乐子Chris 汉语/漢語/中文

You can even master tradional Chinese

Edited by liwenbo .

It's just stupid that the whole world doesn't trust China and everyone knows what China is up to. So it's going to be a rocky road until 2049...

Yes,We also cant librate Taiwan beacause here s what some taiwanese think about👍


No wonder, open speech is not allowed in China so everything against China is an attack to China.
But,Some "Chinese" has same opinions like u,they like FREEDOM


Edited by liwenbo .



Edited by liwenbo .

Why dont Germany claims parts of Poland back in 1937? Because Europe has become smarter than China now is. And it was clear that the true Intention of China is to control important sea areas for shipping routes.
Ahem, don't speak too fast when your country is using EU to gets back its legitimacy and show domineering behaviour over other EU members.
Also and apparently, EU doesn't know what China is up to since it allowed our industrials to leave and feed the "sleeping giant" first, then left Greece became China's tool in EU.

Plus the world doesn't trust the West anymore either. Haven't you seen how the world responded to the West incitation to isolate Russia in 2022? You live in an eurocentrist bubble if you think the world = the west.

It is no wonder that western media such as abc, bbc, afp and so on have unjustifiably discredited china and the chinese people. They brainwash Western people into thinking that China is bad. Who is behind this manipulation? The answer is Western governments. Why? Because China's increasing strength makes them feel threatened, their position as the world's hegemon is difficult to maintain. They have provoked incidents around the world, such as the Russia Ukraine war and the Taiwan Strait crisis. Some media even smear great figures in Chinese history, such as Mao Zedong. The drawbacks of capitalism have already been demonstrated. We need to unite the people of the world, resist all oppression, and actively fight against oppressors in order to achieve world peace.
Long live the great unity of the people of the world!

And how should the world become that China is satisfied? I doubt China Accept anything besides their control

Don't listen to what the news says, China has now implemented a 144 hour visa free policy for many countries around the world. Take a look at the real China!

And how should the world become that China is satisfied? I doubt China Accept anything besides their control
Haha, a typical brainwashed person

u can watch some travel youtubers like him ,Chris,Dont just talk about politics but never think anything else

you are right

u can watch some travel youtuber like him ,Chris,Dont just talk about politics but never think anything else

I heard that somebody was talking about me😶😶

t is no wonder that western media such as abc, bbc, afp and so on have unjustifiably discredited china and the chinese people. They brainwash Western people into thinking that China is bad. Who is behind this manipulation? The answer is Western governments. Why? Because China's increasing strength makes them feel threatened, their position as the world's hegemon is difficult to maintain. They have provoked incidents around the world, such as the Russia Ukraine war and the Taiwan Strait crisis.
While this is true, China is not better than any government. With increasing power comes greater ambitions, and imperialism. The West is sure not so happy that China has such ambitions and whho would be happy to see another one ruling and imposing its view instead of yourself?

Haha, a typical brainwashed person
Says a Chinese hahaha...
Free press 4 China!!!!
