What will you do if it rains when you go out and you don't have an umbrella?

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Some people walk through the rain and some just get wet.

just stand and enjoy the rain

Keep omwalling and het wet i guess

I walk in the rain. I don't carry an umbrella. Here in Southeastern Colorado, it seldom rains. When it does everyone is usually happy.

I've faced such situation actually... Clouds above,Water beneath,and Me Between

...really enjoyed that day...

Just keep on walking like normal, ignore it, and hope that nothing I have with me at the moment will get ruined by the water

I'd simply start to dance in the rain🌧
honestly same, id also collect some rain water for spells or purify it for drinking

if the rain is so heavily, I think I can't have a normal walk in the street. but if I have company one, maybe I can walk with him or her, like the movie Midnight in Paris. or just fine a corner like cafe to listening the sound of rain, and watch the world in the rain.

Either keep walking because I wasn't made of sugar, either finding a shelter and watching people in panic.

I walk in the rain. I don't carry an umbrella. Here in Southeastern Colorado, it seldom rains. When it does everyone is usually happy.
gods that sounds really interesting! i can imagine getting caught with rain by surprise, how nice : )

I will enjoy and start dancing ... or play with someone if present on the spot

I'd just start dancing in the rain, I've never done that

I would buy it. When it suddenly starts raining, there is always somebody who sells them in the streets of my city.

shout very louder and ask why is the world so cruel.

shout very louder and ask why is the world so cruel.
Okay... I was just joking with this message (Altough it was not that funny 😂), but since some of you seem to think it is real, I have to tell the truth 😂😂

I'd shout (((IN MY BRAIN))) and ask why the world is so cruel, and then, simply find a shetler as fast as I can, before my clothes become totally wet...
BUT if I am in a country where rain is rare, I would go outside and enjoy the fresh rain falling on me.

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