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Do you feel lonely?

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Do you feel lonely sometimes? And why?

In wintertime, when it is cold and dark outside!

I don´t know the feeling of loneliness, not even if I´m on my own. I feel uncomfortable among large groups of people.

i do, even if im surrounded by groups of people i still feel alone thats a horrible feeling

I feel alone most of the time in some way. Online I'm alone and might as well leave everything. Feeling that I am a big liability for making everyone uncomfortable lets me know my time on earth has not made a difference and I'm just in the way.

Definitely no.

on weekends i do... but tmr is school so im happy

I'm used to it. 😌 I wish I did know how to connect with people more. I think America is a very lonely country.

Wenn überhaupt, dann wenn ich mich großen Menschengruppen (großen Städten) aufhalte...
If at all, then when I am in large groups of people (large cities) ...
That's why I don't care too much for crowds.
Deshalb mache ich mir nicht so viel aus Menschenmassen

i used too, my Father left us when i was a Baby and has had no contact since, now im better as i have a bf who makes me happy 🙂

Always. I have "friends" at school, but they all have a main bestf, so I'm just a backup friend. 🙂:
When I share my problems with them, they go and spill everything to their other friends, so it leaves me alone 🙂)

lately yes 🙁

Yes... almost daily... kinda used to it by now. I have family tho which makes it better

From time to time I feel loneliness . I tend to enjoy life but sometimes I think I need to be alone.

sometime, i think. When i was young, i had known that not everyone could be your friends even if you got along well with them. So i sometimes feel lonely though i am the good student and many classmates want to play with me. I think that the less you like it,the more you need to overcome or enjoy it. When i leave the crowd and others' judgements,i will find a new world.

Edytowane przez Riverfield .

I feel less lonely when I'm with myself.

Not anymore, since quite some time.

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