What are you reading now? Anything and everything

I just started k.d. lang: All You Get Is Me by Victoria Starr. It's a biography about the musician.

I'm reading: "The fire line - the story of the granite mountain hotshots" by Fernando Santos

I was just reading the original "Dune" from Frank Herbert again, and man...this is all so relevant still after 70 years since the writing of this book (the politics, the society, personal development etc)! This is on-par with Jules Verne if you ask me!

Ik lees: Het strand van de verloren schatten (A Castaway in Cornwell) van Julie Klassen en Chasing Shadows van Linn Austin

Estoy leyendo el libro "Sangre en el diván" sobre un psiquiatra acusado del asesinato de su paciente.
Basado en hechos reales.

I always have more than one open book at home... one of them is "Die Psychopathen unter uns" by Joe Navarro.
Die Psychopathen unter uns - das ist ja mal ein cooler Titel😂

Jaaa, haha. Es geht da wirklich um die psychologische Analyse von Psychopathen und deren Verhaltensmuster. Ich hab wohl zu viele Krimis geschaut...

Das hört sich richtig interessant an. Ich habe es mir gerade als Hörbuch down geloaded! Danke schön!

Freut mich, dass ich was weitergeben konnte 😃

Interestingly it seems like the book is titled Narcissists Among Us here in the US. That's the book I could find with the closest title her by Joe Navarro. I'll check it out as well.

The title reminds me of the researcher who was looking into psychopaths or sociopaths brains through brain imaging results and accidentally mixed his in with pile he was analyzing and identified himself as one. I'll have to try to remember where I read about that. It was fascinating but evidently the source was not memorable.

"Narcissists Among Us" sounds very interesting. I'm reading "Why Him Why Her" by Helen Fisher. Its kind of psychological analysis of what kind of personality traits attracts what kinds and why.

I'm reading the second volume of the Mirror Visitor series!

I'm reading the second volume of the Mirror Visitor series!

The Mirror Visitor is fantastic! I loved this serie a lot!

I'm currently reading 'Pillow Thoughts' by Courtney Peppernell

Between the lines

I just finished reading a monograph on Medieval Paintings in the Northern Indian Hills . I think I will start something lighter to read next ! Maybe some light fiction . I have 2-3 new books awaiting me . . .

I am currently reading Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness


Fence of Darkness by Oscar Cerruto

Rainbow valley by Lucy Maud Montgomery
I really need to spend my life in place with beautiful nature as the author has described.

A Day like this by Kelley McNeil

Tsangyanggyatso's poems.
Am'I spell his name right?

i am reading ''shadowhumters'',it has 400+ pages