Why can this web release Taiwan from China?!! Politique et gouvernements

Sagittariuswolf, you are right. All the problems today in politics it's stupidity, greediness, and arrogance. Politiciance don't want to talk to each other. Every country acts as it pleases. West is always right! Nothing to discuss! Isn't it the ignorance?

I can't agree with some opinions. And as a matter of fact, I don't like the American government. This is the history: As the World War II is over, Taiwan was back to China. Then China had a civil war, the CCP occupy the most territory of China. Nationalist China only owned Taiwan. The CCP was going to liberate Taiwan. Then, the sacred,lovely USA put its force in Taiwan Strait to stop the CCP. At that time did Chinese in Taiwan differ from mainland Chinese? So why did America interference in China's internal affairs? Taiwan has the geographical position that can astrict the mainland, which is the USA want. In fact, the United States recognizes China's reunification from 1972. Free Taiwan? It's just American fucking conspiracy. Can you imagine a country use force, change the culture of part of another country just to limit the developing country? Actually, freeing Taiwan is making it to be a member of American dogs. Forgive my words, this is colonization. The mainland is always throwing an olive branch to Taiwan. There is always someone looking forward to watch Chinese compatriots fighting to satisfy its hegemonic dream. Is it return to China or independence is called "Free Taiwan". Does everyone in Taiwan look clearly and really wanna independence? It's just China's internal affairs, no one has the due to take part in this thing.

That's the problem with a conversation between a few super power countries because they all have the limitation of seeing who is untimately wrong and no one is low enough to be given the Evil Country Title.

What if the police officers and the drug lords both had equal power and no one would listen to the others laws of moral truths? Then there would be no right or wrong anymore.

DWeathers, politics don't have to commend us what to do. Above the interests there are some other basic things. What they are? Did you hear about human rights? Did you hear about common sense? Why do we have to fight with China or Russia? Why? Interests? Why did we stop to talk about human rights? Not applicable anymore? What we are talking now? What problem has the West and why we have to fight?


"A Strange Game. The only winning move is to not play" ——movie "War Games"

btw,here's another idea:
"Taiwan Special Administrative Region of China”

"Taiwan: One Country, One System"

DWeathers, what about North and South Korea? Is it one country one system? If so, then how we can unify these two parts? Certainly not trying to get in their disput. The problem is that people in the West and East still looking on each other through capitalist or socialist glasses. There has to be muchual movement to each other. But how to do it? The countries have to be more open and more tolerant to each other. We have to stop spread the hate and nonsense about each other. Let's people decide where, how and what they gonna do, but not politicians.

"One Country, Two Systems" obviously failed. so I suggest my One Country, One System policy in Taiwan.

the problems of all issues north west south and east is the mind set of the current leaders.
Their eagerness on more power. Not in helping their own people or natur.
that was already the case in prehistoric times and at the moment in many areas on the earth.

so don't make it a table tennis game here (you oh no you dut you).
but accept that we as citizens of this earth do not need war or power games.

Many people don't care about what happening 2000 years ago... Taiwan want to be free and independant without China. Same for Tibet and few others places/countries... That's all... Same for Ukraine, they don't want to be with Russia and want to be independant and not back to USSR.

Same as Palestina, nothern irland, wales, scotland. Nothern Belgium,

Libra1961, I agree with you. Just one remark. Some people say - it was like that forever! It's only an excuse not to do anything. Two thousand years ago we had slavery etc, should we accept it as normal policy? No, the world is changing, but politicians are not. They still playing this stupid game of interests. And the people are listening politicians. Media is spreading fakes. We do not strive to be better. We are stacked in a medival mentality.

thx for your remark.
pity we are not the leaders of our countries.

Libra, unfortunately. I understand this. But what we can do? Just sit and see what these bustards are doing? I am sorry, I don't like it. And I never will like them. Never! Forgive me for that. It's the way I am. And I'll never be another person. Never!

I am always for something good, but not for some kind of tricks. If somebody wants to talk to me about something positive, I am in. But when somebody is trying to make a fool out of me, No!

And, of course, Libra1961, all these remarks were not against you in any way. I just mad about what crazy politicians are doing now.

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