Would you die for your country?

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I want to be in the U.S Navy so Yeah I would die for my country

I would never die for any country
And i think becoming a soldier is the worst idea a person can have
Dint make yourself a murderer

I guess, I wouldn't. For the things and people I love and for the values I believe in, I would fight and maybe die. But for my whole country, idk.

Not for my country, but maybe for freedom. And I believe, the question we have to ask to ourself is what we mean by "our country"? Is it the country itself (the land), the nation or the state?

I could. For country. Not for government of course.


I could. For country. Not for government of course.
Yes, you are right!

I could. For country. Not for government of course.

Only brainless people are mimitary or will fie for nothing far of his country.

Better stay alive for your country. Dead people makes no family, no family makes no community, no community makes no nation, no nation makes no country. In epagogic approach you should live but in hypothetico-deductive reasoning you should die.

I get it when some of You say: "better don't die, it's good to be living" but You must be aware that soldiers are also protectors, not only invaders. And without their service, many things would just go in the worst direction for nations, for humans.

The truth is, there always will be bad forces in one form or another. So there also have to be good force, to defend people.

Not for my country, but maybe die for my family who live my country is possible

How about LIVING for our country ?

How about LIVING for our country ?
really great idea.... no one neads dead people we need living once!

Depends. I would die if people of my country fight against fachists like Hitler. But I wouldnt want to die for a senseless; brutale war.
And ofc I'd die for my family...for the ones I love

I think that would depends on the situation. If I have a choose, I would not. Because sometimes it's worth more alive than dead.If my country were at war, I wouldn't choose to be a soldier or just bringing a gun to shoot the enemies like some heroes in the human history did. Because this is death for me, and I'm really bad at using force, and I don't know anything about weapons. I may choose to contribute to the victory of my country in other ways that I am good at. But if I don't have a choice, I might.

Maybe but probably not?

Definitely not, unless I'm forced.

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