The writing contest Giochi

I really enjoy writing all kinds of stories, and I wanted to know if anyone else did too. If you do, it could be fun to write a little something for Penpal Gate and make a contest of who wrote the best story! Of course, there will only be a contest if at least three people other than me want to participate in it.

The rules are simple:
- The story needs minimum two paragraphs,
- It would be preferable not to post a whole book,
- The story must be family friendly (scary stories are allowed, but no gory scenes)

Giving tips to others is allowed, working on the same story as someone else too. Any genre of story is allowed!

Since I love writing, such a beautiful idea.

I never wrote “stories” tho ,but I will try this challenge.

Since I love writing, such a beautiful idea.

I never wrote “stories” tho ,but I will try this challenge.

Thanks a lot for trying! I'm sure you'll do very good.

I love writing story but maybe I'm out of age target for this contest, am I?😄

I love writing story but maybe I'm out of age target for this contest, am I?😄

I hope that Miss_Penpal says you can also join because it would be nice if any member can write a story. 🙂

I love writing story but maybe I'm out of age target for this contest, am I?😄
There's no age limit, anyone can join the contest if they want to!

Can we write the second part of Parsa's adventures? We already wrote the first part some time ago🤣

Can we write the second part of Parsa's adventures? We already wrote the first part some time ago🤣
Of course, but if you want to do that it has to respect the rules above.

I wrote this story for Miss_Penpal's forum. Sorry for the mistakes. I tried to check everything and correct them. 🥰

Li Ling and Mister Quiet

Li Ling is staring out of her window. She is staring, but not watching. Her eyes move, but she is not actually seeing anything. It is like watching at the advertisement before your favourite song starts to play on You Tube. The neighbourhood is different than during the week. In the weekend when the sun comes up it stayes quiet. Snoozing is loved by everything and everybody. Except for Li Ling. And except for a lonely shadow at the end of the street.

The shadow quickly moves out of the door of a house and it carries a long thin stick. It is difficult to see from her window, but the shadow seems to be "Mister Quiet". It is a nickname neighbours gave to a man who lives alone and who locks himself inside the house with the curtains closed. The door is closed. The windows are closed. The house is small and dark. It does not get any visitors. Even the house is alone. With empty hands the man returns to his house and is shutting the door. There is no mail for Mister Quiet and the walk outside was shorter than you need to start your laptop.

At breakfast Li Ling suddenly speaks. When her father is at the table she must behave and wait until it is ok to speak. "Why is Mister Quiet always in his house and only gets out with his sunglasses?" Li Ling asks her parents. "That is because he is blind Li Ling" her mom replies. "He is blind and alone. And he does not want to be disturbed. It is better to leave him alone."

After breakfast the parents of Li Ling go to the Oriental Supermarket and Li Ling decides to cover her eyes with a towel. It is very dark. More dark than in the cinema when all the lights go out. She starts to carefully walk in the living room, but almost falls over the small tv table. That was hard! And Li Ling was only blind for 15 seconds. Grabbing her house key she gets outside. "Hello Li Ling" a neighbour says as he is walking with his large dog. The dog is very friendly, but it is almost as big as a baby bear. Li Ling prefers dogs which are as small as a rabbit.

Walking towards the house of Mister Quiet Li Ling keeps her eyes on the door of the house. She feels tensed. Every small little movement even of a shadow of the tree in front of the house Li Ling sees. She suddenly has an idea and starts to pick 7 flowers with separate colours on the end of a grass field. The colours are nice and the colours are friendly. Maybe Mister Quiet will like them too. Standing in front of the house, Li Ling does not dare to ring the bell. What if he does not want to open the door? What if Mister Quiet becomes angry? She quickly puts the flowers in the mailbox.

The next morning Li Ling cant wait to get up at exactly the same time. She runs to her window and looks outside. Nothing happens. When it is almost time to get downstairs for breakfast with her mom and dad, Li Ling sees the door of the house of Mister Quiet opening. The long stick first and Mister Quiet follows in his quick way to the mailbox. He opens it and stops. He seems a bit unsure and he moves back to the house to shut the door.

The next several days Li Ling keeps bringing flowers to the mailbox of Mister Quiet. And on one day, she finds a little chocolate on top of the mailbox. Excited she takes the chocolate home. Not to eat it! But to put it on her desk. Next to a photo of Li Ling with her parents when they visited China when she was still a baby.

The next day she is about to pick some flowers as she sees a lot of people near the house of Mister Quiet. There is an ambulance. Li Ling rushes to the house and people said that Mister Quiet is no longer living. People are sad but they don't know what to say. An ambulance man heard the nickname Mister Quiet and looks surprised. He says: "Mister Quiet? It should be Mister Flower!" The people in front of the house look surprised and look at the ambulance man. "When we found him in the house, he was lying on the floor near the table. On the table was a box covered with red mini hearts and the box was full with little flowers. Nothing else was on the table."

Even when Mister Flower was not living anymore in the house, every weekend Li Ling picked a flower. And she put it in front of the house. That is for Mister Flower. I hope that he likes it she says softly in the air above her head.


Modificato da Yue_ .

Thank you for the wonderful story Yue! I liked the end, it was very sweet.
Do you have a title for it?

Thank you for the wonderful story Yue! I liked the end, it was very sweet.
Do you have a title for it?

Thank you very much @Miss_Penpal! 🙏 I completely forgot the title! 🙄 Maybe keep the title simple: "Li Ling and Mister Quiet"

Btw: Li Ling is the real name of my mom! 😛 I liked to use her name for the story. 🤭🤭

when i have the time, i`ll write something too 😉

i`ll write it verry small 😉

I am very curious what you will write Mare! 😛 And if you have tips for my story above I am very thankful! Can be very critical it is not a problem! 😋🤗

Okay, this is the story I wrote! It's a bit long, because it's easier for me to develop the plot that way and also because I had difficulty trying to introduce the main character and make him a minimum relatable. I tried to make it so people would have a bit of compassion for him, but not too much, I also want people to be jealous and/or judgeful towards him. And I think... no, I'm pretty sure I messed it up, so, sorry about that.
The title is "I felt that".

It was on a sunny Monday morning that everything started going wrong. Mark’s girlfriend left him. One of his banks burned down. His pet dog Hope died.
As his hopes and dreams cracked, shattered, and broke in front of his eyes, his motivation and serenity hit rock bottom. Mark was left as an empty shell, he was the shadow of himself. Things kept getting worse and refused to get fixed, and his happiness did the same. It felt as though his heart was being squished in his chest, and his shoulders felt much heavier than usual. Every day, when he woke up in his king sized bed, he just felt like going back to sleep. He lost a lot of friends because his attitude became terrible.
He had everything, and the transition from that to his current position was the most depressing thing he had ever experienced. He still had two banks and his mansion with all his possessions, including his private helicopter, his yacht, his plane, his pool… But instead of focusing on what he had, he focused on what he had lost. Nobody felt bad for him at all because of that, but he didn't get the message. He used that as another excuse to be sad. He stayed home and almost never got out.
After a few weeks of being a hermit and a rude old man, Mark got a call from one of his childhood friends. At first, he thought “I don’t feel like picking up, so I won’t”, but when he looked and saw the shining name show up on his phone’s screen, he sighed and reached his hand towards the device.
“Hello Leo.” He said simply, waiting for the other person to answer.
“Hey.” Was all he got. A short, slightly awkward silence ensued.
“What d’you want?” Mark insisted, feeling annoyed at the time Leo took to talk.
“Do you remember that you used to have a psychologist back when we were in school?” He said after a few seconds. Mark didn’t like that statement.He didn't like being reminded of his therapist. He took it as an insult. He felt his hand itching to hang up, he felt his lips burning to tell his friend to shut up, but he didn’t do either of those things.
“Continue…” He answered instead.
“Maybe you could give him a call, see if he’d accept to talk with you again. I’ve noticed you started acting the same as in school, and it makes me feel terrible to not be able to do anything. I just thought maybe that would help, it did before.”
“I’m not going to do that.”
“Why not?”
“You know why.” Mark hung up after that.
A few days passed, and Mark kept thinking about what Leo had told him. His hand hovered over his phone, hesitating. Should he call his old therapist? He scowled. “No. I don’t have a problem.” he thought, retracting his hand angrily, almost as if he had been physically burned.
But, as time passed, he noticed he did have a problem. Hours, days, even weeks went by, and Mark felt like he was in a constant trance, barely registering the things happening around him. He was still able to operate his banks, but it was getting more and more difficult to do things and function properly. It was exactly the same as what had happened years ago in school. So he made his decision. He called the psychologist.
Mark got an appointment easily due to his status in society and the fact that he had already used the services of the therapist. The day after his call, he already had an appointment.
It was on a rainy Tuesday morning that everything started going better. Seeing his old therapist lifted Mark’s spirits. He knew the man was competent, and he decided to put his trust in him once again, even if he hated to admit that he needed help. The relaxing sounds of the rain falling on the windows helped soothe Mark’s nerves, and helped him focus on the words he had to tell the person sitting in front of him patiently.
As he talked with his therapist, Mark felt at peace for the first time in weeks. For every complaint he gave, his psychologist had three good things to say. Mark talked for hours with his old therapist and left feeling light as a feather, nothing on his mind had stayed to bother him. It felt refreshing to go out of the house after so long. It was wonderful to talk to someone that stood in front of him, and not on the other side of a phone.
On his way home, Mark thought: “I’m so lucky.” Right after that, he tripped and fell in a puddle. He laughed at the irony, and didn’t let it ruin his good mood. Here are my writings

chapter 1

Detective Martin Delfin whas starring out of his window in his apartment in Birmingham, UK.
It whas raining a lot, and Martin whas bored; since weeks he didn have a case to close.
He whas looking at all the cars passing by in the street in the rain, and then, he heared the sound of his phone. He picked up and said 'hello, Martin Delfin here, with who am i speaking?' 'me' the voice at the other side said 'meet me at the other side of the street, you dont have to know my name' then the phone said tuut tuut tuut.

Martin walked out of his door, to the other side of the street. 'Psst' a voice said 'come here' Martin walked to the man, and when he arrived, he found a dead lady lying on the ground 'well good morning miss' Martin said to the dead body........

chapter 1

Detective Martin Delfin whas starring out of his window in his apartment in Birmingham, UK.
It whas raining a lot, and Martin whas bored; since weeks he didn have a case to close.
He whas looking at all the cars passing by in the street in the rain, and then, he heared the sound of his phone. He picked up and said 'hello, Martin Delfin here, with who am i speaking?' 'me' the voice at the other side said 'meet me at the other side of the street, you dont have to know my name' then the phone said tuut tuut tuut.

Martin walked out of his door, to the other side of the street. 'Psst' a voice said 'come here' Martin walked to the man, and when he arrived, he found a dead lady lying on the ground 'well good morning miss' Martin said to the dead body........
