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Elon Musk πŸ‘or πŸ‘Ž?

I would say πŸ‘Ž

i thought its about the other musk (perfume)

If im honest my answer is: πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ (i dont know it yet)


What is it that you dont like about Musk @Pennarossa2024? I know he likes Trump and he is a business man right. But I dont know a lot about him else than that. πŸ™„πŸ™„

What is it that you dont like about Musk @Pennarossa2024? I know he likes Trump and he is a business man right. But I dont know a lot about him else than that. πŸ™„πŸ™„
I don't like him for several reasons. In recent days he has interfered in Italian politics.

musk is a rat! he would kill his mother for more money, power and inffluence.

musk is a rat! he would kill his mother for more money, power and inffluence.
Isn't he very close to his mother?

Isn't he very close to his mother?
His mother? 😱

His mother? 😱
Yeah...? Did I miss sm? 🀨

Yeah...? Did I miss sm? 🀨
I don't like her πŸ˜†

i thought its about the other musk (perfume)
I thought that also first hhhh

Sorry ik ben niet aan trump en ben niet aan musk ze,zijn beiden gevaarlijk en houden enkel en alleen van macht zonder rekening te houden met de medemens er is geen empathie ze willen oorlog en ruzies zaaien ik hou mijn hart vast voor de toekomst van veel amerikanen

Edited by Fleurke .
Sorry ik ben niet aan trump en ben niet aan musk ze,zijn beiden gevaarlijk en houden enkel en alleen van macht zonder rekening te houden met de medemens er is geen empathie ze willen oorlog en ruzies zaaien ik hou lijn hart cast voor de toekomst van veel alerikanen

Why its not in englisch my answer penpal strange today with me πŸ˜€πŸ˜…πŸ€£

Isn't he very close to his mother?
Oh sorry, that's a German way of speaking. When you say that someone would sell their mother, it means that someone would do the same for money...
Elon Musk is unscrupulous and dangerous.

Oh sorry, that's a German way of speaking. When you say that someone would sell their mother, it means that someone would do the same for money...
Elon Musk is unscrupulous and dangerous.
Ah alright, that's fine haha. I took it literally, but I get what you mean now.