Do you believe that 2012's prediction

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Everything can be happened, However I will just do better in mere future. :tooth :tooth :tooth

Somewhere deep in me I believe in it. It is so... !!!! , 'couse I really don't wanna think that I'll die.
I try to live on today.

I don't believe it. Not in 2012... But for sure, one day it will happen.
And as you told, we should protect our planet if we don't want it to die.. =)
But, just live ! 'cause if it is going to happen, we just have to live, the more we can. 🙂

I do believe in 2012, I also believe in leprechauns and Santa.

I personally don't think 2012 "prediction" (Kinda) is real....
See, no-one knows when the world is gonna end.
About the Mayans' Calendar, I think they just got fade-up with making new calendars every year on and on and on, so to get some rest, they just thought "hey, why not fool the world that all are gonna die in 2012, since we're all fade-up of making new calendars"...
Just relax dudes.

I do believe in 2012, I also believe in leprechauns and Santa.
i believe in Santa, too!


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