If you could be born again in another nation, which nations would you choose ? Politics and governments

Are we talking born again from today? Ok back when we actually were born...??? I would choose Japan maybe.. or any of the Asian countries probably.....

In Theory. Because in Theory, everything's ok 🙂

In Theory. Because in Theory, everything's ok 🙂
Hahaha yea, then I guess some Asian country...

Ireland ❤️

Definitely Australia.

Buthan, specially if I could go there sailing.

DDR or Soviet Union
Hi, unfortunately the DDR does not exist any longer. Since 1989 it is the BRD, means Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

Ireland ❤️
Da bin ich dabei. Tolles Land

Netherlands, Dänemark, Brittany, Scotland, North of Germany 😀

I would like to be born in Canada /Sweden 🙂

I would like to be born in Canada /Sweden 🙂

Both interesting countries.

Norway i guess lol. haven't seen much snow for my whole life

Saudi Arabia

I love China but Norway may be good too

idk...Maybe Spain?

Germany .May be Russia or Danmark?And China is also good.

Maybe Sweden or Finland.

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