🇳🇱 The Dutch forum 🇳🇱🧡

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Hello everybody! 🙋‍♀️

As I promised to @-Kiki-, @Sabri_KC and @alga98: this is the Dutch forum where you learn Dutch cool things to say and about the culture! So everything! I will also add links to other sources later (I am now not at home so will do that tomorrow).

But there is a test first! You can do the test and if you pass you are a Dutch student here! 😛 Good luck!! 🍀


1️⃣ Mention two things that Dutch people eat in the winter?

2️⃣ What are stroopwafels?

3️⃣ What is the name of the King and the Queen of The Netherlands?

4️⃣ What are 4 big cities in The Netherlands?

5️⃣ Can you mention 1 Dutch sporter who is now a champion?

6️⃣ How many provinces are there in The Netherlands?

7️⃣ Which languages are like Dutch a bit?

8️⃣ Why is orange the colour of The Netherlands?

9️⃣ Mention 3 famous painters from The Netherlands?

🔟 Which outdoor activity is famous in the winter in The Netherlands that is faster than walking?

You cant look at other answers!! You need 8 points to become a student! 😛

Hello everybody! 🙋‍♀️

As I promised to @-Kiki-, @Sabri_KC and @alga98: this is the Dutch forum where you learn Dutch cool things to say and about the culture! So everything! I will also add links to other sources later (I am now not at home so will do that tomorrow).

But there is a test first! You can do the test and if you pass you are a Dutch student here! 😛 Good luck!! 🍀


1️⃣ Mention two things that Dutch people eat in the winter?

2️⃣ What are stroopwafels?

3️⃣ What is the name of the King and the Queen of The Netherlands?

4️⃣ What are 4 big cities in The Netherlands?

5️⃣ Can you mention 1 Dutch sporter who is now a champion?

6️⃣ How many provinces are there in The Netherlands?

7️⃣ Which languages are like Dutch a bit?

8️⃣ Why is orange the colour of The Netherlands?

9️⃣ Mention 3 famous painters from The Netherlands?

🔟 Which outdoor activity is famous in the winter in The Netherlands that is faster than walking?

You cant look at other answers!! You need 8 points to become a student! 😛

Yue, that's wayy to hard for aspirant students 😅 I don't even know them all. 🙈👀

Wow ! It’s kind of hard 😅 but I tried to answer anyway. Yue, please know I did my best and some answers might be wrong !

1️⃣ Uhh… Carrots ? Peperkoek ? 😅

2️⃣ Stroopwafels are waffles ? 😛😅

3️⃣ I don’t know 😕 what a shame I’m so interested in Geography I should have known that…

4️⃣ Amsterdan, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Den Haag.

5️⃣ Memphis Depay ? (Soccer)

6️⃣ Hey I know that ! 12 (without the overseas territories) Which one are you from ? 😊

7️⃣ Flemish ? German ? Luxembourgish ?

8️⃣ Because it’s the color of the Royal family and it used to be on the flag before being replaced by red.

9️⃣ Van Gogh, and I don’t know 😅

🔟 Bicycle ? There are a plenty in the Netherlands 🙂

That’s it ! I hope I did well and that I may learn Dutch with you 😄

Sabri_KC님이 수정했습니다. .
Yue, that's wayy to hard for aspirant students 😅 I don't even know them all. 🙈👀

I forgot to say that you can use google so you do homework and it is enough that you make efforts so you can use google! But because I did not said it to @Sabri_KC I think that you made a BIG effort so you can be a student of course! And everybody can be a student!! The test you did was still good because you show you already know a LOT about The Netherlands Sabri! 😛

Tomorrow I will give the answers because maybe others want to do the test too. And I will put the first things here on the forum! 🙂

I am curious @Etienne, @Lianshen, @Pennarossa2024 and @Simone724 and of course others how many answers do you know of the test above even if you dont want to learn Dutch! 😛 😛

I am curious @Etienne, @Lianshen, @Pennarossa2024 and @Simone724 and of course others how many answers do you know of the test above even if you dont want to learn Dutch! 😛 😛
Dutch??? 😲🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴

Dutch??? 😲🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴

Hahahahh you must know some answers I think!! 😃 😛 😛

Hahahahh you must know some answers I think!! 😃 😛 😛
Noooo 😭

I am curious @Etienne, @Lianshen, @Pennarossa2024 and @Simone724 and of course others how many answers do you know of the test above even if you dont want to learn Dutch! 😛 😛
We never hear about the Netherlands so these questions are very hard! I would have probably answered the exact same things as @Sabri_KC for questions 4️⃣, 7️⃣ and 9️⃣. The only (very) random things I know about the Netherlands are how rich they got long ago thanks to trading, Geert Wilders, the infamous red light district of Amsterdam, and Riphagen 😂️ (which I loved the movie, I would definitely recommend)

I am curious @Etienne, @Lianshen, @Pennarossa2024 and @Simone724 and of course others how many answers do you know of the test above even if you dont want to learn Dutch! 😛 😛

I will try to answer, but don't expect too much please!

1️⃣ Maybe soup and hot chocolate?

2️⃣ A weird wafle?

3️⃣ Honestly,, I alwys forgot that Netherlands is part of the countries that still have a king...

4️⃣ Amsterdam, Utrecht, Rotterdam, La Haye (sorry, if it's different in Engglish)

5️⃣ Nope,ahah

6️⃣ I can't say, but it's question 6, so 6,a mongg which I know Holland, Zeland, Frise, Utrecht, Brabant, Guedre (I can't place them on a map)

7️⃣ Germanic languages. More specifically, it sounds like afunny version of English, and I guess it's the same or very close to flemish

8️⃣ The House of Orange-Nassau? not so former royal family apparently?

9️⃣ Van Gogh, Vermeer and Vermeer again

🔟 Skiing sounds weird in Netherlands to me, so... I don't know?

1️⃣ Mention two things that Dutch people eat in the winter? Chocolate? And turkey maybe? At least, this is what i would eat 😂

2️⃣ What are stroopwafels? A kind of sweet i think

3️⃣ What is the name of the King and the Queen of The Netherlands? Sorry i have no idea about that

4️⃣ What are 4 big cities in The Netherlands? This one is easy Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Eindhoven, Alkmaar

5️⃣ Can you mention 1 Dutch sporter who is now a champion? Easy too, as i follow football, i can say many: Depay, de Vrij, Dumfries, de Jong and many from the past too like Gullit, Van Bommel, van Basten, Cruijff ect.

6️⃣ How many provinces are there in The Netherlands? I don't know, 5?

7️⃣ Which languages are like Dutch a bit? I think scandinavian ones and Danish maybe

8️⃣ Why is orange the colour of The Netherlands? For royal reasons if i'm right?

9️⃣ Mention 3 famous painters from The Netherlands? Van Gogh, van Gogh and van Gogh ahahah oh Rembrandt too!

🔟 Which outdoor activity is famous in the winter in The Netherlands that is faster than walking? Skiing? Or just running! 😂

Thanks for the quiz @Yue_ i really enjoyed it!

Woww very very good!! You are all good students!!!! Now you all get an orange sticker of a heart! 🧡 And you can put it on the back of your mobile phone or on your diary or on your car! 😛

I will now discuss the right answers:

1️⃣ Mention two things that Dutch people eat in the winter?

Sabri said carrots and peperkoek! So peperkoek is like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontbijtkoek In English it says spice cake! But Dutch people eat it the whole year! 😛 Carrots is actually good because one of the answers is very heavy potato dishes!! For example with sprouts or carrots or sauerkraut and they eat like sausages or heavy meat with it. 🥔🥕🌭🥩 I cant eat it or I explode!!! 💥💥

And Lianshen said soup and hot chocolate and Simone also said chocolate! That is correct: warm hot chocolate milk with whipped cream and chocolate for Sinterklaas (the first letter of your name in chocolate)! And the soup is also correct: green pea soup with little sausage parts but it is HEAVY!! It is called erwtensoup! You can see it here: https://www.ah.nl/allerhande/recept/R-R1193583/erwtensoep

2️⃣ What are stroopwafels?

So Sabri and Lianshen said waffle or even weird waffle! 😛 And Simone said sweet and it is all true because they are caramel waffles: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroopwafel Now the most normal are the big stroopwafels but i like the mini stroopwafels or the crumbles (you buy a plastic bag full of crumbles)!

3️⃣ What is the name of the King and the Queen of The Netherlands?

Nobody knew!! I was like huhh that was easy!! 👑👑 The king is Willem-Alexander : https://www.royal-house.nl/members-royal-house/king-willem-alexander and the Queen is from Argentina but is now our Queen: Maxima https://www.royal-house.nl/members-royal-house/queen-maxima She is really cool and everybody in my country likes her a lot!! 🥰

4️⃣ What are 4 big cities in The Netherlands?

Simone said: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Eindhoven, Alkmaar and they are all correct!! And Lianshen and Sabri also said Utrecht and Den Haag. So all are correct! Super good! ✅✅✅

5️⃣ Can you mention 1 Dutch sporter who is now a champion?

Sabri and Simone mention football players but I dont follow it so good so I dont know who are champions. 😛 BUTTTT I give two examples: Max Verstappen because my dad loves racing and he says that Max Verstappen is the best if all the cars are the same. 🏎️🏎️ But I think racing is a bit boring!! 🤪😝 And I like the most Femke Bol!! She is super cool and she is a runner! https://www.groene.nl/artikel/het-verhaal-van-femke-bol

6️⃣ How many provinces are there in The Netherlands?

Sabri got it right because it is...............1️⃣2️⃣!! I live in Noord-Holland and here you can see all the provinces so you can look for Noord-Holland and say hello to me on the map: https://www.bol.com/nl/nl/p/nederland-kaart-poster-steden-rivieren-provincies-amsterdam-den-haag-rotterdam-friesland-30-x-40-cm/9300000007639806/ @-Kiki- which province do you live now? 😊

7️⃣ Which languages are like Dutch a bit?

I think what Simone said Scandanavian is interesting but i have no idea! Because if someone speaks like Swedish or Danish i have no idea what they say! But German and Flemish all yes and Afrikaans too! 🙂 And Lianshen said a funny version of English!! That was funny!! But it sounds very different too! 🙂 And what Sabri said Luxembourgish I dont know because I thought that they speak French there!! 🙄🙄

8️⃣ Why is orange the colour of The Netherlands?

You are all very right!!! It is because of the Royal family and Lianshen said the right name: House of Orange-Nassau!! Now what Sabri said is very good too because it used to be on the flag!! But it was the prince flag and now the orange is red. 🙂

9️⃣ Mention 3 famous painters from The Netherlands?

Together what you said it is correct!! Everybody said Van Gogh! And Lianshen said also Vermeer and Simone said Rembrandt!! Very good!! 🙂 The most famous is maybe Van Gogh because you all said that but I expected everybody would say first Rembrandt because he made the most famous painting the night watch and you can see it in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Night_Watch

🔟 Which outdoor activity is famous in the winter in The Netherlands that is faster than walking?

Skiing Lianshen and Simone? 😛 😛 There are not any mountains in my country! 😃 And Sabri said bicycle and that is true but people always ride bikes even in winter and it is icy everywhere and there are a lot of accidents. But the right answer is: ice skating on the rivers and canals and lakes!!!! There is a very famous ice skating match in the province Friesland and they skate to 11 cities. It is the 11 cities match and it is almost 200 km: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elfstedentocht

I liked the tip of Etienne because he said Riphagen and I have no idea who that is!! So I will look up that tip!! I will make the first Dutch lesson later but now my fingers are painful from a lot of typing!! 😛 😛

Welcome to the Dutch lessons everybody!! 🏆🥇

Welcome to the Dutch lessons everybody!! 🏆🥇
Yay !!! 😃🥳👏 I’m looking forward to starting those Dutch lessons ! Also, thanks for the feedback for my answers Yue !

Sabri_KC님이 수정했습니다. .

I'm going to make it today @Sabri_KC! I already have an idea what i want to make 😛 I hope that you will like it together with the other Dutch students 🙂

Ok good Dutch students are you ready for the first Dutch lesson? 🇳🇱🧡 I am now here with my friend Esther 👰 at school and today we are your Dutch teachers! 🤵‍♀️👩‍⚖️ She is not yet a member of PPG but if she FINALLY makes an account and you see an Esther everybody has to send her a lot of nice messages! 💌 📧 📩 And the Dutch students must do that in Dutch! 😛

So we start with the topic:


Now we have normal greetings and we decided to make NEW silly greetings!! So if you say the new silly greetings people will think you may be a tourist 🧳🎒 but you are also a secret Dutchie!!! 🥰🥰 You will impress everybody A LOT and they will LIKE YOU! ❤️🧡

1: Listen to this video on You Tube

You must first watch this video

In that video you will hear a lot of greetings and how you have to say it. ✅ But if you think that you don't need the rest of this lesson: WRONG!! ❌🆘❌⚠️☠️💀

2: Do this test first!

Ok so do this test:

- Are you a dinosaur? 🦖🦕 Yes: stop and eat a tree!! No: next question!
- Are you older than 95? 👵👴🧓 Yes: this lesson is maybe too late for you! No: good and next question!
- Do you have a very dry mouth? 👄 Yes: drink water and go to the beginning of this question! No: good you are now ready to speak Dutch because you will say a lot of gggggg and rrrrrrr and ststrgggggg and rstvwrgggggtttsgggg !! 😇😇

3: Which greetings can YOU use the best?

- We always say HOI to say hi and DOEG to say bye!!! And if you dont know the person very well or it is someone a lot older you can say HALLO or GOEIEDAG for hi and TOT ZIENS for goodbye. All these greetings were also in the video 🎥 so you can just repeat at home or in your car or when you are in bed and you cant sleep! 🏡🚗🛌

4: New special greetings

All the greetings below are in English perhaps a bit strange, but in Dutch they rhyme! So it is as strange as you can read in English but because it rhymes in Dutch it is like it is a perfect message to say to the Dutch person! 🙂 When you read in Dutch also try to say it loud! 😛

(1) Alessandra (@alga98) is in Amsterdam and falls in love with a very nice guy:

🇳🇱 Hoi! Ik ben Alessandra and in Italië zeggen ze ciao. Maar ik hou van jou!! 👩‍❤️‍👨

🇬🇧 It means: Hi! I am Alessandra and in Italy they say ciao. But I love you!! 🥰

(2) Sabri (@Sabri_KC) is hungry and wants to buy peperkoek in the supermarket Albert Heijn (that is the blue colour supermarket)!

🇳🇱 Mevrouw mijn neus brengt mij niet dichterbij! Maar waar oh waar is de peperkoek en maak mij voor altijd blij! 😃

🇬🇧 It means: Lady (from the supermarket) my nose does not bring me close. But where oh where is the peperkoek and make me happy forever!

(3) @Etienne sees Yue on the street and wants to show how good he can speak Dutch!

🇳🇱 Er is geen woord die ik niet ken, maar weet je nog eigenlijk wie ik ben? Of heb je het misschien door? Ik ben Etienne van het kasteel van Chambord!

🇬🇧 There is not a word that I dont know, but do you actually know who I am? Or do you perhaps know it already? I am Etienne of the castle of Chambord!

(4) @Lianshen is in the zoo and wants to see a red panda like on his profile picture!

🇳🇱 Net als de rode panda ben ik nu mega sloom!! Waar is de panda en dan slaap ik ernaast in de boom!!

🇬🇧 Just like the red panda I am super slow and tired!! Where is the red panda and I will sleep next to him in the tree!! 🌳😴😴

(5) @Simone724 meets a pretty Dutch lady and he wants to take her for dinner! 💃 🍜

🇳🇱 Hoe mooi je bent kun je nooit weten! Laten wij nu samen een hapje eten!! 😛

🇬🇧 You will never know how beautiful you are! Now let's eat together!!

(6) @Pennarossa2024 wants to buy a new pet for at home!

🇳🇱 Lief hondje je bent een schat! En wordt straks vriendjes met 25 kuikens en 1 schildpad!

🇬🇧 Sweet little dog you are so cute! And become friends with 25 baby chickens and 1 turtje!

@-Kiki- just let us know if you want to add anything for this first lesson!! We hope that everybody enjoyed it!! 🤭🥰🥰

Yue_님이 수정했습니다. .

It's so hard! I can recognize a few Germanic words but that's it 😵️. Thankfully you're a great teacher 😃

It's so hard! I can recognize a few Germanic words but that's it 😵️. Thankfully you're a great teacher 😃

Maybe it is a good idea that later you have a Dutch day at home or at your work! And everybody can only speak Dutch! 😛

I will post very soon another quiz or give a special task in the forum! 😃

Hello Dutch students! 🙂 🙋‍♀️

I will make another lesson this week, BUTTT first i have a job for you to do. 😛

Name to famous Dutch persons who are now alive or from the past who you think are great. And why do you think they are great? 🙄

And the second assignment: if you would live a year in The Netherlands, in which city or place would you like to live? 🏡🏚️🏠