Most will say CHina is superior to the world in their standard of living for everyone.
I've talked to various Chineses people for year, and never have I heard any of them talking this way. However, the amount of your fellow citizens who talks shit about any other country was countless... Are you sure you aren't biaised just because Chineses usually don't bend down in front of "murica fack yeh"?
Chinese families it is not recommended to marry one because they'd take the daughter out of the country with them.
That's pretty much the case everywhere out of the West, mate. There are various reasons for that, as well are there are various reasons for those families to prefer a husband/wife of their child to be from a similar social statue.
China's leader has worked hard to ensure many who see China from the inside will see only the best they have to offer and they're faultless nation works hard
Once again, I wonder where have you talked to Chinese peopel to say that, for criticism of the government exist very well in China, and our countries were the first to yell like pigs about it when the CCP tried to mute them. Criticism oina private level exist very well.
What's true, however, is that it can't be voiced as much as in the Occident probably (in fact, I'd argue that it's simply different, but the result is the same), and that saying too much might lead to warning messages for examples.
Protesters are few and are punished.
Whereas, in France, they are a lot and... punished. Most of other countries in Europe or West daring not to complain too much
I'd advise you to see how most of countries in the world treat their protesters as well, and you'd see that China is not an exception at all, and rather straightforward compared to us.
In the greater geopolitical world China wants respect and will ensure themselves as a new superpower nation to enforce their sleeping giant order in business and future conflicts among other nations.
Defining Murica here. China doesn't seem to work this way, yet is no better than your or my country on a geopolitical level. It's just that its power is rising (back), and that ours is falling causing many people on everyside to get butthurt.