"Du sollst nicht bei einem Manne liegen wie bei einer Frau; es ist ein Gräuel"
Die Heilige Schrift - 3. Buch Mose, Kapitel 18, Vers 22
"Du sollst nicht bei einem Manne liegen wie bei einer Frau; es ist ein Gräuel"
Die Heilige Schrift - 3. Buch Mose, Kapitel 18, Vers 22
personal opinion: I literally don't give two shits about what two or more adult human beings agreed doing to and with each other in mutual conscent
the country I currently live in (Turkey):
man it's a shit show. it's somewhere between demonizing it and celebrating the lgbtq culture publicly. second of course would only be true for a minority. I think gay marriage is not possible here but would be recognized tax-wise if you would marry abroad (which is weird but well, Turkey)
I just wish for that one day we don't put out noses into other people's businesses and just treat everyone the same as the individual human beings they are
Vorsicht! Es geht nicht darum in die Schlafzimmer anderer Menschen zu schauen mit Polizeieinstätzen ob Homosexuelle ihren Analkoitus betreiben.
Friedrich Merz (CDU) hat das schon richtig gesagt, es ist so lange deren Angelegenheit wie sie Kinder in Ruhe lassen und sich an das Strafgesetzbuch halten.
Was aber gar nicht geht sind diese Faschingsumzüge wie der Christopher Street Day wo Männer luftig in Unterhosen bekleidet betrunken durch die Straßen torkeln und für ihre Lebensweise auch noch Werbung machen.
I actually do not agree with give them too much right. Everyone is free to live what any want to live. We can't hope to let the humanity go on only thanks to the part that decide to have a hetero relationship. And they are building right according to this.
But the strange truth in my expirience are that usually homosexuals, and mostly man homosexuals are beautiful people. Even better than many husbands and fathers.
I think that homosexuals are obligated to listen inside to understand themselves.
I think that many hetero need to learn a lot from homosexuals..
Wenn man nüchtern betrachtet was Homosexualität eigentlich ist handelt es sich um eine sexuelle Präferenzstörung. Je nach geschichtlicher Epoche, Antike, Mittelalter, Moderne, Postmoderne sind verschiedene Präferenzen erlaubt oder verboten.
In der Antike war Homosexualität und Päderastie (Knabenliebe) modern. Im Mittelalter wurde beides mit dem Tode bestraft und bis 1994 mit Gefängnis (§ 175 StG😎. 1994 wurde die Strafbarkeit von Homosexualität abgschafft, Pädophilie § 184 StGB und Inzest § 173 StGB blieben aber strafbar bis heute. 2001 wurde die eingetragene Partnerschaft für Homos erlaubt und 2017 - man mag es kaum glauben - sogar die Ehe geöffnet.
Derzeit ist Homosexualität, Transsexualität, Bisexualität usw. modern. Es wird schon an den Schulen erzählt daß Kinder sich nicht einschränken lassen sollen und auch gegenüber den Eltern ab 14 das Recht haben auf eine eigene praktizierte Sexualität. Was für ein Irrsinn!
I don't understand why here are still people who think just because it's a minority who is gay, that means it's not normal. Well, our understanding of normality sure has a lot to do with majorities, but in my view "gay is normal" doesn't have to do anything with majorities. We mean "natural" or "okay". I am a lesbian woman and of course I know that that is not normal in our society, heterosexuality is normal. But it is NATURAL. Did you know animals can be gay? Gay animal couples adopt young orphans, so that they don't die and learn how to survive.
Furthermore, I don't get why people talk about "becoming gay" and that gay couples (in movies or series or wherever else) would "make the children, who see this, gay". I mean... HOW? I have been looking thousands of heterosexual movies and well... I'm gay anyway.
The problem with these thoughts isn't even discrimination itself and that "those who think this, are BAAAD", I wouldn't say that. I don't care about homophobic people. I care about teenagers, that discover they aren't the way like, how it seems, everyone else. It feels so bad if you think you're the only person that's different. And homophobic people create this feeling. Because of them there's few representation in, for example, TV. The new Disney series "The owl house" has a bisexual character now (that's the first non-heterosexual character in Disney!), and first, everyone tried to stop this and make the character "normal" heterosexual. But one of the heads of this project, who is bisexual herself, fought against it and succeeded.
That's good and I hope, it will help young people who discover their sexuality.
Oh, another thing. I saw a comment describing the "gay therapy" (THERE'S NO THERAPY!!) as something gays would WANT. That's wrong, or the context's wrong. I already said it: It's horrible to feel like you're different, and it's even worse if you think that your feelings are false. But it may be right, that gays wantED (I am using the past form now, because I really really hope today no one thinks this way) to be straight, because they would be respected then. I'm sorry for them.
I try to imagine how their situation was:
I am a lesbian women in a world that tells me, gays are abnormal. I may just have found out I like girls, because I fell in love with one of my classmates. I may have told my best friend and he/she would have said that I was disgusting and never talked again with me. Whenever I may ask, what it means to be gay, I've would be told everyone who's gay is ill and I should keep away.
OF COURSE I would want to be straigt. But I wouldn't want to be straight because I would want to kiss boys, but because I can't stand what society is doing with me anymore!
Isn't that sad? Isn't that wrong?
I think so.
Whatever you feel, It's the right thing. Not everyone might understand it, but everyone can try to ACCEPT it.
I see that most of the conversation around lgbt rights only talks about the right to get married. Honestly as a bi trans person that's not really my biggest concern. Gay marriage is legal in the United states but in some states lgbt people are still being denied the ability to adopt, disowned by family, rejected by their religions, evicted from their homes, fired from their jobs, forced into conversion therapy, denied access to public restrooms, denied medical treatment, and run the risk of being murdered with some states having protection in place for the murderers known as the gay/ trans panic defense. Love and relationships are just part of our lives but in many cases our queerness intertwines with every part of ourselves. Our right to exist goes far beyond marriage.
Was sich die "Homolobby" - der Begriff den wir Gleichstellungsgegner verwenden- oder die "LGBTIQ+ Community" - der Begriff den die Befürworter verwenden - inzwischen herausnimmt hat die Grenzen des Sittengesetzes inzwischen weit überschritten.
Die lesbische Teilnehmerin "GreenGreenRaven" hat von Disney und der Filmindustrie gesprochen. Ich möchte dem etwas hinzufügen. Bei uns in der Bundesrepublik benötigen Filme, sofern sie sich außerhalb der üblichen Schmonzetten bewegen, oftmals eine Förderung um sich wirtschaftlich zu rechnen. Inzwischen müssen Produzenten inklusive Inhalte (Positive Homosexuelle, binationale Pärchen usw.) einbauen um in den Genuß dieser Förderung zu kommen. Ich will diese Charaktere aber nicht im Fernsehen sehen. Das reicht mir schon in der Realität.
Jetzt wurden die Richtlinien zur Vergabe des Oskar-Filmpreises überarbeitet. Ab 2024 sind inklusive Inhalte (LGBTI oder Andersfarbige) obligatorisch.
Ansonsten kann ein Film keinen Oskar mehr gewinnen.
Es reicht jetzt wirklich sich von einer kleinen Minderheit auf der Nase herumtanzen zu lassen. Niemand schaut in deren Schlafzimmer. Dort soll sich ihre Sexualität auch abspielen. Können die nicht endlich einmal begreifen daß wir ihnen nichts tun aber von ihrer Sexualität in Ruhe gelassen werden wollen. Man muß doch nicht jedem plakativ erzählen welche Sexualpraktiken man bevorzugt.
Und in den Lehrplänen von Schulen und sogar Kindergärten (!) hat das absolut nichts zu suchen. Ich empfehle die Filme "Sexzwang" und "Urväter der Frühsexualisierung" von Ivo Sasek. Beide Filme sind unter klagemauer.tv abrufbar.
it's interesting to see how sexual preferences outside the heterosexual norm happen around the animal kingdom across all species but we seem to be the only one that makes a big deal about it
being a gay penguin sure is a lot easier than being a gay human
Being in love with someone is a beautiful thing. I think that if you find seomeone who says that is wrong, he is wrong in the first place. You know sometimes ppl try to fight or try to diss cuz they have personal problem. Maybe in this way they think that if someone is bad with me so i try the same with other ppl. Maybe with someone that is happy.
I dunno i think in this way. Anyway being homosexaul is not a bad thing. We are all equal. Be proud of yourself and don't listen to ppl who try to demoralize yo. Never give up.😊
Both pro and con sides present strong arguments but they are all eristic arguments. I'm neutral in this. I'm glad on that they no more scientifically fall into retarded and ruthless categories such as mental disorder, sexual devastation etc. On the other hand I take this as neither normal, nor abnormal but as a fact. That's not a question of morals or orientations at all. We, human beings, have a tendency to reach the majority in numbers and to use this device to gain a higher prosocial status for our "gang". That's is human nature, either heterosexual or homosexual.
Der Staat soll das fördern was gut für die Gesellschaft ist. Bei einer Geburtenrate von 1,4 Kindern pro deutscher Frau seit nunmehr 40 Jahren kann das Programm nur lauten: Ehe und Familie! Homosexuelle Gemeinschaften dürfen ihre Sexualität zwar im Privatbereich - sofern sie sich an das Strafgesetzbuch halten und Kinder in Ruhe lassen - ausleben, aber eben nicht vom Staat gefördert werden.
Wenn Homosexuelle von ihrer Neigung loskommen und das Verlangen zu praktizieren überwinden wollen können sie sich an den Bund katholischer Ärzte wenden (Vorsitzender Dr. med. Gero Winkelmann, 82008 Unterhaching)
This is not a battle. Everyone has the right to have their own opinion. And it's a waste of time to argue or prove something.
You are right, all this is a waste of time... I've already done the job once,why should I do it twice... People may continue to act like if it is normal, and what is it ? ... After all even the Roman Empire fell, nothing is immortal...
Ich möchte feststellen, daß Homosexualität immer am Ende einer Zivilisation stand, niemals am Anfang!
Konrad Adenauer, Bundeskanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Lieber ein kalter Krieger als ein warmer Bruder!
Dr. hc. Franz Josef Strauß, Bayerischer Ministerpräsident
Ich habe nichts gegen Homsexuelle, so lange sie sich an das Strafgesetzbuch halten und die Kinder in Ruhe lassen
Friedrich Merz, CDU Politiker