Hope everlasting friendship between the peoples of the world
First, I have to admit that the Olympics opening ceremony is fantastic ! But behind the other side of China, I see many problems there ... Tibet, the freedom of speech,unfair to Taiwanese people... They built the railway to Tibet to improve the economics which told by the China government.... Actually, because of the railway ,many Hans moved to Tibet , cause the Tibet culture vanished .... sorry I'm off topics你去过西藏吗,就在那儿瞎扯,蠢人!
Since I know no one has decided to boycott the Olympics because the Dalai Lama doesn't want to do that, he trying to look for peace, and the Chinese thought he will make the peasants of Tibet to rise in protests and triggered the protests across China. Clifford, I think that there's a reason why some countries should boycott the 2008 Olympics in the same way as U.S. and U.S.S.R did for each other...stupid americans.haha.fool
哈哈 你有本事就咒我留完這句話後就死
我還沒死耶 怎樣 你的國家教育你可教育的真好阿 罵人、咒人的話都一併教 CCP真厲害
我告訴你 台灣一直是中國的 一直是中華民國在保護著的
如果真的說誰比較想去美國 大陸的高官子弟們 領楓葉卡、綠卡的人多不多? 絕對會遠比媒體公開的還多
That's enough! The problem between Taiwan and China will not be solve by us, so we don't have to get into the fight over this!
Please stop it ,ok? No matter who you are.
Well if Money is all that counts we are a morally corrupt society we do not deserve to exist. If a human cannot express his mind because of money that is corruptionYes... You are right...you are right, I agree! we can speak at length about this topic but are just words, words and words .. Unfortunately, in today's world what counts is money!But that is not just sport...There is a lot of money behind that 🙁
I don't understand why we should boycott the games! Let's look to Georgia, Africa, South America .. Only the Chinese do not respect human rights? No, I don't think so!
China is a great country, most of peoples like to live there! A lot f foreigners wan't live there and travel there too and they respect chinese culture and their country. Everyone have own opinions but I think that if you don't really know, you just think you know about other country, don't come to say anything or try to be right about it.
I believe that chinese peoples knows better these things.
I have nothing more to say.
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