Name a song

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@Skorpio, I'm not sure you understand the game. You five the name of a song that has the word the last poster provided for the song name. @Mia_Wolf gave the word Key so you need a song with the word Key in it. You'll see below I give the name of such a song and then also give one for your suggestion. I then give the word Easy as the word to be in the next song title.

So for Mia_Wolf - Brand New Key by The Dollyrots which is a cover of the song originally done by Melanie

For Good Life I choose A Good Life by Jill Souble


Easy (Nico Santos)

Skinny love (Birdy)

Hope For the Hopeless (A Fine Frenzy)


"Joy to the World"


"Church of the Poison Mind" (Culture Club)


With Pen in Hand (Aretha Franklin)


Who says you can't go home (Bon Jovi)


Butterfly Thing (Tanya Donelly) - One of my favorite songs


Two birds on a wire (Regina Spektor)


Hey, soul sister (Train)


Rewrite The Stars ( Zac Efron & Zendaya)


Lemonade - NCT 127


butter, by BTS
80s mercedes by marren morris

Winter Without you(Gloria Kim)

Trust In You - The Offspring

Béruriers Noirs: Porcherie

Valleri - the Monkees

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