Opinion homosexuality Politics and governments

Yes, the topic of my psychology class is human sexuality. Our professor says there is nothing in the Bible that says homosexuality is sinful.

Ich empfehle die Literatur auf der Website des Bundes Katholischer Ärzte (BKAE). Der Vorsitzende, Dr. (I) Gero Winkelmann, spricht auch öfter im Fernsehen.
The majority of humans are not catholic and I think most people know, that the catholic believe is the extreme part of Christianity. The protestant church, which is a part of Christianity too, does not seem to have any problem with homosexuality.
There is also no proof that homossexuality can be cured, even though this association apperantly tries to cure it.
Having an "organization" with more or less extreme opinions say something is not exactly proving anything. Especially religious organizations are mostly very biased, for obvious reasons.

Except acting against religious rules, homosexuality has absolutely no negative consequences for anyone. And since not every human being is religious or understands the religious scriptures the same way, you should not argue with acting against a religion in this case, in my opinion.

Yes, the topic of my psychology class is human sexuality. Our professor says there is nothing in the Bible that says homosexuality is sinful.

So the professor really believes there is nothing in the Bible against homosexuality? He probably never read it!

you can interpret the bible differently, just for the information, that was the cause for war and massacers.

And no where in the bible stands that homosexuality is a sin. Actually every act of sex out of wedlock and not with the plan of procreation is a sin.


Maybe lets quote, where the bible says its a sin?

I know the bible. Thats one thing.

The second is my question: do You believe in everything what bible says? Do You agree with everything? So what about judes leading by God, through killing another nations? Was it good and did it fit to church teaching about love of God?

If You answer: yes, then there is no place for any longer conversation with You.

Anyway, You should be aware that bible could be edited by whole years when church is teaching about it. Its just logical conclusion.

And what I remember from bible about sexuality, is: hedonism is bad.

There wasnt nothing about: You are gay, then You are bad person.

Everything should end with the question: "Do You hurt someone with what You are doing in Your life? How it influence anothers life?".

And Im saying it as person, who believe in God, and who is against lgbt ideology. But Im not against logic and something so natural like people attracted by the same sex for example.

In both the Old and the New Testament there are several references that make it clear that God always rejected and rejects practiced homosexuality. In addition to the historical biblical passages in Genesis 19 (Sodom and Gomorrah) and Judges 19, we find two express prohibitions on the subject of homosexuality. "And you should not lie with a man as one lies with a woman: it is an abomination" (Lev. 18:22). "And if a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, then have both perpetrate an abomination; they are sure to be put to death, their blood is on them "(Lev. 20:13).

In the New Testament we find in Romans 1.24 ff. And in 1 Corinthians 6,9 and 1 Timothy 1:10 in the same way clear indications that homosexuality in practice is sin. There is no mention of prostitution and a connection to god worship or violence in any of these passages.

The biblical facts are thus clear. This does not mean that we should not counsel Christians who see an inclination in their lives towards people of the same sex. We have this task, yes our duty. The prerequisite for any help, however, is that one is ready to accept God's word in its clarity.

Many, especially evangelical theologians, claim today that practiced, consensual homosexuality in mutual responsibility "and love" was unknown at the time of the apostles and therefore allowed. how the two people treat each other.Practiced homosexuality is a sin.

In the meantime, there are also interesting indications that homosexuality has always - at least also - existed by mutual agreement. Studies by Mario Wahnschaffe (Bonn) suggest this. Extra-biblical texts evidently prove the existence of homosexual relationships between same-sex people as early as antiquity. For example, in the Greek Thebes around 378 BC. a famous elite military force composed entirely of 300 homosexuals. The Greek philosopher Plato (428-348 BC) also describes love relationships between two men several times.

This confirms once again: We must also reject practiced homosexuality in the 21st century in obedience to God's Word. Society may decide and think differently and ask us to abandon the biblical view. But we are loyal to our Lord.

So, should we brainwash homosexual people? Or should we accept freedom of choose, if they don't hurt anyone?

Also, it sounds fanatical for me, and I reject so blind interpretation of bible.
Its scary when some people would accept everything what is written or said by some kind of "authority".

God gave me eyes, tongue and free will and mind, not only ears. So I believe he want me to looking for "what is truly good" by my own asking, observing, and thinking. Not only by sitting in the bench at the church and blindly taking what someone is saying.

such fanatical and blind interpretation of the bible, or any religios written paper, has produced war, misery and grief. I don´t think god would want blood and murder right?

@Oxiu i think there is no point in arguing with @weidenfeld anymore, i just read his side and lost every hope of maybe getting him to see more than this fanatical side he is sharing with every one of us here

Yes, the topic of my psychology class is human sexuality. Our professor says there is nothing in the Bible that says homosexuality is sinful.
Ich empfehle die Literatur auf der Website des Bundes Katholischer Ärzte (BKAE). Der Vorsitzende, Dr. (I) Gero Winkelmann, spricht auch öfter im Fernsehen.
The majority of humans are not catholic and I think most people know, that the catholic believe is the extreme part of Christianity. The protestant church, which is a part of Christianity too, does not seem to have any problem with homosexuality.
There is also no proof that homossexuality can be cured, even though this association apperantly tries to cure it.
Having an "organization" with more or less extreme opinions say something is not exactly proving anything. Especially religious organizations are mostly very biased, for obvious reasons.

Except acting against religious rules, homosexuality has absolutely no negative consequences for anyone. And since not every human being is religious or understands the religious scriptures the same way, you should not argue with acting against a religion in this case, in my opinion.

Among others: Romans 1:27
"In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error."

There are others verses like this that are pretty explicits. Yet, it doesn't mean that everything in the Bible will be or has to be taken literally and it's basically why there is a New testament (the Old one is something of another level).

So yes, the Bible has some verses against homosexuality, like it has against or in favour to many other things, but thanks nobody ever claimed that the Bible was written by God himself so Christian beliefs can constantly evolve without much problem.

Btw : Try to be critical of what your teachers tell you. You're a uni student, and ideological discourse are more or less tolerated there (at least in the West). Knowing this one should be cautious when such claims are made.

Edited by Lianshen .

In my opinion Homosexuality is trouble to personality ,he don't know why he do that and for what !! for Love i don't think so,the man stay a man and the woman stay always a woman ,don't mix things up,and how can get a children in future !!!!!

All this annoying homophobia and religious propaganda as for to light new stakes is making me homosexuality sympathizer.

Just an idea of doing homosexual acts (since it is only matter of free preferences about doings) as a protest.

Unfortunately I refused some courtships among young boys and now I am not in the prime of my life anymore. Starting with hairy, fatty elderly people seems not the best initiation. But possibly this is after other biases.

Love is love bitches! People, we live in fucking 2021. If you still do not exept the LGBTQ+ community, than you're not exepting normal human beings. What i just don't understand is, why don't you let other people marry just because they are the same gender. And why do you not let them have kids. What is wrong with you people. If your own child is part of the LGBTQ+ community, and he/she/they wants to marry, would you still say no? Would you be a shamed of your own child? If your answer is yes, I dispise you.

Heute ist ein besonderer Tag. Wir haben gesiegt. Unser Bürgermeister wollte das Fußballstadion in Schwulenfarben erleuchten lassen. Damit wollte er gegen das Gesetz protestieren was in Ungarn Werbung für Homosexualität und Pädophilie verbietet protestieren. Dies wollte er am Mittwoch tun, wo die Bundesrepublik gegen Ungarn spielt. So wollte er die Ungarn ärgern. Jetzt hat der Weltfußballverband FIFA dies verboten. Sollte die Stadt München das tun würde sie auf zigtausend Euro Konventionalstrafe verklagt. Die Stadtverwaltung muß politisch neutral sein. Unsere perverse Verbrecherbande die sich in der Politik eingenistet haben haben eine ernste Niederlage erlitten. Im Kampf um christliche Werte wurde ein unglaublicher Sieg errungen. Jesus Christus gebührt Ehre und Ruhm!

A lot of people are saying love is love, which is a good thing. But a better way to phrase it(when refering to the entire acronym/community) is probably, 'people are people'
LGBTQIA+ covers sexuality and romantic attraction as well as gender. Also, aromantic people are part of LGBTQIA+.
Of course, people aren't doing anything wrong when saying love is love, I just think it's something to be aware of.

To answer the actual question: I abolutely support the LGBTQIA+ commmunity!

A lot of people are saying love is love, which is a good thing. But a better way to phrase it(when refering to the entire acronym/community) is probably, 'people are people'
LGBTQIA+ covers sexuality and romantic attraction as well as gender. Also, aromantic people are part of LGBTQIA+.
Of course, people aren't doing anything wrong when saying love is love, I just think it's something to be aware of.

To answer the actual question: I abolutely support the LGBTQIA+ commmunity!

I agree with you! 😃

I'm not sure who will take the time to read this but I would just like to point out that homosexuality exists in over 400 species while homophobia exists in just one. Putting religion, politics and beliefs aside for a moment and look at the numbers now. Who is the anomaly.

Also I'm pansexual if anyone would like an LGBTQ+ friend

I respect everyone, but if the LGBTQ+ would have been only about sexual orientation it would be much easier... it's a kind of ideology

I respect everyone, but if the LGBTQ+ would have been only about sexual orientation it would be much easier... it's a kind of ideology
In what way is it an ideology?

I respect people who consider themselves homosexuals and other sexual orientations, however the marriage must be between a man and a woman

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