and, as I said, there are plenty of other solutions other than abortion which should be only considered as a last resort for extreme cases. The excuse saying it's the only possible way doesn't stand facing the multiple ways they could have prevented then ended a pregnancy with their partner.

And there is almost no law in any country that forces the man to look after and raise the child that like you said, took two people to create, most of all the have to pay some money and the real wrok, actually raising the child has to to the mother. Money doesn´t equal raising a child.
I never said there was any, I said there shouldn't be any. However, Child support is already forcing a father to look after his progeny.

It gets accepted for a man to leave a pregnant woman or his child, but a woman the gives a child up for adoption? A cruel human being! A woman thats abort the embryo (Not CHILD! A bundle of cells) because she can give it the life it deserves? A murderer.

And yes i said it and embryo, up to the end of the 14 week it is called embryo. Starting at the 15. week it gets called fetus.

What is that supposed to even mean..? Please don't play the victim card while letting suppose that I said such words.

As for the border between an embyo and a fetus, I didn't mention it either, but since you did, I have to mention that this border is only made because it's convenient. You don't suddenly become a human being in a wink, the same way that turning 18 doesn't make a person suddenly smarter and wiser.

And all but one contraceptiva is for woman, most of hormonal with great a lot of risks. The only contraceptiva that a man can use at the moment is the condom. (I am not counting sterilisation in this.)

The hormonal contraceptiva for men isn´t going on the market because men revuse to take something from which they may get headaches or gain weight or have a higher risk for thromboses and so on, which woman are forced to accept since the first hormonal contraceptiva was introduced. Most contraceptiva actuelly have more and higher risks for their heahlt than what men would have to accept.

There are actually more than one way for men, but most aren't very popular or fully developped. The pill for men isn't well spread mostly because it's recent and that sideeffects aren't well known alongside with some refuses for various reasons that are personnal the same way that women in some countries barely use pills for various reasons, once again, it rather looks like a victim card than an actual argument here.

So once again, if you don't want children, you act accordingly and if you just do crap, then both parents have to take responsibility for their stupidity and/or mistake.

Child support is letting the father of the hook, he gets the pay money and isn´t forced to look after the child at all,

as long the child is inside the woman developing, it is either fetus or embroy and not child in terms of teminology, up to the end of week 14 are the critical organs that we need to live getting developt.

If a man actually can get a hormonal contraceptiva, please tell me where and what is it name,
They will at this point never be fully developped because no men would accept some side effekts, woman have to accept them for over 30 years,

Here are some side effekts woman have to accept:
Mood swings
Stomach aches
chest pain
sensivity of the chest
Weight gain
Decrease of libido
Water retention
Personality changes
Blood cloths, with a quit a lot higher risk for a stroke or an hearth attack

I would like to live in a world where abortion is not needed in most cases. I think it is always reasonable if:

1. Continuing the pregnancy poses a significant danger to the mother's physical or mental health
2. Cases of rape (I think most cases of incest would fall under the rape exception)

There have been several places where unwanted pregnancies and abortions have been reduced when both sex education and free access to contraception are available. One of the problems here in the US is that lots of the people who are against abortion are also against sex education, free contraception and pre-marital sex and see limiting abortions and access to contraception as a way to limit pre-marital sex.

I also believe that free access to the morning after pill should be available. People make mistakes and I don't think one should force someone to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term if they were to make a mistake.

I also think that it would be acceptable to allow abortions for women who's partners lie about their fertility. If a man says they've had a vasectomy but they haven't and the woman gets pregnant she should be able to terminate the pregnancy. I would also be OK with allowing abortions for people who experience contraception failure.

Child support is letting the father of the hook, he gets the pay money and isn´t forced to look after the child at all,
Your opinion, but still the fact that men can be forced to pay for a child they never wanted and I don't see your point in saying otherwise.

as long the child is inside the woman developing, it is either fetus or embroy and not child in terms of teminology, up to the end of week 14 are the critical organs that we need to live getting developt.
Yes, ok, but biology doesn't work like that and your organ don't pop like unicorns. Like I said, those are convenient boxes in which you can divide different things more or less subjectively/blurrily which is aimless to talk about here because I never talked about until when an abortion should be legal or not.

If a man actually can get a hormonal contraceptiva, please tell me where and what is it name,
but most aren't very popular or fully developped [...]it's recent and that sideeffects aren't well known

They will at this point never be fully developped because no men would accept some side effekts, woman have to accept them for over 30 years,

Here are some side effekts woman have to accept:

Once again, what's your point here? Telling "look at me, I suffer the most" or attempting to make a pseudo war between genders like in a kindergarden..? To say that abortion is much more convenient than the pill? I seriously don't get it. Nobody force a woman to take the pill and she has the choice to get whoever she wants in her bed nowaday. Thus, she can pick the contraceptive she wants, get a partner to take a contraceptive isntead of her or just assume the child she is going to have with her mate if they don't care.

Child support is letting the father of the hook, he gets the pay money and isn´t forced to look after the child at all,
Your opinion, but still the fact that men can be forced to pay for a child they never wanted and I don't see your point in saying otherwise.

So a man doesn´t have to look after the child he was a part of creating but a woman has? Just because he doesn´t want it, but the woman has to because no matter what she does like giving it up for adoption or aborting it, she will be a bad humen being in the eyes of society is fair?

as long the child is inside the woman developing, it is either fetus or embroy and not child in terms of teminology, up to the end of week 14 are the critical organs that we need to live getting developt.
Yes, ok, but biology doesn't work like that and your organ don't pop like unicorns. Like I said, those are convenient boxes in which you can divide different things more or less subjectively/blurrily which is aimless to talk about here because I never talked about until when an abortion should be legal or not.

It is actually science that researched it very well, after that point all organs are developt and need to grow, just wanted to point it out, since you are aborting a fetus or an embroy not a child. In most cases an embryo, since a fetus can in most countries only be aborted if there is a critical medical reason ( endangerment of the life of the mother)

If a man actually can get a hormonal contraceptiva, please tell me where and what is it name,
but most aren't very popular or fully developped [...]it's recent and that sideeffects aren't well known

Still no example, i would be quite happy to get to know that something changed on that side.

They will at this point never be fully developped because no men would accept some side effekts, woman have to accept them for over 30 years,

Here are some side effekts woman have to accept:

Once again, what's your point here? Telling "look at me, I suffer the most" or attempting to make a pseudo war between genders like in a kindergarden..? To say that abortion is much more convenient than the pill? I seriously don't get it. Nobody force a woman to take the pill and she has the choice to get whoever she wants in her bed nowaday. Thus, she can pick the contraceptive she wants, get a partner to take a contraceptive isntead of her or just assume the child she is going to have with her mate if they don't care.

It is not about who suffers the most, the point is woman have to accept great risk of side effekts, man don´t .
They are researching since 1930er for a contraseptiva for the men, they have resolutions almost as long as the pill, which came on the markt in the 1960er. So... not recent.

I am pointing it out because you are saying that the woman can just take contraceptiva,.....
Not as easy as that sounds. And no an abortion isn´t more convient as contraceptiva.
But making safe abortions illlegal in most cases isn´t the solution either.
Making not create another living being should be the responsibility of both partners and not just the responsibility of the woman, many woman can´t take the pill because of side effekts

In ancient Rome you could legally euthanise up to 12 months after birth. In some countries legal abortions have been disproportionately against female foetuses. Take a look at Papua and the sex ratio on the Indonesian side compared to the New Guinea side? Makes you think


So a man doesn´t have to look after the child he was a part of creating but a woman has? Just because he doesn´t want it, but the woman has to because no matter what she does like giving it up for adoption or aborting it, she will be a bad humen being in the eyes of society is fair?
Here you are twisting my words, so I suggest you to read again what I've said earlier:
Secondly because if you want to say that it's your body, then your choice, then there shouldn't be any law to force a father to assume his child, since it's woman's choice anyway.
My position seems pretty clear to me.

It is actually science that researched it very well, after that point all organs are developt and need to grow, just wanted to point it out, since you are aborting a fetus or an embroy not a child. In most cases an embryo, since a fetus can in most countries only be aborted if there is a critical medical reason ( endangerment of the life of the mother)
And I'm telling you that in science, some boxes are made out of convenience, still, since I'm not talking about a delay after which abortion should still be legal or not, I don't see why you pointed out with the need to say "it's not a child"...

Still no example, i would be quite happy to get to know that something changed on that side.
I suggest you to read again my answer to get why there is no example.

It is not about who suffers the most, the point is woman have to accept great risk of side effekts, man don´t .
It's getting tiring to say it: No, you are not forced, as a woman, to take the pill. Nobody force you to choose the pill over another contraceptive, and pill is pretty much "popular" mostly in Europe...

They are researching since 1930er for a contraseptiva for the men, they have resolutions almost as long as the pill, which came on the markt in the 1960er. So... not recent.
So, if it isn't very popular yet, it's because men refuse it? Didn't it come to your mind that it also might be because making a pill to stop 1 ovum to fuck up everything is much more easier than stopping hundred millions of spermatozoids to do so..? No, it's certainly "men's fault" or something like that and "women have to take pill"? Please...

I am pointing it out because you are saying that the woman can just take contraceptiva,.....
Please, show me where did I say that it's the woman that should take a contraceptive, because I can't remember to make such statement.

But making safe abortions illlegal in most cases isn´t the solution either.
I never said this should come alone. As mentionned by PolyguySJ, you can increase education, access to contraception and morning pills for instance. Else, if some people want to practice an illegal and unsafe abortion, or if they have to deal with their crap for the next 18 years, I honestly couldn't care less.

Making not create another living being should be the responsibility of both partners and not just the responsibility of the woman
That's exactly what I said multiple times already...

What do you do when an aborted foetus/baby is born alive? This does happen and as medicine advances premature babies are surviving at an age they could have been aborted. In a famous court case in the US hospital administrators touring the hospital were shocked to find an aborted baby alive and abandoned. They took the team to court arguing that they should have put the baby in intensive care!

In court the two legal teams had very different views. One team insisted on "foetus" the other "baby".

In my opinion, states should definitely invest better in accompaniment, psychological support and easier adoption options for such cases.