Your remarks may not be correct
Putin's list of crimes is not comparable to the actions of the American state.
Talking about the will of the Russians when talking about the decisions of this dictator seems absurd to me. Since his first election, he has never stopped manipulating and assassinating all his opponents to keep power.
The famous extension of NATO that should never have happened in Ukraine is a bogus argument that served as a pretext for Putin to avoid opening his country to the free world and not allow all his turpitudes to be revealed.
Don't you see that Putin is leading his country towards ruin? How is it that the largest country in the world and whose subsoil is full of wealth has only the GDP of an average European country and sees its best-trained young people flee elsewhere. It is time to help eliminate this parasite at the head of a country that can no longer get rid of him. Even if NATO helps Ukraine, it is the Ukrainians who are ready to die to defend their country. Yes, this war is not only a war between two countries, it is the confrontation between two ways of seeing how the world should work: Dictatorship versus democracy.
BullshitYou call other conspirationists, Allow me to call you aa delusive europeist to deny that the Russian-Ukraine war is a more global conflict and that it is the very obvious start of a second cold war, which ironically marks the end of US hegemonism. We have seen countries siding with Russia or stop listening to the US and its allies, especially with embaros on gas. In fact, one could say that the US and EU at that time isolated themselves from t he world by attempting to isolate Russia.
The only ones who deny that are EU delusionists who think that there is a good vs bad side and that everything can be taken independently; that US is our friend (it leads a terrible economical war against France and Germany and sacrifice our countries in the most despisable way). EU is leading Europeans to the wall, and to war, while pretending to work for peace. It's especially disgusting to do so much and try to bring Ukraine within EU without asking EU members' citizen their opinion on the matter, knowing that Ukraien is one of the most corrupted countries in the world alongside Russia, that their minimal wage is less than the one of CHina (more economical problem for the pleb, hurra!) and that we would have to pay billions to make this country fit EU standards, all this for the sole benefits of multinational and corrupt politicians.
Anil when you discuss with Chinese who hates the West and Lianshen who hates the US and EU what do you think will be the result of such a discussion. Completely nonsense.There is no hate, or else I also hate Russia and almsot all countries of the world. On the other hand, you showed a strong dislike toward Russia and China.
Putin's list of crimes is not comparable to the actions of the American state.The so called free world led illegal embargos that made innocent people starving because they didn't like their political systems... It also killed a lot of democratically elected people in South America because they were nto pro US... Both side are rotten, stop pretending one is better when it is just more vicious/less straight.
Talking about the will of the Russians when talking about the decisions of this dictator seems absurd to me. Since his first election, he has never stopped manipulating and assassinating all his opponents to keep power.
The famous extension of NATO that should never have happened in Ukraine is a bogus argument that served as a pretext for Putin to avoid opening his country to the free world and not allow all his turpitudes to be revealed.
Don't you see that Putin is leading his country towards ruin? How is it that the largest country in the world and whose subsoil is full of wealth has only the GDP of an average European country and sees its best-trained young people flee elsewhere. It is time to help eliminate this parasite at the head of a country that can no longer get rid of him. Even if NATO helps Ukraine, it is the Ukrainians who are ready to die to defend their country. Yes, this war is not only a war between two countries, it is the confrontation between two ways of seeing how the world should work: Dictatorship versus democracy.
Russia under Putin made a comeback despite sanctions from the West. In the past, we exported a lot of cheese and wine to Russia, and other agricultural food. Nowadays, RUssia produce cheese and wine for itself and is a big shot in agriculture.
PS: it's oligarchy vs oligarchy. EU is not democratic at all and EU deputees hold near to 0 power.
Yes I have a strong dislike towards China and Russia, because their methods dont have to be successful. If yes welcome back in 1930sWith no argument and a very favourable view on EU and US that are firing the world as much, but hey, there is the good imperialism, and the bad imperialism. The good being the German, oops, EU imperialism.
EU and US already have a simily social scoring and start to copy China, lol. We even had an overview of our future with the green pass during covid. Julian Assange has been persecuted for years because he did his job, but as a famous - but not advisable - man said in France: a journalist is either a jobless or a prostitute.
In the West, you rarely end up having to run away and live years in an ambassy like Assange though, most of time, you are socially cancelled/ridiculedfor holding wrong viewpoints. No need to send someone to jail if their opinion if people think that they are conspiracionist clowns.
EU and US is 1000 Times more comfortable than Chinese and Russian methods. Or do you want methods like social scoring or been jailed because you held just a white Papier like in Russia
Then blame UE and US for investing in this bad China. Because whole industry and manufactures are in China now.
Even green pure EU bullshit is buying from china.
So before You start dividing: who is good and who is bad, in 01 view, let's dive in it more as it's more complicated. At least China doesn't destroy it's own civilisation, while EU and US are trying to do so.
Jail for "hate speech"? Welcome in European Union!
Censorship? Yes! We, EU, provide this!
Maybe we are not as brutal as "they" are. Well, at least when it comes to our own. Because how US treat other countries is another case. China is more diplomatic.
Anyway, our "west" is going to be another communistic state, when You look what they do in eu parlament.
When I see how China are focused on investing, educating (sure, probably a lot of propaganda, but at least for their own good, not reconstructing their civilisation and telling them: hey, be ashamed that you are chinese). In the same time, leftist minister of education doesn't want patriotic teaching in school, proposed by minister of defense.
The so called free world led illegal embargos that made innocent people starving because they didn't like their political systems... It also killed a lot of democratically elected people in South America because they were nto pro US... Both side are rotten, stop pretending one is better when it is just more vicious/less straight.So when we are saying that we used to Export a lot of cheese and wine to russia , what do you mean : whole europe or just France because if you are talking about France that would mean that you feel French at last and I would be very glad of that after all the french bashing and garbage,you used to spread here since so many years about my country and just a last thing, I didn t hear a lot about such exports from France to Russia but rather more to China, US or Germany and unfortunately I never had the chance to Taste russian wine and cheese only moldovian and georgian wines which seemed to me very good !Russia under Putin made a comeback despite sanctions from the West. In the past, we exported a lot of cheese and wine to Russia, and other agricultural food. Nowadays, RUssia produce cheese and wine for itself and is a big shot in agriculture.
PS: it's oligarchy vs oligarchy. EU is not democratic at all and EU deputees hold near to 0 power.
So when we are saying that we used to Export a lot of cheese and wine to russia , what do you mean : whole europe or just France because if you are talking about France that would mean that you feel French at last and I would be very glad of that after all the french bashing and garbage,you used to spread here since so many years about my country and just a last thing, I didn t hear a lot about such exports from France to Russia but rather more to China, US or Germany and unfortunately I never had the chance to Taste russian wine and cheese only moldovian and georgian wines which seemed to me very good !Bunch of sanctions have been taken against Russia in order to make its economy fall and only resulted in the consolidation of its economy. The reason for that doesn't lie in the fact that Russia is an incredible country ruled by extremely smart people, but rather in the fact that EU is ruled by a bunch of incompetent morons. Cheese or wine isn't the important point here (even though some French people went to Russia to develop a business and we lost both competent artisan and exports), not even cereal production since Russia is now one of the leader in the matter, whereas, in France, we destroy the agriculture which is one of the main strenght of the country. The important point is that the sanctions from France or Eu and the West against Russia only gave Russia an excuse to promote protectionnism and the development of its own factories whereas it wouldn't have been accepted by Russians otherwise.
This is, by the way, one of the reason to claim that EU is responsible of this war with US by both giving the mean and provoking a country that would otherwise be kept in check and even cooperate against China that also has been largely fed by western politics and multinational greed.
Nothing is perfect but for the moment I prefer not to support criminal regimes. Other considerations are secondary to me. The behavior of a Putin, a Xi Jingping or a Kim Jong Un says a lot about their values, these people oppress their own people first. For an Assange who finally returned home to Australia free, how many people have been assassinated or imprisoned by authoritarian systems that do not care about human rights. Democracies have the weakness of letting the most anti-democratic people express themselves within them, it is certainly a fragility but at the same time it is what makes the greatness of this system which remains the least bad compared to everything that humanity has been able to invent. The Russian economy has not collapsed as hoped? The Russian army is stronger than we think and it would be dangerous to attack it? Is this a reason to give free rein to this dictatorship? If Putin wins, it will be a signal of encouragement to all the tyrants on the planet.
Of course, all of the above is nonsense
It is best not to stand in line between Russia and Ukraine. Supporting Russia means supporting the strong to bully the weak, while supporting Ukraine means disregarding the strength of both sides.
Of course, all of the above is nonsense
It is best not to stand in line between Russia and Ukraine. Supporting Russia means supporting the strong to bully the weak, while supporting Ukraine means disregarding the strength of both sides.