
GermanPotato online

  • 9m
  • Favourite books/authors/films

    My favorite book is "Call of the Deep" from Katja Brandis and Hans-Peter Ziemek. I also love "Woodwalkers" and "Wolves of the Beyond". I really like Horror books, especially from Stephen King. My favorite movie is probably Interstellar or Oppenheimer.

  • Cities and countries I have visited

    I have visited the United States in September 2023. Seeing the different national parks, the Great Canyon, San Francisco and Las Vegas was probably one of the biggest adventures in my life. Beside of The USA, I only visited a few countries in Europe.

  • Making the world a better place

    I think we should all start to communicate more with people from other cultures and other parts of the world. Fighting stereotypes, getting closer and knowing each other will really help to stop war and racism. Also we should care about the environment so the next generations have also the chance to live their lives on our planet.

  • Living abroad for one year

    I will spend a year in Canada from Summer 2025 to Summer 2026🍁🇨🇦 I will go with the Student exchange organization MAP. I am going to live in a host family in east Canada, probably Nova Scotia or New Brunswick

  • I always enjoy talking about...

    I like to talk about politics, books, Social Media, Music, etc. I really like to talk with others about different stuff, so just contact me!
    Ps: If you have Twitch and speek a litle bit german you can check out @Rhababs. I am one of his moderators and can mostly be found in his chat🙂

  • I recently learnt...

    I‘m learning Swedish at the moment. I already know the most important words if it’s about ordering drinks and food.

  • I wish people knew more about...

    I think many people don’t know enough about the most basic things like food for example. Every year we are killing Billions of animals out of Factory animal husbandry and we think we would eat „good“ meat. I don’t know if it’s because the companies have just too much Power or if it’s because we are lieing to our self, but we definitely have to change something, to save Billions of animals and our own health.

