Russia and other countries. Politics and governments

For instance, Muslims or Russians in Germany cannot become university professors, despite they have Ph.D. degrees and perfectly know German, English and Russian and so on
A minute of Google research shows that this is nonsense. Are you arguing in bad faith or are you just full of sh​it?

Glass ceiling is the thing when some people are not allowed to do some job just because of some formal reasons... For instance, Muslims or Russians in Germany cannot become university professors, despite they have Ph.D. degrees and perfectly know German, English and Russian and so on. It is typical for many countries where emigrants live... Emigrants will never be able to become librarians, university professors, school directors and so on... Despite that they have all the skills and knowledge... Hard skills, soft skills, critical thinking, emotional intelligence... They are just not natives... And it is sad. 🙁
As I told you, I know what it means. But you were talking about a slave farm. Slavery is something else than being affected by the glass ceiling. So the glass ceiling has nothing to do with anything we were talking about. Where are you trying to go with this?
And what have all your other things, except 2, to do with anything?
Have you actually tried to google in Russian? 😉

Just lots of cherry picking data... So boring... :-D

Have you actually tried to google in Russian? 😉
What are you even talking about?! And no, of course I have not. Since I dont speak Russian I obviously dont do research in it!
And what should I google? Everything you sent me had nothing to do with this entire conversation!

So youre not going to tell me anything about that slave farm, are you? There seems to be a lack of information. You cant just accuse people of holding slaves and then move on and talk about a vaccination anthem instead. Thats not how discussions work!

I have given you a lot of reasons why your arguments dont make sense and you just ignore them. Is that what you call critical thinking? Being shown that your wrong and then just dont mention it ever again? That is ridiculous. When I wrote that massive text, to show you that youre wrong, you first answered with "I like Austrian guys and Margaret Thatcher!" What was that even supposed to mean? I obviously ignored it because it had nothing to do with anything and I thought youd give actual arguments for... well anything. Apperantly thats just not how discussions work in your mind. You just get the contra-arguments, and ignore them. That is not how you discuss anything.

By now you tried to explain TWO of my found arguments against your text. One was a misunderstanding and you tried to explain the other by accusing Mrs. Merkel of slavery without giving any prove except your two friends.

You keep answering with out-of-context things, and when I ask what its supposed to mean you again change the topic. Its simply ridiculous. If you dont start answering in a way one can understand, I wont "discuss" with you any longer. And Im sure that that is fine with you, because I get the feeling that all you want is feeling superior because the stupid German child doesnt understand "critical thinking" and "emotional intelligence" and has no idea what the smart Russian woman is talking about.
But at some point in your life, youll have to understand that what you call "discussing" and "critical thinking" is actually nothing. You do not give arguments, you do not give reasons and you dont even answer with things related to anything. And at some point, that will get back at you because noone wants to discuss anything with a person who does it like you do.

In the beginning you asked everyone to explain things further, and that is exactly what you dont do at any time. You should start reflecting your own behavior and compare it to what you criticize in the behavior of others.

What are you even talking about?!
Please, stop it... You know, in order to get all the information you want, we need to do lots of research -- in Russian, German, English, French, Croatian, Belorussian, Ukrainian and so on... And still it will be not the complete research... We will have to do context-based analysis, sentiment analysis, discourse analysis, intent analysis, content analysis, and so on... We will have to get and analyse lots of data in order to make our findings to be relevant, and not to be biased or subjective... You know, an opinion of one person is always biased and subjective... I just do not want to do it right now, I just wrote what I was thinking and I got the answers about the ratification... I am not a scholar, I am not a researcher... And I do not think that you are a child... I do not consider you stupid or anything you imagine... I just wanted to get the answers about the work of banking systems, payments systems and methods because it was essential for me from the point of business... Yes, I know a lot about politics and political systems, lots of reliable and unreliable data, but I am not a specialist!!! I AM NOT a politician, I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL! I am just a linguist...
Please, guys, do not take all the subjective opinions so seriously... It is just some exchange of opinions... Do you really want me to provide you with a thesis based on billions of sources?? I just told you the information from Russian podcasts such as Kommersant FM, from rumours, from my relatives living abroad and so on... I wanted to give you this podcast from Kommersant, but it is in Russian and probably paid (copyright, you know).
Please, do not get offended... I did not really want to offend you... I did not want to say anything impolite or rude... Probably, I really looked like a rude person... I know, I frequently look like a rude person... I can say lots of harsh things... I understand it and I am working on it.

Edited by PolishJewGirl .
We will have to do context-based analysis, sentiment analysis, discourse analysis, intent analysis blah blah blah
If you make a claim, you need to be able to provide a source. It's really not difficult.

We will have to do context-based analysis, sentiment analysis, discourse analysis, intent analysis blah blah blah
If you make a claim, you need to be able to provide a source. It's really not difficult.

There is a good number of sources... Just look for "Germany, migrants-slaves".

Thank you. Modern slavery is real and is happening all across the world, including Europe and Russia.

We will have to do context-based analysis, sentiment analysis, discourse analysis, intent analysis blah blah blah
If you make a claim, you need to be able to provide a source. It's really not difficult.

There is a good number of sources... Just look for "Germany, migrants-slaves".

I cannot say anything about the Russian and Ukrainian articles as I, unfortunately, do not speak any Russian. To the articles by Reuters and DW I can only say: have you actually read these articles or did you just post them because their headline seems to confirm your hypothesis of "Merkel holdings its pool of migrant-slaves"?! If you would have read the articles carefully, then you would have not posted them. While the Reuters article is just a report on Marine Le Pen accusing Merkel on some stuff without giving any reason, the DW article even explicitly states that "slavery" as it sadly still occurs today is illegal also in Germany and that our crime office - the BKA - even actively tries to fight it. We are talking here mainly about two forms modern slavery. First, human trafficking where workers or women are blackmailed and threatened or the criminials make false promises to them to lure them into Germany. It is not like that Germany supports this stuff. It is a crime and actively fought! The second form is the "working slavery" where people are forced to work under inhuman conditions in other countries. The problem is that (German) companies might foster this if they just care for their profit and try to produce outside Germany as cheaply as possible. But saying that this is a "German phenomenon", i.e. that only German companies do this or that it is particularly prominent among German companies, is a joke! Probably, it is even much worse in other countries. Probably, in Russia it is even worse. At least, the Global Slavery Index - - suggests that you might want to look at your own faults first before pointing at someone else, huh?!
Of course, also Germany needs to do more about it. Currenty, our government plans to introduce a "Supply chain law" which requires companies to make sure that their pre-products supplied by foreign companies have been produced with sufficiently high labor and environmental standards. I am not sure how effective this law will be and there might be other effective ways but it might be a start.

Oh, and when we are already at making recommendations for Google searches. How about you google "turkish professors germany" or something similar?! Then, there might come up quickly a couple of names which show that your "glass ceiling" is somewhat incorrect. We could argue whether they are adequately represented in Germany, definitely. But your generality is on no point legitimate!



In this video this woman has a very selective indignation
Sadly violation of human rights exists also in some west countries. Is it a reason to ignore those made by the Putin system that are surely worse? Is it also a reason to consider Navalny as a nasty guy. Personaly I will not say that Assange is a coward because Navalny is in jail. A free press and ways of information are essential to denounce all the bad practices and to impeach the governments of all the planet to think they can do what they want but in Russia all the medias are under control. May be if Navalny reach the power he could be as corrupted as his predecessors but for the moment he is a possibility of alternative. I can only admire his courage.


In this video this woman has a very selective indignation
Sadly violation of human rights exists also in some west countries. Is it a reason to ignore those made by the Putin system that are surely worse? Is it also a reason to consider Navalny as a nasty guy. Personaly I will not say that Assange is a coward because Navalny is in jail. A free press and ways of information are essential to denounce all the bad practices and to impeach the governments of all the planet to think they can do what they want but in Russia all the medias are under control. May be if Navalny reach the power he could be as corrupted as his predecessors but for the moment he is a possibility of alternative. I can only admire his courage.

Do you know Navalny personally?
Can you read, speak and understand Russian?
Have you ever talked or communicated with Navalny?
You are writing as if he is your best friend or soul mate. 😉

No I have not the honor to know Navalny personally and you do you know Putin personally? As I said I only admire the courage but I’m not sure what he could became if he takes the power. I don’t think also that this woman on the video know enough Navalny to say such words. I don't know also the russian language. I only take note on the more varied as possibly news and watch the documentaries about the events happened some time ago when it’s possible to reflect far from the passions. I’ m obliged to notice that positive things about Putin are very rare among a lot of articles and videos. Despite big suspicions Putin was never directly found responsible for a succession of crimes, poisoning disappearances, suicides, exiles, menaces and arbitrary imprisonments but amazingly all these events always benefit him. For the moment it’s difficult to attribute such horrors to Navalny.

No I have not the honor to know Navalny personally and you do you know Putin personally? As I said I only admire the courage but I’m not sure what he could became if he takes the power. I don’t think also that this woman on the video know enough Navalny to say such words. I don't know also the russian language. I only take note on the more varied as possibly news and watch the documentaries about the events happened some time ago when it’s possible to reflect far from the passions. I’ m obliged to notice that positive things about Putin are very rare among a lot of articles and videos. Despite big suspicions Putin was never directly found responsible for a succession of crimes, poisoning disappearances, suicides, exiles, menaces and arbitrary imprisonments but amazingly all these events always benefit him. For the moment it’s difficult to attribute such horrors to Navalny.
You confirmed my expectations. You know everything only from the public sources. Me too. We can compare these sources, exchange our opinions, but we will probably never become any closer to the real situation...

Can you speak more of the Navalny affair according to your “ source” ? Is it a crime or only a simulation or a setup from the CIA? Did the German health services lie when they say they found novitchoc in the body of Navalny?

Can you speak more of the Navalny affair according to your “ source” ? Is it a crime or only a simulation or a setup from the CIA? Did the German health services lie when they say they found novitchoc in the body of Navalny?
I don't know anything about his poisoning, I have never researched this kind of information. I just followed his interviews in Russian and he did not sound really persuasive, confident or honest. Gorby sounded persuasive and honest, Nemtzov sounded persuasive and sincere, Navalny has never looked like a frank, sincere, honest and strong person. 🙁

I read that Russia is a good place to retire.

I read that Russia is a good place to retire.
There are no good or bad places to retire, everything depends on the person's desire to create positive atmosphere and attitudes around themselves, build up kind and warm relationships with people, a desire to follow their beliefs and ideals, don't hurt their nearest and dearest and people with whom they communicate, people themselves make their own luck, lives and fortune...

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