乐子Chris 汉语/漢語/中文

I heard that somebody was talking about me😶😶

@liwenbo Who are u ? Don t say Taiwan in the website

Say Taiwan province or province of Taiwan. And the flag is ROC, not Taiwan




Every time Chris starts meaningless argument , every time I update this subject🙋‍♂️


No wonder, open speech is not allowed in China so everything against China is an attack to China.

No wonder, open speech is not allowed in China so everything against China is an attack to China.
boring chris

Btw.: Yesterday I watched a documentations where they repeated this bullshit about historical claims about islands in the south Chinese sea.
This historian who shew Maps of 1602 and 1778. Hunderts of years ago. Why dont Germany claims parts of Poland back in 1937? Because Europe has become smarter than China now is. And it was clear that the true Intention of China is to control important sea areas for shipping routes.

And instead to clear up in the UN or den Haag they treat fish trawlers from Philippines to leave "their territory".

No wonder, open speech is not allowed in China so everything against China is an attack to China.


Edited by liwenbo .


Then explain me why China is so sensitive against critisizing from abroad?! Let US do what we think is right so it becomes easier for us?
Like Russia : How you dare to protect Ukraine from attacking by us you evil Western countries?! 😄


Any constructive mentions? 忠於本線,中國公民?

Chris u Chinese is very good