The writing contest Games

chapter 1

Detective Martin Delfin whas starring out of his window in his apartment in Birmingham, UK.
It whas raining a lot, and Martin whas bored; since weeks he didn have a case to close.
He whas looking at all the cars passing by in the street in the rain, and then, he heared the sound of his phone. He picked up and said 'hello, Martin Delfin here, with who am i speaking?' 'me' the voice at the other side said 'meet me at the other side of the street, you dont have to know my name' then the phone said tuut tuut tuut.

Martin walked out of his door, to the other side of the street. 'Psst' a voice said 'come here' Martin walked to the man, and when he arrived, he found a dead lady lying on the ground 'well good morning miss' Martin said to the dead body........

Very nice Mare!! I hope we get also the second part!! But Detective Martin says well good morning miss to a dead lady?? 😮

And we start our stories the same with somebody staring out of the window!! So if people look out of the window, a story will happen!! 😛 😛

Sorry I just saw your story Miss_Penpal!! I did not notice before. It is VERY nicely written and I actually feel sympathy for Mark straight away. It is not taken away just because he is rich and has a lot of things. And also not because of his character in the beginning. Because he had to deal with A LOT so everybody should understand that he is maybe not able to deal with that right. But I liked the ending a lot because that is very different how he looks at things. 😊😊 But I dont want to say too much or other people will know too much about the end!

How can we get your story and Mare's and mine come together in one big story? 😛 Is only joke of course. 🙂

I hope more people will read the stories and maybe comment with tips and suggestions? That would be very nice. 🌈🌈🌈 ✨✨✨

Very nice Mare!! I hope we get also the second part!! But Detective Martin says well good morning miss to a dead lady?? 😮

And we start our stories the same with somebody staring out of the window!! So if people look out of the window, a story will happen!! 😛 😛

thats my sense of humor 🙂, and yes; i`ll try to write a 2d chapter 🙂

The day is ending,
the last daylight is disappearing,
the last daylight disappeared,
the day ended.

You turn on the music really loud,
You feel pain really much,
You turn it more on and
You feel more pain.

This pain is the pain of love,
This pain is the pain of sadness,
This pain is the pain of loneliness,
This pain is the pain of not being loved…

Your pain is getting worst,
You know you can´t hold it anymore,
and your pain disappeared,
and now your soul is in flying away…

What you wrote is very beautiful Esma-Nur!! I hope that it is a poem and is not fully about you because you are being loved! ❤️❤️

Now I wanted to ask about the end: how if everything goes from bad to worse that the pain suddenly disappears. It just happens or did you do something? I am curious! 😛 Please keep writing because it is really beautiful words. 🏅🏅

It is not always all abt me but this mayeb anyways Thnx for ur complimentes! I just had this feeliing sometime ago i was sick i listent to musika nd rhe outside it was dark and it everysecond got wirst and then to the end when everything dissappears: i vomited in reallife and my pain just disappeard!

So i gan discribe it

What you wrote is very beautiful Esma-Nur!! I hope that it is a poem and is not fully about you because you are being loved! ❤️❤️

Now I wanted to ask about the end: how if everything goes from bad to worse that the pain suddenly disappears. It just happens or did you do something? I am curious! 😛 Please keep writing because it is really beautiful words. 🏅🏅

Thx very much for all ur compliments

I wanted to try and write a scary-ish story to practice because I've only ever written one before, and I wanted it to finish well, so since I couldn't sleep for a few hours last night I thought about it and now I'd like to know if there's anything I could improve... Just keep in mind I got the idea and developed it in around an hour, so it's normal that it's not perfect. I wrote the story in first person personal pronouns, but it is NOT about me.
The title is "Not alone".

When I was a kid, I had a routine to wake up at one AM and go to the bathroom every night. That habit never caused anyone any harm, except one night. On that night, I woke up at one AM and went to the bathroom. Things started getting... I wouldn't say bad, more like weird, but on the bad side? I'm not sure. Anyway, things started getting weird after I flushed the toilet. It always made that strange sound that sounded like a muffled roar. When I opened the door of the bathroom, I saw a tall shadow at the end of the hallway.
At first I thought it was my dad that liked to prank me, and was trying creep me out. But there was no answer, and the shadow was awfully still. I could hear a low grumble, kind of like a purr. The shadow got closer, and even got in the light the bathroom night light let in the hallway, but it didn't stop being a shadow. Only the contours got easier to see, but the thing in front of me stayed in the form of dark, swirly mist. Its eyes were a glowing yellow shape with a shadowy pupil, and it had sharp hands, as if it had thick claws that were part of it's fingers, and if I hadn't realized it wasn't human before, now I had. It was the monster in the closet, the thing under the bed, the shadows every kid sees at night, the cause of cracking floors at night or whatever else a kid gets scared of at night. It was all of those things united as one.
I would have definitely screamed if the sleepiness didn't make me so numb. This felt like a dream, and no alarm bells were going off in my head until the monster stopped purring after looking in the bathroom and started growling and staring at me, its pupils shrunk down to slits. It jumped on me and started clawing at everything in his reach.
But instead of feeling physical pain, I felt such a powerful aura of sorrow coming from the monster that I couldn't help but feel bad myself. I understood why he was doing it. He must have been so lonely, with every child afraid of him and no adult acknowledging his existence, and he must have thought that the roaring toilet could have been another monster that came to keep him company. I felt like I was the monster here, giving the lonely creature hope and taking it away, like a big brother lying about going to Disneyland. As I felt my eyes water from the oppressing aura of sorrow of the monster and from my guilt, I raised my hand and placed on the creature's forehead.
"Sorry. I'm sorry." I whispered to it.
He suddenly stopped clawing at me and looked straight into my eyes with its glowing yellow 'eyes', as if wondering if I meant what I said. When it noticed I wasn't trying to take back my words or run away, he got up and offered me his 'hand' made of shadows, and his aura of sorrow dies down a bit, but still remained. When I took his hand, the remaining of his sadness seemingly vanished and it started purring louder than when it was in the hallway. I was more surprised about his hand being solid and soft than of his out of character behaviour. I didn't ask myself why that big, scary monster was sad about being alone, I was too busy thinking about how a friendship with a creature like him was like. We went back to my room, me slipping under my bedsheets and him under my bed. I let my arm dangle from the side of my bed to keep holding the hand of the monster I from now on called my friend.
The next morning, the monster had healed me during the night and I didn't have even a scratch. My parents saw the mess in the bathroom and thought there were rats in the house. Me and the monster snickered in my room, knowing all too well that we were the ones that had made that mess.
To this day, I'm still friends with the monster I met on that night. We have a lot of fond memories together, like the time he scared the bullies of the school for me, or when he followed me to school one day and he appeared on TV. Nobody ever found a way to explain what happened, and we still laugh about it years later.
I just hope he'll find someone worthy of befriending him when I'm gone... I'm only human after all, I can't stay with him forever, even if I'd like to. And you, who read my story until the end, you should go and find the monster from your childhood and try to befriend it. Everyone deserves a friend, even them.

Edited by Miss_Penpal .

I wanted to try and write a scary-ish story to practice because I've only ever written one before, and I wanted it to finish well, so since I couldn't sleep for a few hours last night I thought about it and now I'd like to know if there's anything I could improve... Just keep in mind I got the idea and developed it in around an hour, so it's normal that it's not perfect. I wrote the story in first person personal pronouns, but it is NOT about me.
The title is "Not alone".

When I was a kid, I had a routine to wake up at one AM and go to the bathroom every night. That habit never caused anyone any harm, except one night. On that night, I woke up at one AM, as usual, and went to the bathroom, like I always did. Things started getting... I wouldn't say bad, more like weird, but on the bad side? I'm not sure. Anyway, things started getting weird after I flushed the toilet. It always made that strange sound that sounded like a muffled roar. When I opened the door of the bathroom, I saw a tall shadow at the end of the hallway.
At first I thought it was my dad that liked to prank me, and was trying creep me out. But there was no answer, and the shadow was awfully still. I could hear a low grumble, kind of like a purr. The shadow got closer, and even got in the light the bathroom night light let in the hallway, but it didn't stop being a shadow. Only the contours got easier to see, but the thing in front of me stayed in the form of dark, swirly mist. Its eyes were a glowing yellow shape with a shadowy pupil, and it had sharp hands, as if if it had thick claws that were part of it's fingers, and if I hadn't realized it wasn't human before, now I had. It was the monster in the closet, the thing under the bed, the shadows every kid sees at night, the cause of cracking floors at night or whatever else a kid gets scared of at night. It was all of those things united as one.
I would have definitely screamed if the sleepiness didn't make me so numb. This felt like a dream, and no alarm bells were going off in my head until the monster stopped purring after looking in the bathroom and started growling and staring at me, its pupils shrunk down to slits. It jumped on me and started clawing at everything in his reach.
But instead of feeling physical pain, I felt such a powerful aura of sorrow coming from the monster that I couldn't help but feel bad myself. I understood why he was doing it. He must have been so lonely, with every child afraid of him and no adult acknowledging his existence, and he must have thought that the roaring toilet could have been another monster that came to keep him company. I felt like I was the monster here, giving the lonely creature hope and taking it away, like a big brother lying about going to Disneyland. As I felt my eyes water from the oppressing aura of sorrow of the monster and from my guilt, I raised my hand and placed on the creature's forehead.
"Sorry. I'm sorry." I whispered to it.
He suddenly stopped clawing at me and looked straight into my eyes with its glowing yellow 'eyes', as if wondering if I meant what I said. When it noticed I wasn't trying to take back my words or run away, he got up and offered me his 'hand' made of shadows, and his aura of sorrow dies down a bit, but still remained. When I took his hand, the remaining of his sadness seemingly vanished and it started purring louder than when it was in the hallway. I was more surprised about his hand being solid and soft than of his out of character behaviour. I didn't ask myself why that big, scary monster was sad about being alone, I was too busy thinking about how a friendship with a creature like him was like. We went back to my room, me slipping under my bedsheets and him under my bed. I let my arm dangle from the side of my bed to keep holding the hand of the monster I from now on called my friend.
The next morning, the monster had healed me during the night and I didn't have even a scratch. My parents saw the mess in the bathroom and thought there were rats in the house. Me and the monster snickered in my room, knowing all too well that we were the ones that had made that mess.
To this day, I'm still friends with the monster I met on that night. We have a lot of fond memories together, like the time he scared the bullies of the school for me, or when he followed me to school one day and he appeared on TV. Nobody ever found a way to explain what happened, and we still laugh about it years later.
I just hope he'll find someone worthy of befriending him when I'm gone... I'm only human after all, I can't stay with him forever, even if I'd like to. And you, who read my story until the end, you should go and find the monster from your childhood and try to befriend it. Everyone deserves a friend, even them.

I think your writing style is very good, I enjoyed reading it. You are good with descriptions, as I can imagine pictures of it in my head. If I may give some feedback: in the beginning there's a bit of double words; "routine", "as usual", "like I always did." The last two aren't necessary, as you stated the protagonist does so every night already. For me, the memories at the end aren't necessary in the story. I didn't think it fit at first, but combined with the last few lines it kinda does, but for me it feels like a recap you could miss; that doesn't support the story as a whole, because the style differs. Overall I think it's a good story and if you have time and ideas I would like to read more from you.

I think your writing style is very good, I enjoyed reading it. You are good with descriptions, as I can imagine pictures of it in my head. If I may give some feedback: in the beginning there's a bit of double words; "routine", "as usual", "like I always did." The last two aren't necessary, as you stated the protagonist does so every night already. For me, the memories at the end aren't necessary in the story. I didn't think it fit at first, but combined with the last few lines it kinda does, but for me it feels like a recap you could miss; that doesn't support the story as a whole, because the style differs. Overall I think it's a good story and if you have time and ideas I would like to read more from you.
Thank you, I fixed it! I hadn't noticed it was repetitive, but now that you've pointed it out I can see it. I'm sure I'll write more stories later on, but I certainly won't post all of them on Penpal Gate so it might take a while for something new to pop up.

Thank you, I fixed it! I hadn't noticed it was repetitive, but now that you've pointed it out I can see it. I'm sure I'll write more stories later on, but I certainly won't post all of them on Penpal Gate so it might take a while for something new to pop up.
I'm glad you learned from it. I'm looking forward to your writing, take your time of course. Are you posting anywhere else or do you keep them private? I understand very well if you do keep them for yourself.

eehhhmmm........... i didnt write my second part about the 'detective story', i hope it doesnt matter? i dont really got the time to write it.......

eehhhmmm........... i didnt write my second part about the 'detective story', i hope it doesnt matter? i dont really got the time to write it.......

That would be very cool Mare when you have time!! 🙂

And @Miss_Penpal i think that @-Kiki- is right that you are VERY talented with writing!! Sorry i comment in this forum so late, but i read it now and I think you should share any time you want stories on the forum. I think many of us will like to read them A LOTTT!!! 🥰🥰

I'm glad you learned from it. I'm looking forward to your writing, take your time of course. Are you posting anywhere else or do you keep them private? I understand very well if you do keep them for yourself.
I only post on Penpal Gate because I'm afraid that my writing will get stolen or something if I put it on more known websites. And also I'm too lazy to make a thousand accounts and passwords just to get new places to store my stories...

I only post on Penpal Gate because I'm afraid that my writing will get stolen or something if I put it on more known websites. And also I'm too lazy to make a thousand accounts and passwords just to get new places to store my stories...
That's a realistic fear, I get that. I also get the second thing haha. Hope the laziness won't stop you from writing too. 👀💫

As some of my Penpals know, I went to my cottage for the last tree days. And I didn't have much to do so I wrote two new stories! I'd like to post them here, but it's really late now so I'll go to sleep. I just wanted to know if someone could remind me to post those stories tomorrow, because I know myself, and I'm pretty sure I'll have forgotten all about it by tomorrow...

I remembered to post the new stories on my own, yay!
They're a bit shorter than others I've written before, but I'm still proud of them. I'll put them one at a time, because they take a while to write on my computer (I have them on pieces of paper) so I only transferred one because I had a homework where I had to write a short story, but now I have other homework to do before transferring the other story.
The title of this one is "Don't look back"

On a cloudy night, all normality left when a rift to another world opened. The little Cynthia was the one who caused it. Her parents never really paid much attention to her, so she had learned at a young age to keep psychological walls between her and other people to protect her feelings.
On that night, she was sleeping peacefully and dreaming about playing with her imaginary friends before waking up abruptly for no apparent reason. Cynthia then noticed she needed to use the restroom, and slowly felt fear creep up on her. She had always been afraid of the dark, and the hallway leading to the restroom had plenty of darkness in store for her. During the day, the hallway had beautiful paintings along the pretty purple walls, but during night, it was another story. With not much light, the paintings seemed moving and alive, watching your every move as if waiting for a chance to drag you into the shadows and smile as if nothing had happened the next day. The purple walls seemed cold and endless, as if taking one step in the hallway would trigger some kind of nightmarish trap that would keep both ends of the hallway away from you and trap you within it forever.
“I wish my friends were here, thought Cynthia, they always help me when I’m scared.”
“But they’re not here,” answered a cold, emotionless voice in her head. The little girl looked around, and, seeing nothing, took a step into the hallway.
“Who are you? I’ve never heard your voice before.” She spoke in a whisper, not wanting her parents to hear.
“Does it matter? I’m not like you, and you couldn’t comprehend what I am. You just couldn’t understand.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Nothing. And also everything. You don’t need to know now.” The unnamed entity said. A shift in the air could be felt, and Cynthia was alone again.
With something else than the terrifying appearance of the hallway to keep her mind busy, she had no problem reaching the restroom.
On her way back to her room, Cynthia felt something weird. It was the same feeling you get when something is about to go horribly wrong, and she didn’t like that. She stared intensely at every portrait and every shadow on the wall with as much concentration as she could, trying to figure out what could be the cause of that feeling.
When she walked next to the mirror, the sudden movement from the corner of her eye made her jump. She looked at the silvery surface, and, with her heart beating fast, she placed her hand on the cool object. Unlike a usual mirror, it rippled where her hand had been laid, before a silvery hand reached out and grabbed hers. Cynthia couldn’t even scream before she was pulled into the mirror, the object breaking behind her, stopping any possible escape.
The crashing of the mirror woke up Cynthia’s parents, but when they arrived downstairs, she was already gone. They called the police, but their daughter was never found.