Do you believe that 2012's prediction

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well i'm not worry at all
life goes on~
so i won't spend my time worry about that 😃

One of my friends is so convinced the end is coming he spends quite an amount per month on stocking up off can food and he has the survival tools prepared. He has even planned out an escape route which i find quite amusing.

Of course!
I've already created a fallout shelter in order to face the destruction!

Honestly, I don't believe in 2012. There have been several apocolypse predictions before, and yet here we stand (or,rather,sit, presuming you're at a desk as you're readng this right now)
What I am worried about is the mass chaos that will ensue in 2012. The world may not end, but millions of people believe it will; there's going to be riots and looting everywhere, and the global crime rate is going to shoot up, as well as the suicide and murder count.

I doubt that millions of people are of that particular opinion -.- .


First of all,I have to admit that I didnt watch that movie about 2012.But It doesnt matter because there is nothing like that.How can they know the date of end of world? It's just a story made up by human kind.Because just God knows what will happen tomorrow.We can know nothing for future.

''They ask you about the Hour (Day of Resurrection): "When will be its appointed time?" Say: "The knowledge thereof is with my Lord (Alone). None can reveal its time but He. Heavy is its burden through the heavens and the earth. It shall not come upon you except all of a sudden." They ask you as if you have a good knowledge of it. Say: "The knowledge thereof is with Allâh (Alone) but most of mankind know not."[] (187)'' (Quran 7:187)

I agree with Er3n!!!!! 😉

2012 is a kind of "brainwashing" to me...

Hollywood's "2012" is boring to me XDDDD
but i'm somehow afraid of the end of the world.
the global warming and the changes of the climate is not only movie ..
maybe it won't happen in 2012. we should do more to protect our planet ..

that's what i think ... 😛

we'll all die.

you can die in any moment , you don't have to settle a date for it

No, thats not gonna happen.
The world was supposedly supposed to end many times before now.

Its dumb.


Everything can be happened, However I will just do better in mere future. :tooth :tooth :tooth

Somewhere deep in me I believe in it. It is so... !!!! , 'couse I really don't wanna think that I'll die.
I try to live on today.

I don't believe it. Not in 2012... But for sure, one day it will happen.
And as you told, we should protect our planet if we don't want it to die.. =)
But, just live ! 'cause if it is going to happen, we just have to live, the more we can. 🙂

I do believe in 2012, I also believe in leprechauns and Santa.

I personally don't think 2012 "prediction" (Kinda) is real....
See, no-one knows when the world is gonna end.
About the Mayans' Calendar, I think they just got fade-up with making new calendars every year on and on and on, so to get some rest, they just thought "hey, why not fool the world that all are gonna die in 2012, since we're all fade-up of making new calendars"...
Just relax dudes.

I do believe in 2012, I also believe in leprechauns and Santa.
i believe in Santa, too!


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