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🌙Eid Ul Adha ☪︎ Everyday life and customs

An account manager in the company I work told once he observed that many muslims drink alcohol when its dark.
The Motto: When its dark allah wont see it anyways
People love spoiling Muslims name
Anyways, those people are not really Muslims, because we have to believe that Allah is everywhere

Those people are stupid!
If they believe in God then how can they think that they can hide from their creator???
Were u speaking about insane people????

Take a look in the Turkey for example.
I even guess young people in Iran have other sorrows than only religion. I think thats the inner fight between Muslims: The one who want modern religion and modern dogmas and other want to stay traditional.

The catholic church has this problem too. Many priests and even cardinals want a modern dogma because people leave the faith and the church because they are too much traditional, but the pope dont want, because he has enough people in Africa, Latin Americas and Middle Americas.

In the 60s and later again they had official reformes, because the priests e.g. still spoke in latin until then.

The Islam will need something like this earlier or later, but I fear anytime you will have your 30 years of war like Christians had in 15th century.

In general you can say: The better the life circumstances and the more prosperity you have in a country the more efford you need to held people in a traditional religion and its rituals.
You can see it in all western countries since about 40 years. If many muslims countries wouldnt have a dictatorship you won´t find the same religion there (e.g. Abu Dhabi, Tunesia).

An account manager in the company I work told once he observed that many muslims drink alcohol when its dark.
The Motto: When its dark allah wont see it anyways
People love spoiling Muslims name
Anyways, those people are not really Muslims, because we have to believe that Allah is everywhere

Those people are stupid!
If they believe in God then how can they think that they can hide from their creator???
Were u speaking about insane people????

Take a look in the Turkey for example.
I even guess young people in Iran have other sorrows than only religion. I think thats the inner fight between Muslims: The one who want modern religion and modern dogmas and other want to stay traditional.

The catholic church has this problem too. Many priests and even cardinals want a modern dogma because people leave the faith and the church because they are too much traditional, but the pope dont want, because he has enough people in Africa, Latin Americas and Middle Americas.

In the 60s and later again they had official reformes, because the priests e.g. still spoke in latin until then.

The Islam will need something like this earlier or later, but I fear anytime you will have your 30 years of war like Christians had in 15th century.

Where are the true christians even???
U guys don't even follow ur bible etc
You guys R also supposed to dress modestly etc, look at the old christians, follow them at least

We don´t follow anymore, at least very most people.
In western countries the most people go to church on Sundays either they are used to, to be under people or they think they "have to" (for their inner peace). But I doubt anybody will nowadays honestly fear god will punish him/her for not going to church every sunday.

And the christian churches - especially the catholic - have given more than enough proves in the last 15 years that they are just: human! And they think they are infallible. So infallible that a not inconsiderable number of priests and spiritual children have been harmed or abused in homes because they thought no one would ever question their authority. Those cases were often from 50s to 80s and nobody knows how many victims there were really!
Now the church has the problem that people are leaving it and the church can do absolutely nothing about it.

There are even more and more people who no longer want to have a Christian funeral at all but have themselves burned to ashes after death and buried in a forest cemetery.

One thing - at least in Germany - people are really wondering about is why muslims does so few protest against agitation and violence in islam countries - except now in Gaza.
There was a very interesting talk on TV this week by an Islamic cleric who said quite clearly:
“The difference between the grievances in many Islamic countries and that in Israel vs. Gaza is: this is a learned and taught behavior that is commonplace in many Islamic countries. It is a kind of inherited revenge for the wars and the defeat of the Islamic countries that defeated Israel in both wars.
There is no hatred of other religions in the Koran, it just works particularly well in the Israel conflict.”

We don´t follow anymore, at least very most people.
In western countries the most people go to church on Sundays either they are used to, to be under people or they think they "have to" (for their inner peace). But I doubt anybody will nowadays honestly fear god will punish him/her for not going to church every sunday.

And the christian churches - especially the catholic - have given more than enough proves in the last 15 years that they are just: human! And they think they are infallible. So infallible that a not inconsiderable number of priests and spiritual children have been harmed or abused in homes because they thought no one would ever question their authority. Those cases were often from 50s to 80s and nobody knows how many victims there were really!
Now the church has the problem that people are leaving it and the church can do absolutely nothing about it.

There are even more and more people who no longer want to have a Christian funeral at all but have themselves burned to ashes after death and buried in a forest cemetery.

Atheisim is taking over the christian society

One thing - at least in Germany - people are really wondering about is why muslims does so few protest against agitation and violence in islam countries - except now in Gaza.
There was a very interesting talk on TV this week by an Islamic cleric who said quite clearly:
“The difference between the grievances in many Islamic countries and that in Israel vs. Gaza is: this is a learned and taught behavior that is commonplace in many Islamic countries. It is a kind of inherited revenge for the wars and the defeat of the Islamic countries that defeated Israel in both wars.
There is no hatred of other religions in the Koran, it just works particularly well in the Israel conflict.”
For centuries now, Muslims and jews have been enemies
They are a very terrible nation

Excuse me?
Arabs drinking camel urine?
Are you crazy?
We Arabs are a very proud nation and would never resort to drinking urine!
Maybe you should learn more about the cultural practices of a part of your ethnicityand religion then. If you want a proof, just a look on google will lead you to: "A hadith in Book 4 (Ablution) of al-Bukhari's collection narrated by Anas ibn Malik was used to promote the consumption of Arabian camel urine as a medicine."

Maybe you should visit France someday. Bottle of camel's piss is becoming a cultural speciality thanks to our muslim community 😉

Have you ever seen a drunk Arab? NO, because we have principles and morals!
Don't insult me and my people again, and don't accuse us without any proof!
Yes? Often? They even tend to use Allah's name and swearing on Qu'ran more than the average! Arabs, Maghreb people, Afghans... And wait until you learn that they are drug addicts, sells drug, rape, steal, kill on a daily basis in France and Europe. Actually, people from muslim countries are at least 2 times more prone to be criminals.
here another "proof":


Produce two types of droppings: hard pellets and soft cecotropes.
Consume only the cecotropes, which are nutrient-rich and essential for their health.
This process is a natural and necessary part of their digestion.

Are you hypocrite enough to deny that they still eat their feces? Damn the gymnastic muslims have to do to save theur fucked up argument...

Occasionally eat feces, but this is not a necessary or regular part of their diet.
This behavior might occur due to environmental factors, or simply curiosity.
Thus, while both animals might consume feces, rabbits do it regularly and as a vital part of their diet, whereas for pigs, it is not a normal or necessary behavior
You are basically reapeating what I said about rabbits.
As for porks, you are jumping to conclusions due to your prejudices and because you copy things on the internet without any background in biology. Sadly, not only you are wrong, but your quotation is also biased.

I suggest you to dig deeper in "environmental factors" and why it is "not normal" before saying "omg pigs love filthy stuff" (while many more animals, once again, eat shit, koala (baby eat mother's poop), deers and birds eat their babies' poop (and the opposite as well for birds), dung beetles, monkeys, dogs, horses.

The "not normal" can refer to a stressful state of the animal. Whereas environmental factors more generally include this not normal state, but also hunger, need for some nutrients (well, yes, sadly, poop has nutrients for many species, including the plants you eat and probably love), stress (this include harsh treatments, lack of activity/stimulation, which is what you probablyy refers as """curiosity""" here) etc.

In the case of pig, there is a lot to think that the consumption of feces is very related to bad farming practice, as they usually poop in a different spot from which they eat, like I said earlier and that you ignored. It is to note that pigs not only are clean, but are very smart and sensitive animals, so, yes, their behaviour could be very weird when stressed.
Funnily, many people think that pigs naturally have a stripped tail whereas it is a sign that they are stressed. "Normal" pigs have straight tails!

You have the right not to eat pork for religious reasons, but saying that it's because pork are filthy is just as ridiculous as claiming that Arabs and Muslims, as an ethnicity/religious community is immune to act in very strange ways.

You know what
I don't care if u eat pig
It's not my fault
Alot of people eat pig
It's not gonna affect me if u consume filth
You carry on stuffing ur face with swine, not my business
Rabbits don't eat actual feces, they have 2 different types of feces
Pigs eat actual feces, they also eat other animals feces, rabbits only consume their own feces
Feces are vital for rabbits, pigs eat it by choicd
The problem is not about me eating pork or not, but about your argument to exclude pork from your consumption. You could say many things, but saying that pigs are filthy using coprophagia is at best hypocrite.

In order to keep your belief, you said rabbits don't eat poop because they make 2 kind of... poop and only eat 1 while ignoring that:
- Most of animal farms in our industry eat shit
- Many other species does. Rabbit is only one example, but other as well
- Porks don't naturally eat shit
- If porks do, then it's - according to your own words - not normal or can be explained by environmental factors
- It could also be important for them like for many species (microbiot, vitamins...)

You have other reasons not to eat pork if you want. Even the sanitary one is more valid, although we are not living in middle age anymore. Normally...

The "Muslims" you speak a out are not real Mudlims
A true Muslim will never ever do such henious crimes
Do u know what the punishment is if a Muslim has to do such evil vile stuff??
"muh not real muslims" it's always the same with your community... Yes, right, they might not be pious muslims, according to you! But kind remember that muslims are killing each others more than anybody for slightly different ways of practicing Islam.
More than that, may I recall you that you didn't start by admitting that some could ppotentially not be so nice, but by defending all of your community without any critical mind.

This and other things, despite many muslims being kind and respectable people, let me think that muslims absolutely don't belong to european countries.

Edited by Lianshen .
One thing - at least in Germany - people are really wondering about is why muslims does so few protest against agitation and violence in islam countries - except now in Gaza.
There was a very interesting talk on TV this week by an Islamic cleric who said quite clearly:
“The difference between the grievances in many Islamic countries and that in Israel vs. Gaza is: this is a learned and taught behavior that is commonplace in many Islamic countries. It is a kind of inherited revenge for the wars and the defeat of the Islamic countries that defeated Israel in both wars.
There is no hatred of other religions in the Koran, it just works particularly well in the Israel conflict.”
They are a very terrible nation
And so are islamic nations.

And the christian churches - especially the catholic - have given more than enough proves in the last 15 years that they are just: human! And they think they are infallible. So infallible that a not inconsiderable number of priests and spiritual children have been harmed or abused in homes because they thought no one would ever question their authority. Those cases were often from 50s to 80s and nobody knows how many victims there were really!
Now the church has the problem that people are leaving it and the church can do absolutely nothing about it.

There are even more and more people who no longer want to have a Christian funeral at all but have themselves burned to ashes after death and buried in a forest cemetery.

I don't think Catholic think that they are infaillibles. On the contrary, there are many problems in Catholicism and some, not all but a good amount, are able to acknowledge that many parts of the religion is broken. Only the religious authorities have some issues with assuming problems of this kind I think.

In general, I'd say that it is very easy and trendable to point out every bad things, real or fantasized, about christianism in Europe. Saying that there are predators in the church is not a big news for anyone (I think it's pointed out much more than the predators in education for instance, while many are roaming our schools), saying that it's corrupt and has problems either. Criticizism of Catholicism particularly has been a thing for the last 500 years... and it has good points.

Excuse me?
Arabs drinking camel urine?
Are you crazy?
We Arabs are a very proud nation and would never resort to drinking urine!
Maybe you should learn more about the cultural practices of a part of your ethnicityand religion then. If you want a proof, just a look on google will lead you to: "A hadith in Book 4 (Ablution) of al-Bukhari's collection narrated by Anas ibn Malik was used to promote the consumption of Arabian camel urine as a medicine."

Maybe you should visit France someday. Bottle of camel's piss is becoming a cultural speciality thanks to our muslim community 😉

Have you ever seen a drunk Arab? NO, because we have principles and morals!
Don't insult me and my people again, and don't accuse us without any proof!
Yes? Often? They even tend to use Allah's name and swearing on Qu'ran more than the average! Arabs, Maghreb people, Afghans... And wait until you learn that they are drug addicts, sells drug, rape, steal, kill on a daily basis in France and Europe. Actually, people from muslim countries are at least 2 times more prone to be criminals.
here another "proof":


Produce two types of droppings: hard pellets and soft cecotropes.
Consume only the cecotropes, which are nutrient-rich and essential for their health.
This process is a natural and necessary part of their digestion.

Are you hypocrite enough to deny that they still eat their feces? Damn the gymnastic muslims have to do to save theur fucked up argument...

Occasionally eat feces, but this is not a necessary or regular part of their diet.
This behavior might occur due to environmental factors, or simply curiosity.
Thus, while both animals might consume feces, rabbits do it regularly and as a vital part of their diet, whereas for pigs, it is not a normal or necessary behavior
You are basically reapeating what I said about rabbits.
As for porks, you are jumping to conclusions due to your prejudices and because you copy things on the internet without any background in biology. Sadly, not only you are wrong, but your quotation is also biased.

I suggest you to dig deeper in "environmental factors" and why it is "not normal" before saying "omg pigs love filthy stuff" (while many more animals, once again, eat shit, koala (baby eat mother's poop), deers and birds eat their babies' poop (and the opposite as well for birds), dung beetles, monkeys, dogs, horses.

The "not normal" can refer to a stressful state of the animal. Whereas environmental factors more generally include this not normal state, but also hunger, need for some nutrients (well, yes, sadly, poop has nutrients for many species, including the plants you eat and probably love), stress (this include harsh treatments, lack of activity/stimulation, which is what you probablyy refers as """curiosity""" here) etc.

In the case of pig, there is a lot to think that the consumption of feces is very related to bad farming practice, as they usually poop in a different spot from which they eat, like I said earlier and that you ignored. It is to note that pigs not only are clean, but are very smart and sensitive animals, so, yes, their behaviour could be very weird when stressed.
Funnily, many people think that pigs naturally have a stripped tail whereas it is a sign that they are stressed. "Normal" pigs have straight tails!

You have the right not to eat pork for religious reasons, but saying that it's because pork are filthy is just as ridiculous as claiming that Arabs and Muslims, as an ethnicity/religious community is immune to act in very strange ways.

You know what
I don't care if u eat pig
It's not my fault
Alot of people eat pig
It's not gonna affect me if u consume filth
You carry on stuffing ur face with swine, not my business
Rabbits don't eat actual feces, they have 2 different types of feces
Pigs eat actual feces, they also eat other animals feces, rabbits only consume their own feces
Feces are vital for rabbits, pigs eat it by choicd
The problem is not about me eating pork or not, but about your argument to exclude pork from your consumption. You could say many things, but saying that pigs are filthy using coprophagia is at best hypocrite.

In order to keep your belief, you said rabbits don't eat poop because they make 2 kind of... poop and only eat 1 while ignoring that:
- Most of animal farms in our industry eat shit
- Many other species does. Rabbit is only one example, but other as well
- Porks don't naturally eat shit
- If porks do, then it's - according to your own words - not normal or can be explained by environmental factors
- It could also be important for them like for many species (microbiot, vitamins...)

You have other reasons not to eat pork if you want. Even the sanitary one is more valid, although we are not living in middle age anymore. Normally...

The "Muslims" you speak a out are not real Mudlims
A true Muslim will never ever do such henious crimes
Do u know what the punishment is if a Muslim has to do such evil vile stuff??
"muh not real muslims" it's always the same with your community... Yes, right, they might not be pious muslims, according to you! But kind remember that muslims are killing each others more than anybody for slightly different ways of practicing Islam.
More than that, may I recall you that you didn't start by admitting that some could ppotentially not be so nice, but by defending all of your community without any critical mind.

This and other things, despite many muslims being kind and respectable people, let me think that muslims absolutely don't belong to european countries.

Europe will become a Muslim continent soon🥳

Europe will become a Muslim continent soon🥳
Low quality bait

In order to be a Muslim, we have to do certain things and we have to believe certain stuff, yes there are modern Muslims too, but they are Muslim no matter what.!

You could go out right now and dress like a Muslim and do something vile and evil, and everyone will think that it's a real Muslim doing it!
Don't judge the whole Muslim community on just a few people that have gone stray

Europe will become a Muslim continent soon🥳
Low quality bait
It's not bait, wait and see, slowly but surely, also, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world!

Pigs love 💩
That my point
U deliberately avoid my points
I'm sure you have other things to do in life currently instead of smothering up ur conscience (by saying that the stuff u eat are not filthy) I see u love talking about feces, perhaps because u need to fill that river or something with 💩
So, unless u want the Olympics to be held in France, 🤣go help ur people

The fact that you get butthurt because I contradict you and the bad argument you hold for your religion is very expected. You are the one avoiding the point and talking about Europe being an islamic continent in the future in a terrible attempt to cope (you don't seem aware that the Europe you want to visit is anything but muslim and that muslims at power means third world, Turkey; Libya, Iran, Syria, Iraq being very good examples of that).

Once again, pork are no more filthy than rabbits, horses or any other farm animals that also consume feces. Secondly, please, don't say that I love talking about feces and rivers, mainly because you brought that topic first, and also because you claimed to have indian origins. That would only make you appear as the clown you are.

More whining about France, but let's give a word about France : The more there are muslim there, the more it looks like a shithole. See, we are still close to feces, with muslim. The streets where they live are filthy, not because they are poor but because of how they behave. French streets were migrants live actually are even more disgusting and dangerous than places like Mexico.

Europe will become a Muslim continent soon🥳
Low quality bait
It's not bait, wait and see, slowly but surely, also, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world!
If you really want to go this way: Most of muslims live in third world where people have more children. Islam forces people to be Muslims from birth and if you leave, then you are at very best socially excluded, and eventually killed. If people had the choice, Islam would probably not growing much.

The fact that you get butthurt because I contradict you and the bad argument you hold for your religion is very expected. You are the one avoiding the point and talking about Europe being an islamic continent in the future in a terrible attempt to cope (you don't seem aware that the Europe you want to visit is anything but muslim and that muslims at power means third world, Turkey; Libya, Iran, Syria, Iraq being very good examples of that).

Once again, pork are no more filthy than rabbits, horses or any other farm animals that also consume feces. Secondly, please, don't say that I love talking about feces and rivers, mainly because you brought that topic first, and also because you claimed to have indian origins. That would only make you appear as the clown you are.

More whining about France, but let's give a word about France : The more there are muslim there, the more it looks like a shithole. See, we are still close to feces, with muslim. The streets where they live are filthy, not because they are poor but because of how they behave. French streets were migrants live actually are even more disgusting and dangerous than places like Mexico.

Oh please, u guys are the dirty ones
For us, cleanlness is one of the most important things in our religion
OK, so ur racist just cuz i said my grandma is Indian
FYI I'm not just Arab or Indian, I have Turkish blood too
You're insulting me and my people, we are very clean people.
The so called Muslims u see are perhaps not even real Muslims
People see the truth in Islam and they accept this as the true religion
We do not force people
Look at the history books, in the Ottoman time, people accepted Islam in the masses
Iraq is not considered a Muslim and, it's a Shia country, sunni Muslims and shias are enemies
Hprses eat feces?! You're crazy, horses are majestic animals, they would never stoop down to the level of eating feces, my horse doesn't even eat 1 day old hay, let alone eating feces
Ur ignoring my point, rabbits eat a different kind of feces, pigs eat actual filthy feces
Islam is already taking over UK and now France, it will sooon cover the whole of Europe, don't worry

Also, do u want the Olympics to be held in France?
The richest country in the world? Qatar! FYI, a Muslim country
Why are all of u guys flocking to dubai and Qatar and stuff if u hate us Muslims so much!??!!!!!
Leave us alone and stay in ur countries, don't worry, when we conquer Europe, you will see, Islam will reign in the world and the whole world will see the truth

We have systems and law, we follow it, unlike u people, if u see a christian following the bible, then it's either a priest or something 🤣

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