✨The Line 👧🏻➖👨🏻✨

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Hello Fellow Penpals! 🙋🏻🙆🏻
I wonder do the young teenage know about The Boundaries Line between them and the Adult? 🤷🏻

I'm referring to the Boundaries that shouldn't be crossed and the boundaries that limiting, and protecting younger parties to unwanted things like Grooming, Pedophile, Sexual abuse or harassment, etc

For teenage (under 18), what do you think about it? do you think it's important or not? And what if you meet people who very attractive (but way older than you & above 18) catch your eyes, will you still stuck in the line? or you no longer mind it?

and for adult, what do you think about the boundaries? And how you deal with younger age (under 18) who hit & crush on you? what do you think of that phenomenal? do you think it's cute or does it make you scared/worried?

Since it's my first forum, i'm much looking forward for every point of view, perspective or if you have any thought or anything, feel free! ☺️✨

and im waiting for your guys answer, opinion and perspective as well, but no pressure!!! @Yue_ @Markovitz @Alliatysia @H_E_A_R_T @at_intp @Fleurke ☺️✨

and im waiting for your guys answer, opinion and perspective as well, but no pressure!!! @Yue_ @Markovitz @Alliatysia @H_E_A_R_T @at_intp @Fleurke ☺️✨
thank you for your 1st topic. I have 3 children and I have learned from an early age that they are not allowed to post photos of themselves in, for example, a top, and I am very open with my children. If someone were to blackmail them, they would know that they could immediately talk to me about it. I still impose a curfew for my 14-year-old daughter whereby she must irrevocably hand over the phone. Here on penpal I talk to young people, but I talk to them, for example, about school or about religion or about a forum. Once I had a very rude 13-year-old boy on chat and I didn't feel good about it for a moment because I just asked hello how are you. I always tell a young person who, for example, is still online on the forum at midnight that they should be careful and should go to sleep. that is my motherly instinct speaking

hiii @mayuuram!! thank you for writing the forum and i want to answer but first think about it a little bit. 🙄 but i will answer of course soon!! 😊😊🙏🙏

thank you for your 1st topic. I have 3 children and I have learned from an early age that they are not allowed to post photos of themselves in, for example, a top, and I am very open with my children. If someone were to blackmail them, they would know that they could immediately talk to me about it. I still impose a curfew for my 14-year-old daughter whereby she must irrevocably hand over the phone. Here on penpal I talk to young people, but I talk to them, for example, about school or about religion or about a forum. Once I had a very rude 13-year-old boy on chat and I didn't feel good about it for a moment because I just asked hello how are you. I always tell a young person who, for example, is still online on the forum at midnight that they should be careful and should go to sleep. that is my motherly instinct speaking

Well thanks for your opinion, It's very nice! I believe that you are a very good mother, i can feel that ☺️✨

hiii @mayuuram!! thank you for writing the forum and i want to answer but first think about it a little bit. 🙄 but i will answer of course soon!! 😊😊🙏🙏

haha sure take your time as much as you need, @Yue_ !

haha sure take your time as much as you need, @Yue_ !

Ok thank you! 😛😛 So i think that on PPG it is almost always safe. That is because two reasons: people live in countries very far away a lot and also because people on PPG are almost always very kind and with respect. That is what I think. So for me it was only one time that what you described is a problem. BUTTT it will not be a problem again because if you would meet a person i would always first ask my mom and i also promised even others on this site like @Roseeeee and @HappyvomSee and others to let them know first so i think that is safe. 🙂 And if somebody would be acting weird that you feel not really comfortable you can always block that person too or tell @Etienne about it. So I believe that on PPG it is very safe and I think others will probably agree like for example @Esma-Nur, @Miss_Penpal, @Emmiiii_17_11, @Roseeeee, @Sarahsalah27, @Pennarossa2024, @H_E_A_R_T, @Simone724, @mabah, @Sabri_KC, @Lianshen, @-Kiki- and @martutuni. ✨✨🏆🏆 And I forget so many others now who can tell their opinion too. 🙂

I chat a lot with anyone and it is almost always nice and funny!! And people who are older are always very patient and kind if for example i stay maybe stupid things or if i make mistakes with English if i type too fast. 😛 And sometimes also in French but that is more difficult. 😬😬 And I have friends from every ages here and i like that because it is always different if you write. So i think that is nice of PPG. 😺😺🥳🥳🥳 I hope that answers your question but i am curious what others will say! 🙂 And thank you for making a very nice forum @mayuuram. 🥇🥇🥇🎁🎈🎀

由 Yue_ 编辑.

Hello!! Im a bit busy with Uni so i’ll answer shortly ahahah Ive had people below 18 hitting on me but honestly I just thank them for their compliments and talk like any friend would. After that they didnt try to go further.

Having chats with people online is safe cause they dont really know you and you’re not meeting in person. But still, we live in a time in which we have all of our lives out there for people to see. Maybe not so easily accesible, and we need to be careful about it because we share more than what we actually know. And sadly there are people that are out of their minds and they still might hurt you in other ways while online.

That being said, I do think PPG is a safe space and it’s nice to see Etienne always paying attention and interacting with the users here. It makes it feel super safe!

I also think PPG is a fairly safe site to interact with people from all ages. Tho, I personally feel uncomfortable if older men direct message me sometimes, especially if they ask for my socials or for pictures. I think everyone should decide for themselves whether they do or don't want to interact with people out of their age range. If you're going to meet up with somebody you only know online, you should always at least tell one adult you trust. And don't do it if you haven't switched pictures, called, facetimed etc to make sure you don't meet up with a catfish.

Hello!! Im a bit busy with Uni so i’ll answer shortly ahahah Ive had people below 18 hitting on me but honestly I just thank them for their compliments and talk like any friend would. After that they didnt try to go further.

Having chats with people online is safe cause they dont really know you and you’re not meeting in person. But still, we live in a time in which we have all of our lives out there for people to see. Maybe not so easily accesible, and we need to be careful about it because we share more than what we actually know. And sadly there are people that are out of their minds and they still might hurt you in other ways while online.

That being said, I do think PPG is a safe space and it’s nice to see Etienne always paying attention and interacting with the users here. It makes it feel super safe!

yes we must be vigilant at all times, I have already been hurt twice here. and once a day approached someone who asked for money and usually also men who were looking for something other than friendship, but as mentioned, Etienne is there if you have a question.

well guys thanks for the answer, and tbh i'm talking about the issue like in general. Not specifically only in this apps, it could be other apps or in ur real life. anything

just trying to make this discussion alive haha cause i've met several person under 17 who actually didn't know about 'The Line & Boundaries rule' and they end up crushed on me without thinking twice. (and as an adult, tbh i feel kinda worry, lil scare and confuse cause i thought we are just friends. it's a mixed feeling ngl haha)

but i understand, not having any hate or upset or anything, im just worry about what if in future someone older hurt them🙂 or because of their unawareness dragged them to unwanted things, cause i knew a boy who are victim of this issue, and its heartbreaking.. 💔💔💔

And yes, if there's a lot of people under 17 who actually doesn't know this, for my next project maybe I will raise this issue on my upcoming comic and make some awareness of it.

also, yes i agree, like @Yue_ @martutuni @-Kiki- @Fleurke has said, i also believe @Etienne already gives his best to maintain and to make this apps like in safe place to whoever register in here.

由 mayuuram 编辑.
well guys thanks for the answer, and tbh i'm talking about the issue like in general. Not specifically only in this apps, it could be other apps or in ur real life. anything

just trying to make this discussion alive haha cause i've met several person under 17 who actually didn't know about 'The Line & Boundaries rule' and they end up crushed on me without thinking twice. (and as an adult, tbh i feel kinda worry, lil scare and confuse cause i thought we are just friends. it's a mixed feeling ngl haha)

but i understand, not having any hate or upset or anything, im just worry about what if in future someone older hurt them🙂 or because of their unawareness dragged them to unwanted things, cause i knew a boy who are victim of this issue, and its heartbreaking.. 💔💔💔

And yes, if there's a lot of people under 17 who actually doesn't know this, for my next project maybe I will raise this issue on my upcoming comic and make some awareness of it.

also, yes i agree, like @Yue_ @martutuni @-Kiki- @Fleurke has said, i also believe @Etienne already gives his best to maintain and to make this apps like in safe place to whoever register in here.

If there's an actual 'line and boundaries' rule, I don't think I've heard from it. Or maybe in a different way. Either way, I'd like to read more about it if you're down to make a forum about it. 😊

If there's an actual 'line and boundaries' rule, I don't think I've heard from it. Or maybe in a different way. Either way, I'd like to read more about it if you're down to make a forum about it. 😊

sure, you can google "Legal minimum ages and the realization of adolescents' rights" from unicef, it's a pdf file ☺️ and word 'the line' often used amongs adult to describe about line that's separate minor and adult.

I think it's a mistake to talk about a (clear) line between childhood and adulthood, while we already talk about adolescence, that the process is gradual, varies between 2 individuals and belongs, in the end, more to a spectrum that a real border. It sounds so complicated that no country really agree with each others...

Now, as others have said, I also think that Penpal-Gate is pretty ok. It sure is difficult to know what is happening for everyone, but from what I have seen, when there is a problem, the teenagers on the forum are the first to react and warn everyone that a user is not ok, resulting later in a ban and a safer place for everyone.
Because of that, I think teenagers here know their personal boundaries or at least what they should be warry of without the need for adults to be involved (with the exception of @Etienne who acts as a guardrail of course).

I also wanted to say one more thing. Actually two because i think it is really nice that @mayuuram made this forum because everybody can write their opinion about the topic. 🙂

What I wanted to say more is that i have chatted on the forum a lotttt and also private chats with adults too and almost everybody like for example @Pennarossa2024, @Simone724, @Lianshen, @Sabri_KC, @mabah and Lir_Elhan and of course @Etienne and also female adults like @HappyvomSee, @H_E_A_R_T and @Fleurke and people above who already wrote comments and so many more who are ALWAYS very respectful and kind for example if you have questions or if you mistakes they are VERY patient. That is very nice and important. And I feel always very safe about that. There is not even a single time that was different with my friends here who are now on PPG and in the past Michael too. I think it is important to also say that. 🙂 Only one time that was different but that person is not a member anymore. But the people here now i trust and are very good persons i think.

Now I have to sleep because it is SUPER LATE again!! 😛 😛 Good night everybody!!! 😴😴😴✨✨🌙🌙☄️☄️🪐🪐

Hi Mayuuram,

my daughter was very prematurely. We talked a lot about that topic
and also watched some films together to raise awareness. As we know now (she is 24)
she had her experiences and I am glad that we can talk about it. Our relationship
is better than ever.

I like it a lot that I have the possibility to message people all over the world
and I was surprised that I had many contacts with members under 18.
I think it is easier when you are female. But I have not experienced anybody
under 18 who hit and crushed on me.
And again I think PPG is a pretty save place and I don`t have other social media access.

Best wishes for your research and I like your interest in sensitising.


I think it's a mistake to talk about a (clear) line between childhood and adulthood, while we already talk about adolescence, that the process is gradual, varies between 2 individuals and belongs, in the end, more to a spectrum that a real border. It sounds so complicated that no country really agree with each others...

Now, as others have said, I also think that Penpal-Gate is pretty ok. It sure is difficult to know what is happening for everyone, but from what I have seen, when there is a problem, the teenagers on the forum are the first to react and warn everyone that a user is not ok, resulting later in a ban and a safer place for everyone.
Because of that, I think teenagers here know their personal boundaries or at least what they should be warry of without the need for adults to be involved (with the exception of @Etienne who acts as a guardrail of course).

alright, thanks for your answer i really appreciate it ☺️✨

I also wanted to say one more thing. Actually two because i think it is really nice that @mayuuram made this forum because everybody can write their opinion about the topic. 🙂

What I wanted to say more is that i have chatted on the forum a lotttt and also private chats with adults too and almost everybody like for example @Pennarossa2024, @Simone724, @Lianshen, @Sabri_KC, @mabah and Lir_Elhan and of course @Etienne and also female adults like @HappyvomSee, @H_E_A_R_T and @Fleurke and people above who already wrote comments and so many more who are ALWAYS very respectful and kind for example if you have questions or if you mistakes they are VERY patient. That is very nice and important. And I feel always very safe about that. There is not even a single time that was different with my friends here who are now on PPG and in the past Michael too. I think it is important to also say that. 🙂 Only one time that was different but that person is not a member anymore. But the people here now i trust and are very good persons i think.

Now I have to sleep because it is SUPER LATE again!! 😛 😛 Good night everybody!!! 😴😴😴✨✨🌙🌙☄️☄️🪐🪐

yeppp i'm so glad to hear that then! @Yue_ yes i agree some of ppg member here are nice and respectful that's why i hang here. I'm here only wanna know just in case some of them have different opinion/perspective remember that there are so many members here ☺️