πŸ₯° TRUE love is...❀️ Anything and everything

True love is when your beloved looks at you the same way your dog looks at your food.

But I hope that if you have a bf he does not think you are just food with legs!! πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

And very nice quotes @Romeo134 and @Lawrence11!! They are very beautiful!

haha i can give u tips and trick if you need it one day 😝😝😝

Thank you @mayuuram!! Maybe later now I dont know what to say. If they look at me or talk i am like an x-ray photo or statute of stone!! 🩻🩻

true love is buying me vodka

πŸ’•True love is be there when each other is sad or needs help
πŸ’•true love is be ourselves without be scare of be judge by the other
πŸ’•true love is doing nothing but still enjoying the time spending together
πŸ’•true love is try something new because the other likes it
πŸ’•true love is difficult but so sweet like honey

Edited by Clementine_cat .
true love is buying me vodka
I can buy u vodka but i m notnur true love lOL

True love is like clouds... ☁️ You don't always see its benefits, but in reality, you really need it to live and prosper. ☁️

Love without reason

Very beautiful and also funny quotes about true love!! I expected maybe just 2 or 3 people to react but thanks that so many people wrote nice things. I hope everybody who writes in this forum or reads it gets true love!! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°β€οΈ

Some very nice members left PPG but i still have contact by e-mail with some of my best friends from PPG! πŸ˜›

And Lir_Elhan (Michael) πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ wrote me a nice statement today and I like that with the statement he made he is still with us because i can share it here!! 😊😊

I like that next to funny quotes about true love we also have very beautiful statements. And I think this is a very special statement (and Michael πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ said I can share it):

___________________________________________ Love & Life ___________

"True Love means, there is no longer any difference

in terms of care for fellow human beings. In other

words, every being is given absolutely

same & equal attention. "

michael 06. October 2014

True love means respect from both sides true love means support each other in every thing your partner do true love means over and over take each other on dates efen if you are 20 or more years togheter true love means 2 people who chose each other over and over again even if they sometimes have a misuntherstanding

Edited by Fleurke .
True love means respect from both sides true love means support each other in every thing your partner do true love means over and over take each other on dates efen if you are 20 or more years togheter true love means 2 people who chose each other over and over again even if they sometimes have a misuntherstanding

That is very beautiful @Fleurke!! 😊😊 Thank you for sharing that beautiful statement in this forum with us. πŸ™πŸ™

And if you read this Michael (Lir_Elhan and @RESOLVE πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ ) thank you for keeping sharing so nice words on PPG!! So it makes you also still here and I am VERY happy about that!! πŸ₯°β€οΈ