What are you even talking about?!
Please, stop it... You know, in order to get all the information you want, we need to do lots of research -- in Russian, German, English, French, Croatian, Belorussian, Ukrainian and so on... And still it will be not the complete research... We will have to do context-based analysis, sentiment analysis, discourse analysis, intent analysis, content analysis, and so on... We will have to get and analyse lots of data in order to make our findings to be relevant, and not to be biased or subjective... You know, an opinion of one person is always biased and subjective... I just do not want to do it right now, I just wrote what I was thinking and I got the answers about the ratification... I am not a scholar, I am not a researcher... And I do not think that you are a child... I do not consider you stupid or anything you imagine... I just wanted to get the answers about the work of banking systems, payments systems and methods because it was essential for me from the point of business... Yes, I know a lot about politics and political systems, lots of reliable and unreliable data, but I am not a specialist!!! I AM NOT a politician, I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL! I am just a linguist...
Please, guys, do not take all the subjective opinions so seriously... It is just some exchange of opinions... Do you really want me to provide you with a thesis based on billions of sources?? I just told you the information from Russian podcasts such as Kommersant FM, from rumours, from my relatives living abroad and so on... I wanted to give you this podcast from Kommersant, but it is in Russian and probably paid (copyright, you know).
Please, do not get offended... I did not really want to offend you... I did not want to say anything impolite or rude... Probably, I really looked like a rude person... I know, I frequently look like a rude person... I can say lots of harsh things... I understand it and I am working on it.