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32, from Germany
March 08, 2021 18:22
March 08, 2021 18:22
Some people walk through the rain and some just get wet.
25, from Poland
March 08, 2021 19:05
March 08, 2021 19:05
just stand and enjoy the rain
43, from Netherlands
March 08, 2021 21:41
March 08, 2021 21:41
Keep omwalling and het wet i guess
65, from United States
March 09, 2021 01:54
March 09, 2021 01:54
I walk in the rain. I don't carry an umbrella. Here in Southeastern Colorado, it seldom rains. When it does everyone is usually happy.
23, from Pakistan
March 22, 2021 13:21
March 22, 2021 13:21
I've faced such situation actually... Clouds above,Water beneath,and Me Between
...really enjoyed that day...
20, from Finland
March 22, 2021 19:35
March 22, 2021 19:35
Just keep on walking like normal, ignore it, and hope that nothing I have with me at the moment will get ruined by the water
20, from United Kingdom
March 22, 2021 22:47
March 22, 2021 22:47
I'd simply start to dance in the rain🌧
honestly same, id also collect some rain water for spells or purify it for drinking
25, from China
March 24, 2021 10:59
March 24, 2021 10:59
if the rain is so heavily, I think I can't have a normal walk in the street. but if I have company one, maybe I can walk with him or her, like the movie Midnight in Paris. or just fine a corner like cafe to listening the sound of rain, and watch the world in the rain.
30, from France
March 24, 2021 15:48
March 24, 2021 15:48
Either keep walking because I wasn't made of sugar, either finding a shelter and watching people in panic.
20, from United Kingdom
March 27, 2021 02:38
March 27, 2021 02:38
I walk in the rain. I don't carry an umbrella. Here in Southeastern Colorado, it seldom rains. When it does everyone is usually happy.
gods that sounds really interesting! i can imagine getting caught with rain by surprise, how nice : )
21, from India
March 27, 2021 03:24
March 27, 2021 03:24
I will enjoy and start dancing ... or play with someone if present on the spot
18, from Italy
April 10, 2021 15:01
April 10, 2021 15:01
I'd just start dancing in the rain, I've never done that
26, from Italy
April 17, 2021 18:20
April 17, 2021 18:20
I would buy it. When it suddenly starts raining, there is always somebody who sells them in the streets of my city.
23, from Argentina
April 17, 2021 22:43
April 17, 2021 22:43
shout very louder and ask why is the world so cruel.
19, from France
April 18, 2021 15:11
April 18, 2021 15:11
shout very louder and ask why is the world so cruel.
Okay... I was just joking with this message (Altough it was not that funny 😂), but since some of you seem to think it is real, I have to tell the truth 😂😂
I'd shout (((IN MY BRAIN))) and ask why the world is so cruel, and then, simply find a shetler as fast as I can, before my clothes become totally wet...
BUT if I am in a country where rain is rare, I would go outside and enjoy the fresh rain falling on me.
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