Harry Potter Character

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Lord Voldemort

Dobby and Luna

luna for sure

Harry Potter, and/or the giant

Severus Rogue

This is a hard decision but I like most Harry, Hermione, Ron, Hagrit, Dobby and Sirius.

This is a hard decision but I like most Harry, Hermione, Ron, Hagrit, Dobby and Sirius.
wich one is the giant?

wich one is the giant?
Hagrid is. Also, I like Cedric Diggory the most! So sad he died, would have loved to see more of him!

Hagrid is. Also, I like Cedric Diggory the most! So sad he died, would have loved to see more of him!
oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............ im never gonna remember harry-potter-names!

oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............ im never gonna remember harry-potter-names!
Nooooo whyyyy 🥲🥲

Nooooo whyyyy 🥲🥲
because i dont watch harry potter anymore

it's draco, snape, McGonagall, hermione, hagrid, narcissa, & lupin

Her weirdness is relatable to me and she’s kinda adorable. Would love to listen to her telling me about weird stuff.

Hm, i think Minerva McGonagall, because she is a Little bit like a mother with her loving strictness. 

Luna Lovegood would make a wonderful friend in my opinion.

I also like Dumbledore, but less than Luna. Fun fact, my father can't make the difference between Dumbledore and Gandalf since both look the same to him and they're both magic old men, so instead of never understanding each other because he's saying the wrong name, now my family calls both of the old guys 'Dumbledalf'.

Fred and George Weasley are the bests 🧡🧡🧡🧡

it's hard to make a decision,I think my fave is Draco Malfoy

Jo0 Jo0
