music genre Films, music, TV

Industrial, Punk, Metal, and Techno

Everything, except Rap and all style who seems like this.

I love pop and instrumental music 🌼

Industrial, ambient, ethereal, metal and punk

Movie Score (Hans Zimmer, Steve Jablonksy) Rock and Hip Hop

I like very much R&b

all rock and metal subgenres (except for the really heavy genres like death or black), and a little rap

From Black/Shoegaze, Black Metal, Stoner/Doom, Grindcore, Cybergrind and Subgenres to Horrorcore, Different Genres of Punk, Industrial, Darkwave....
Also love Deephouse, Jazz, Trashfunk, Hardrock...

Only Genres I intensely avoid is Folk, Modern Pop, Dutch Rap Music and Djent....

@unknown waauw i never listen to darkwave and also not grindcore en cybergrind i never heard from it nice to learn about it

@unknown waauw i never listen to darkwave and also not grindcore en cybergrind i never heard from it nice to learn about it

Darkwave is the more Oldskool Goth Music around the end 70's and 80's? Like the Batcave Era! That's one of the best times in Gothic Historh imo! Grindcore/Cybergrind is not... for everyone... to say the least 😅
But I loved it as a Teen... 😅 It's quite... Ehm... Vulgar... 😅

@unknown i will listen to spotivy and lisren wich kind of music it is hihi

@unknown i will listen to spotivy and lisren wich kind of music it is hihi
Good luck and Have Fun! 🤟🏻
If you need any recommendations? Hit me up!

Britpop, Pro-rock, Alternative, Indie, Jazz hipop

Metal core, deathcore, powermetal, Havy metal, death metal, post hardcore, punk


Jazz, Classics, Techno, pop, funk

Ho gusti eclettici, amo la musica da quando sono nata, da tre anni suono il flauto di pan e adoro le musiche che si possono suonare con esso, seppure non disdegno il rock, il soul, il pop, musica leggera cantautorale. Mi fermo qui, perché amando la musica potrei continuare fino alle musiche polari.