Taiwan was a vassal state of China, [...] so now we want to come back.
Admitting that Taiwan was a vassal state of China, Korea has been one of the longest and most loyal vassal state of China yet was Korea and still is Korea.
Back to Taiwan, starting from when? ""all the time""? Why was Taiwan colonized by Europeans without much reaction fromt he Ming if the island was of any value to the Middle Empire?
You say it yourself that Japan also invaded Taiwan. In fact, it's worse than that, Japan made people in Taiwan speak Japanese and there are still old people there speakjing this language. In this context, was Taiwan still Chinese? Just because "no, it's part of China!" even though your country failed to keep it from the invaders?
You talk about the century of humiliation, but please, don't forget that the Qing dynasty was as arrogant as the West today,thinking to be better than everyone and the center of the world, then anihilating all efforts (100 days reform) of modernization to fall even further. A country is never only a spectator to its downfall.
You don't understand that.Because your ancestors were robbers.
No, my ancestors were most likely only peasants, sorry to disappoint you. Your statement, however, is a slave mentality of someone who only seeks for revenge and that's what I dislike the most about China : the country is full of resentment and doesn't accept that other point out its flaws.
Now, you said that you want to "come back", as if the world didn't change and what was Chinese someday must be Chinese at all cost. With this logic, then Greece can invade everything till the border with China, ITaly can invade all mediteranean border and Japan... Well, Japan can take back China, because ""it was japanese".
I've never been against China getting power and doing its things, and once again -it's very tiring to repeat it- I believe that Taiwan and China should resolve their problems between them, and thus despite I see Europeans feeding China as the worst mistake in our history, and that the raise of your country is a threat to any place in Europe, but here you come to complain about minor things just because I don't fully agree with you and I'm not fully blind about your country.
You say China invaded Taiwan [...] Think before you speak with your great brain.
I never said that China invaded Taiwan, but I invite you to prove it if you think I did. Even in the case I did , then that's not what imperialism is... As for my brain, thank you but that's, again, not an argument. I know it's hard for you to conceive that I can't fully agree with you, but not licking your ass is precisely a sign that I also can think by myself and not only foillow your opinion like a simp. Sorry about that, really.
AS for China uniting country, well... Partly I agree, yes, but if you had taken the time to read the thread or other post I made, you would have seen that I consider NATO to be utter garbage and an imperialist tool of the US. Too bad, you didn't bother with it.
Concerning China interfering with other countries, yes! You'd know it if you were interested in the external policies of your country and about how EU works for isntance. China literally bought Greece and makes it a shield that can prevent any decision to go against China's interest within EU. In Africa, China is a neo-colonialist with the US and both of them are kicking out former colonial powers. Better than that, they pretend to be savior before mining the econoomy there, bringing their own workers so that locals remain jobless and pollute like hell some areas.
In other poor countries, they set debt-traps; give them loans for some stupid projects and oncce the country can't pay because the loan became overly unreasonable, then they ask for land or politically relevant pieces of the country.
[bad renting that is offtopic]
I invite you to read carefully the title of the topic, then my posts, before complaining and falling for personal attacks and an obvious lack of argumentation.
In all European countries, the majority of people are like this. If you tell them 'Taiwan belongs to China', they will only answer 'Okay!' and continue living their daily lives. [...] Anyway, everyone has their own stance and different channels of obtaining information, and debates cannot change the views of a few people.
I think you fail to realize nuances. If you can't accept that someone say that China is not a good country and provide arguments for it, then the dogmatic probably isn't the "westerner" but the Chinese who want others to lick their ass to be satisfied.
It is highly incoherent to believe that US is just a good country like the propaganda states in the Western block,but so it is to think that China is any better. That's not hostily, but realism.
As for most of people in European countries, they'd likely tell you that Taiwan is Taiwan and China is bad. They wouldn't bother to debate on this and quickly leave in front of the over-emotive individuals getting mad at them...
The above is the answer of Chatgpt China's official website, it seems that AI is more self-aware than Westerners. The Chinese government didn't limit our thinking. Chatgpt found investment companies in China and had a website in China so we didn't have to use stupid international websites.
""ChatGPT said!"
Well, I've seen ChatGPT saying that Taiwan is not part of China, as well as I've seen this AI saying many incoherent things but surely it is an argument. What's kind of ironic here is to ressort to this kind of tool showing an inability to argue by oneself before complaining and talking about being "aware", "thinking" etc.
Now, come to the content of this answer:
- Taiwan has always been a part of China : No and I already said why.
- Taiwan get formally incorporated to China's territory : That's literally contradicting the previous statement... Plus it was only after Han colonization of the Island. Before this, Taiwan was like pre-greek Sicily: an island of autochtonous "barbarians".
- Taiwan is Chinese because of the Charter of the UN. Why..? Because! This look rather like a mythical excuse, and typical of the Chinese governemnt : Very much double standards about sovereigntys... Sounds like another country's behaviour in North America... What about people's right to self determination if Taiwanese refuse to be part of PCR?
- Taiwan got returned to China by Japan after WWII. Yes, then there have been a civil war and the looser of this war occupied Taiwan, just like Ming loyalists back then. Surely Taiwan belonged to the Qing in 1660's to 1680's too..
- Republican of China took controle of Taiwan, and this didn't change the PRC claims. Well, yes, but how does a claim make someone the legal owner of a place? As far as I know, Taiwan claimed mainland China too.
- One China principle has been widely recognized : Visibly not so much considering all the western block doesn't see China's desire of reunification with Taiwan well. In Fact, you are contradicting this very statement when complainign about westerners here...
- Vast majority of countries have established relations with China, recognizing Taiwan as part of China: Well, yes, but no. They did that by opportunism and interest, China offering a lot of benefits. This doesn't mean that most of countries are thinking that Taiwan belongs to China and you again contradict yourself when complaining about how bad are western countries and people.
I know that once again, some will be "muuuuh blablabla weeeeest" or "wawawa why talking about China". so inb4 and again: The fact that the West shouldn't spread discord in Taiwan-China reunification process, and that it would eventually lead to Taiwan returning to China in the end doesn't mean that people have to gobble any fantasy about China being heaven on Earth and guardian of the peace and respect. It simply is not the case despite qualities China might have.
* too log msg, had to cut off the quotes.