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What do you think of russia? Politics and governments

What do you REALLY think of Russia?
Be nice to everyone here
This is just a question, don't get upset

Edited by Ten_Bezdelnitzy .

I think it's beautiful state. Perhaps you meant "What do you think of Putin?" It's another thing!!😊

No, that’s obvious that many hate him😆

Russians like MariaShirvani are terrorists

Hummingbirdfan95 That's not true

Maria, I tried to run away from Russia, but Russia are still inside of me.

Russia is a Nemesis for the world like a Yin and Yang or at least they still try to keep a counter argument to always have some abnoxious complaint to object to the world order. I think now Russia is irrelevant financially and politically.

I think the idea going arround that Russian women are very beautiful but age quickly is not very true to me as I have not seem that happen through my own eyes.

I think if Russia had not corrupted the political minds of developing nations then the world would not be so twisted as it is now against OUR ideals. I think North Korea has been the worst case of Russia interference because That country is gloomy and dead like the house of a witch, where the trees are all wilted, the sky is dark and crows hang out. Everything young nation is like a naive child's mind that Russia plays tricks on and leaves as a rabid autocracy later.

Gorbachav or Gorbi was a great man and ironically a lame man in his hameland of ignorants who need a leader like him again to pull their heads out of where the sun does not shine. Russia's people are too arrogant and proud to be the peace maker nor can they say good points about the world. Never underestimate the Russian people's interest to tell you when the sky is cloudy.

What can I say different than what I've said before? I wish that Russia would leave the world alone and stop making a stir up and living off of the victim card with an enemy they always need to have. If there was some unlikely event of space invaders landing on earth and then we'd really be making up and joining resources than picking fights.

Once there was a great moment in history when Russia could afford to play the game and manipulate great nations to their muses; but now's the time when their words become lame but not tame!

Russians like MariaShirvani are terrorists
What makes yuou think I'm a terrorisst?! I'm only 15! I ran away from Russia in fear and anxiety, hoping that I have a bright future!
I'm dissapointed that my countrymen are slaughturing the innocent people from Ukraine, sexually raping women and girls. I'm disgusted by them.
BUT I have nothing in common with them!
I'm forever hiding from Russia, because there is no possible way I'd want to be involved with that country AND THAT DAMNED PUTIN!!!

Edited by Ten_Bezdelnitzy .

Most Russian people and the imperialist Russian government are obviously two different things.

It depends on the kind of people there that you're dealing with. It can be very romantic and very fascinating and yet full of tragedy and heartbreak and sadness. I don't trust the government but I don't trust the American government either. I'm afraid of nuclear war. I like Russian names they're kind of cool. I learned that "sky" at the end of names mean "of" or " from"., I think. Particularly fascinated with a Russian author and mountain climber named Anatoli Boukreev.

I'm quite interested in Russian culture. Their music,literature and art are great and their ballet is amazing😆

The Russians provoked the war by pretending that the Ukrainian president is a Nazi when he is a Jew... The Russians killed more than 180,000 Ukrainians and the whole world economy exploded. There is no excuse and stopped saying that it is because of NATO when there was nothing signed before the war. Russians never smile and if anyone says war or invasion they can get 15 years in jail. The Russians will use the words special operation or peacekeeping as they kill Ukrainians who have done nothing against Russia.

The Russians provoked the war by pretending that the Ukrainian president is a Nazi when he is a Jew... The Russians killed more than 180,000 Ukrainians and the whole world economy exploded. There is no excuse and stopped saying that it is because of NATO when there was nothing signed before the war. Russians never smile and if anyone says war or invasion they can get 15 years in jail. The Russians will use the words special operation or peacekeeping as they kill Ukrainians who have done nothing against Russia.
youre absolutely right. thats exactly how it is. although not all russians dont smile. some just being serious

What an interesting twist? What I am hear so far it's so many prejudiced notions. Interesting comment - recently one Russian hockey player in Canada refused to put on a "rainbow" form. Many people accused him of been not tolerant, but many were for him. He said that it goes against his religion beleaves. But why Russian player? Why nobody else did it? Isn't it scary? People are scared to say what they think nowadays! Everyone has to show that he hates Russians! It's madness. As I remember NAZI in Germany did the same. They tried to scare people to death. What I see today, the West is going in a wrong direction. It's not about Ukraine, it's about interests and everybody knows it.

I do think the West needs to examine the attitude we have towards Russia. Not all Russians are bad. Not all Ukrainians are good not all Americans are good.

You are right, CarolUSA.

But it's not only RUSSIA, UKRAINE, USA etc., nowadays something is going wrong in the West. Black Lives Matter and many other things. Every live matters. Too much hatred in the world today.

The Russians provoked the war by pretending that the Ukrainian president is a Nazi when he is a Jew... The Russians killed more than 180,000 Ukrainians and the whole world economy exploded. There is no excuse and stopped saying that it is because of NATO when there was nothing signed before the war. Russians never smile and if anyone says war or invasion they can get 15 years in jail. The Russians will use the words special operation or peacekeeping as they kill Ukrainians who have done nothing against Russia.
youre absolutely right. thats exactly how it is. although not all russians dont smile. some just being serious
Russian soldiers must also pay for their equipment by making a bank loan of 5,000 euros (373,842 Russian rubles). They will rob Ukrainians by sending parcels to Russia with things they stole, they will rape women, kill children. Bombing a school and even making fake videos where the President of Ukraine said he was surrendering and letting Russia take over the country. Russians can't smile because there was a French footballer who was in Russia for several months and it was hell. People came to ask him to change his contract which he signed a few months before. Russians don't have a sense of humor, won't smile, don't like tall, dark-haired people. They will prefer a little fat one with a belly and a flabby face. The Russians say they are not at war when they have tanks, bombs, weapons, submarines, planes, soldiers... The Russians are the new Nazis of the 21st century.

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