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They added ocarina of time and majoras mask on switch im so happy that feels so good to play these again. What are your best memories of these games?

As a blind, I can't play to Zelda. But I think A Blind Legend is a bit Zelda like. Only a bit I guess. You play only with the sound.

The plot of twilight princess it's beautiful <3

I rarely use this platform, let's add WhatsApp +852 9185 1392

i've only played the old LOZ games

Which was your favourite? 🙂

Wind waker hd & Ocarina of time 3d (3ds version)

I loved Ocarina of time and regret not getting the chance to play Majora's Mask during the days of N64.

I love Zelda too my favorite is BOTW

Like them all. But favorite is link's awakining and link to the past