stop normalizing being mean for no reason.

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Being cold might comes with getting more hits than you can bear during your journey after that you feel sort of numbed front time people and action . Being mean with one word it comes from a black heart .

Its could in Sweden most of the years or people are depressed because of darkness. This might be a common Problem in Finland, too.

Why depression in this topic? What do you mean? Mine was just a thought I wasn’t sad,depressed or anything. You can’t handle more serious topics?

You literally said you had servere depression because of the bullying. I think he meant people may act more negatively and mean towards others when they're depressed themselves or sm.

You literally said you had servere depression because of the bullying. I think he meant people may act more negatively and mean towards others when they're depressed themselves or sm.

OMG I FORGOT I WROTE THAT HAHA i got 4 hrs of sleep last night lmao😭. Yes maybe people here act more mean because of depression and lack of things to do,and yes depression because of the darkness is common here,not my case though cause ive been depressed since 12. But yeah i understood his point,sorry,i am tired

OMG I FORGOT I WROTE THAT HAHA i got 4 hrs of sleep last night lmao😭. Yes maybe people here act more mean because of depression and lack of things to do,and yes depression because of the darkness is common here,not my case though cause ive been depressed since 12. But yeah i understood his point,sorry,i am tired

Nah it's okay, but it just felt like you attacked him for no need so that's why : )

Nah it's okay, but it just felt like you attacked him for no need so that's why : )

Yeahh true,i didn’t understand him

Still, Scandinavians have higher happiness level than us, even with dark weather 😮‍💨

At least according to some statistics.

In this generation being mean and bullying is very normalized. Being mean to people for no reason at all isn’t normal. You are uneducated and a total weirdo if you do it. Bullying is one of the worst things and it made many people take their lives. It ruined my life and I don’t have peace anymore since then. I have severe depression because of it. You are a horrible person if you bullied someone. Bullying should be illegal. Mean people are often seen as “cool” when they should be seen as weirdos.
Being cold isn’t wrong. Of course sweet people are always gonna be more liked in society ,but there is absolutely nothing offensive and wrong in being cold. I know a lot of people that are cold but they are very good people with a kind and true heart.For example,i am not the sweetest person ever. I can be super sweet (too much) in a relationship or in a very good friendship,but otherwise i am really not. I am kind to random people and I don’t do mean things. But i am not the kind of person that emotionally helps strangers cause I don’t have a lot of trust but as i said, i never do mean things to people even if of course i did my mistakes like everyone,they were never that kind.

what do you think about this topic? Did you ever bully or made fun of someone? Did you have situations when people were mean at you for no reason?

I'm not sure that bullying is normalized nowadays... You have all those campaigns that are fighting against any kind of discrimination and even stating an opposed opinion is sometimes considered as "mean" or "bullying" by some people. In fact, I believe that bullying at school has really decreased for younger generations compared to what it used to be years ago, even though it has moved to a more insidious and coward way with cyberbullying.

I guess that if bullying is existing, it's for a reason, maybe because it is mainly directed to outsiders (weirdos, foreigners, different social group, non-confirmists...) and just strenghten the bonds within a group/increase conformity by pointing out someone as a target.

I'm not sure that bullying is normalized nowadays... You have all those campaigns that are fighting against any kind of discrimination and even stating an opposed opinion is sometimes considered as "mean" or "bullying" by some people. In fact, I believe that bullying at school has really decreased for younger generations compared to what it used to be years ago, even though it has moved to a more insidious and coward way with cyberbullying.

I guess that if bullying is existing, it's for a reason, maybe because it is mainly directed to outsiders (weirdos, foreigners, different social group, non-confirmists...) and just strenghten the bonds within a group/increase conformity by pointing out someone as a target.

You could say bullying is a reason to bond, but that sounds cruel. I think the main reason is to hate on people who are different. Those bonds that are made are only based off of the hate for another person.

You could say bullying is a reason to bond, but that sounds cruel. I think the main reason is to hate on people who are different. Those bonds that are made are only based off of the hate for another person.

What I suggested here was an explanation as to why bullying is a thing (and probably could be rooted to our evolutionary history) and will probably never disappear, not a justification or an excuse for people to do it. I don't think that the bonds are necessarily "created", neither that it is hate per se. I would even say that the person bullied isn't so important and that the main goal of a bully is to get somewhat accepted himself, or at least not rejected, because when the victim of bullying leaves a school for instance, then there is almost always another person to becomes the new victim.

You could say bullying is a reason to bond, but that sounds cruel. I think the main reason is to hate on people who are different. Those bonds that are made are only based off of the hate for another person.

I never found pure hate in those who was bullying someone. It was rather... To make them feel for some reason better. One starts, the chief of group of assholes (if can I be straight), so he was the funny one or the owner of power. The others wanted to get "points", so were doing the same thing. And it was, indeed, like need of belonging to group. Everyone likes when someone is laughing because of their jokes. It's awful comfort zone for some people.

My sister was bullied by her friend, in the past. It was group of friends, they were spending their daily time after school or in vacation. Two girls, and 3 or 4 boys. And one girl was making fun of my sister. Without boys, they were best friends, but with boys around, she was rude and bitch to my sister. She was taking attention and praise, for the cost of my sister.

I think you guys have a point as well. @Oxiu I'm sorry that happend to your sister.

9 of 10 people believe that bullying is okay. I guess this will always be a problem.

9 of 10 people believe that bullying is okay. I guess this will always be a problem.

I don't know which statistics you have to support your view, because it sounds highly unlikely to me

Most people use statistics like a drunk man uses a lamppost; more for support than illumination.

Actually this speech is from a sarcastic Joke.

Most people use statistics like a drunk man uses a lamppost; more for support than illumination.

You could do either; do research to illuminate and provide the statistics to support your view afterwards in a discussion

9 of 10 people believe that bullying is okay. I guess this will always be a problem.

actually it's all depends on which place, but things that i do agree about the fact that some people didn't realize what they did is bullying since it already rooted. source

As simple as you throwing out a sarcastic joke that you think is very funny but the person you threw the joke to doesn't think it's funny, or feeling lost, well actually what that person did is a verbal bullying. (even for making jokes, there are rules, this is my source source 2 That's why people who are good at making humor are liked by many people, because making jokes without offending people is difficult, if you can, it means that the person is a smart one)

Bullying is not only explicit but also implicit, not only physical but also verbal. That is the reason why I myself always hold back from saying something to stranger or any acquaintance unless the person already knows my character.

and if you didn't know me well, haven't close to me yet, but out of nowhere saying some trashy, mean, cold words, oh, i could lose respect easily. cause myself always respect everyone first, but if I change, it's because of your own fault which tiring & make me sick of you 😬

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