Well, it would be more a question of HUMAN rights, right? I support HUMAN rights, regardless of the sexual orientation. So I don't support straight rights, nor gay rights. I do understand what you mean, but once I saw someone pointing out the «we're all human» part, and it stuck. I think that should be the question.
I agree they adopt. Children are not dumb - of course they will question, and of course they will find strange that they have two mothers or two fathers at first, but if things are explained in due time, reasonably, the child will get used to the idea. A child who is born in a one-parental home may also inquire why she only lives with one parent. They'll have to explain her the notion of «divorce». It's a matter of education. We've adapted ourselves to bigger things. I don't think they'll end up traumatized in the future, and certaintly not less loved. Child abuse nowadays is conducted in perfectly straight homes. Which proves loving children is not connected with being straight or not and the amount of traumatized children this days continues to grow, all coming from very straight homes. I think having two fathers who love a child and love each other will be much less harmful than having one very straight father paying his daughter some «night visits».
Second of all, isn't it interesting to think that straight relationship are ultimately driven by biological purposes (even unconsciounsly), of reproduction etc. etc., whereas the relationship between two men or two women is, apparently, driven only by their mutual feelings? If anything else, the natural tendency of humans to bond to each other and acting «social», but there is no reproductive instinct driving homossexuals and lesbians. It seems the only thing driving them is themselves, and the pursuit of pleasure/love/happiness...
On another point, how can homossexuality be anti-natural? There are examples of homossexuality in several other animal species. It's not we're unique. In terms of religion, if God created everything, even if the first couple on Earth was straight, homossexuality must have been on God's plans too right? Because if things go out of God's plans...than that'd probably make Him less all-knowing and less all-powerful, no? So, wouldn't that make him a little less God? Homossexuality must also belong to God's divine plan.