乐子Chris 汉语/漢語/中文

[China is collapsing!CCP Leader s shame history was listed out! https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=nHrA_z4UypZao_Qp]


【bullshit! The CCP forces people to dance for their leaders! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMXJHw2z8s4

【OMG!Theres truly what happened in a country with 1.4 billion people! https://youtu.be/CDGVM8rBRPE?si=rbZAheBcl0k7QBys

【OMG!Theres truly what happened in a country with 1.4 billion people! https://youtu.be/CDGVM8rBRPE?si=rbZAheBcl0k7QBys
It is bad for China, delete it now😡😡😡😂

【震驚!2024年中國的立法院居然亂成這個樣子!!By TVBS https://news.tvbs.com.tw/politics/2488731

【震驚!2024年中國的立法院居然亂成這個樣子!!By TVBS https://news.tvbs.com.tw/politics/2488731
heyyy that's fake news!

No ways,Our Jiji country is like this, No country in the world can escape the hatred of other countries towards its own country. however,种族主义,民粹主义,复国主义,恐怖主义是被Chris玩明白了,活该被恨🤣

No ways,Our Jiji country is like this, No country in the world can escape the hatred of other countries towards its own country. however,种族主义,民粹主义,复国主义,恐怖主义是被Chris玩明白了,活该被恨🤣

But how can the wheel of history be reversed? The tyrants will pay for it!——by Sången om Reaktionen(Swedish songs) We don't need to discuss too much, history will prove all of this

It is bad for China, delete it now😡😡😡😂
Interesting view...

无知致歉 Chris是什么意思啊。。。

@TierM38 曾经用过的名字👀

无知致歉 Chris是什么意思啊。。。

No ways,Our Jiji country is like this, No country in the world can escape the hatred of other countries towards its own country. however,种族主义,民粹主义,复国主义,恐怖主义是被Chris玩明白了,活该被恨🤣



红宝书?从2020年开始,中国媒体早就报道了很多关于little red book的内容了。我怎么可能不知道呢?对吧?