Opinion homosexuality Politics and governments

The problem is only cultural and starting from there it becomes also a problem of various kinds of violence against homosexuals.

I even do not think that homosexuals and heterosexuals do exist. For me it is not an appropriate or interesting criterion in order to distinguish among human beings.

I think that it is more matter of preferences and behaviours that could change during the life.

Although the libido is related to sexual distinction for procreation, it is not exclusive to that purpose. Some kind of erotic arousing is implied in many relations for many animals. For instance in new born and little ones care. Also among other animals are quite common cases of homosexual eroticism.

I know that many persons comes out proudly to claim for consideration of their homosexuality.

Anyway I think to be a human being with sexual preferences toward the other sex but do not feel in need of declaring myself a heterosexual. I think to be different from the so called homosexuals just for sexual preferences not for DNA.

As long as they don't try to sell me on it like vegans do then I say go for it if it makes you happy.

this really made me laugh, thank you 😂😂🤣🤣

Firstly in China it’s still illegal. Marriage isn’t allowed in mainland except Taiwan area. But what I think is since it isn’t a disease, I won’t discriminate who are this kind of people and people should receive them. But I don’t support law gives more rights to them I mean too much right, after all it’s not some excellent things to propagandize.
I agree with Jesus_ and Eelisa189.
I want to add: The Lord created heaven and the earth absolutely intelligent and perfect. He created us as men and women, there are no further genders. These days, we are told, homosexuality is no kind of illness. But I am not sure about this: if it is normal and healthy, than everybody would be homosexual. Indeed, the minority is homosexual. A lot of them are very sad about it, try to be "healt", because they long for "normal" love and for own children. In many cases, homosexuality lasts only for some time and the persons turn heterosexual. Often, the education in in early childhood can e related to this phenomona. A dominating mother or father for example...A huge number makes suicid. That is horrible. In our country, every kind of therapy is going to be forbidden. In my view, this is criminal.
I cannot support adoption by homosexuals, because it has bad influence on the children. My brother is pediatric doctor.
To make sure, I am convinced, our Lord loves every human being the same way, homosexuals and heterosexuals either. I myself know some homosexuals, they are kind, very talented and tolerant human beings, I enjoy talking with them.
I wish the very best for every human being and I hope, it is okay, that I directly pointed my view. I hope for your tolerance.

I found your comment interesting.
I respect a lot homosexual people, in fact my best friend is homosexual and I love him as if he were my brother.
I think that being homosexual is a personal decision and nothing or nobody should say bad things, insult or diminish them.

That's not what I said. Definitely not. There are so many sad and really wrong things going on, but it has nothing to do with homosexuality. It is not the reason for it and it never was.
Exactly, I am totally at your side..!

Honestly, that isn't really something that you have "an opinion" of. I mean who are we, that we judge who other people love? We can judge other people for their actions, but not for who they are.
Yes, I just wanted to say that, because a few comments here, and also the question made me a bit angry...

It's normal... love is love, right?

Completely normal. Everyone should have the same rights, no matter their sexuality or gender. I can understand the point if view of not wanting gay people to get married AT church or the church not reconizing gay marriages, but on the legal sides it should not be forbidden. Also if you say that sexuality is an illness or a choice... you're wrong and homophobic.

Love is love 🙂 LGBTQ+ should have the same rights as everybody else. They should be able to marry, adopt children and so on.
Whether they are able to adopt children shouldn't be measured on sexuality but rather on how well a person is suited to become a parent.

Sexuality is partly determined by genetics and there is nothing more natural than that.

I am christian and homosexuality+ doesn't interfere with my beliefs in the slightest.

Firstly, this is still illegal in China mainland( I mean they can't get marry in China mainland.) But personally, I think homosexualities are ok. People should not discriminate them. And I think they should have more right than they have in China mainland now. They should be treated equally as anyone else.

Edited by LilyPeng6 .

Ich kann es sehr gut verstehen daß Homosexualität in vielen Ländern unter Strafe steht. Es ist einfach moralisch nicht in Ordnung. Alleine die Vorstellung was diese Leute tun führt dazu daß mir schlecht wird.
Und wenn das schon legal gemacht wird, dann sollen sie es zu Hause leben. Nicht in der Öffentlichkeit.
Das soll Privatsache sein.

i dont understand how other people's business bothers people you know? okay if they identify as gay/lesbian that's their business,😂💖 let them do their thing and you focus on you.

Honestly, that isn't really something that you have "an opinion" of. I mean who are we, that we judge who other people love? We can judge other people for their actions, but not for who they are.
Yes, I just wanted to say that, because a few comments here, and also the question made me a bit angry...


It's normal... love is love, right?
it is! 😌💝💗💖

Ich kann es sehr gut verstehen daß Homosexualität in vielen Ländern unter Strafe steht. Es ist einfach moralisch nicht in Ordnung. Alleine die Vorstellung was diese Leute tun führt dazu daß mir schlecht wird.
Und wenn das schon legal gemacht wird, dann sollen sie es zu Hause leben. Nicht in der Öffentlichkeit.
Das soll Privatsache sein.

Diese Lebenseinstellung

Love is love... Like why do people care who loves who?

Dieses Gerede von "Love is Love" trifft überhaupt nicht das Thema. Es geht nicht um Gefühle, Gefühle sind auch in keinem Land der Welt strafbar. Es geht immer um die Tathandlungen. Und die sollen halt in der Öffentlichkeit nicht stattfinden.
Die Privatwohnung fällt unter die Autonomie jedes einzelnen. Dort dürfen sie alles tun solange sie nicht gegen das Strafgesetzbuch verstoßen und die Kinder in Ruhe lassen.
In der Öffentlichkeit sollen sie aber auf das Empfinden der Normalbürger Rücksicht nehmen und sich eben nicht ausleben. So extrem dringend wird doch das Bedürfnis nicht sein daß es nicht Zeit bis zuhause hat.

It translated as:I'm not saying "love is love" it's not a matter of affection, affection can't be punished in any country in the world it's all about crime scenes and these things can't be made public, right
Private housing is a matter of individual autonomy. You can do anything there as long as you don't break the criminal law
You can't ignore the feelings of ordinary people that things are rushing back

By and large, not badly translated. Where did you learn German?

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