EU and US is 1000 Times more comfortable than Chinese and Russian methods. Or do you want methods like social scoring or been jailed because you held just a white Papier like in Russia
Then blame UE and US for investing in this bad China. Because whole industry and manufactures are in China now.
Even green pure EU bullshit is buying from china.
So before You start dividing: who is good and who is bad, in 01 view, let's dive in it more as it's more complicated. At least China doesn't destroy it's own civilisation, while EU and US are trying to do so.
Jail for "hate speech"? Welcome in European Union!
Censorship? Yes! We, EU, provide this!
Maybe we are not as brutal as "they" are. Well, at least when it comes to our own. Because how US treat other countries is another case. China is more diplomatic.
Anyway, our "west" is going to be another communistic state, when You look what they do in eu parlament.
When I see how China are focused on investing, educating (sure, probably a lot of propaganda, but at least for their own good, not reconstructing their civilisation and telling them: hey, be ashamed that you are chinese). In the same time, leftist minister of education doesn't want patriotic teaching in school, proposed by minister of defense.