πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ True or false? πŸ™„β“

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Hello everybody! πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

It is time for a new daily forum! πŸ™‚ Every day people can post statements and you can write if you believe it is true βœ… or false ❌!

If you like to reply perhaps you can say about what statement you react! Everybody can post statements or reply to a statement! 😊😊

To start this I use two statements from our society class (in Dutch it is maatschappijleer but I am not sure i translated it correct). The first two statements are:

1️⃣ In our country there used to be wolves in the forrest. Now they bring back the wolves but sometimes people see them and are even attacked! Is it good or bad that they put wolves back like it used to be? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

2️⃣ Do you think that if people live more unhealthy (for example no sports, or they are overweight or smoking or other things) that they should pay more for medical things like the hospital and medicines and other things or should everybody pay the same always? πŸ™„

For statement 1️⃣ I am very curious what @Lianshen thinks and also others! Because Lianshen knows a lot about nature but maybe others too so I am curious about it. πŸ™‚

1️⃣ In our country there used to be wolves in the forrest. Now they bring back the wolves but sometimes people see them and are even attacked! Is it good or bad that they put wolves back like it used to be? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
Difficult to answer by true βœ… or false ❌ as they are many statements here.

-> In our country there used to be wolves in the forrest. βœ…

-> Now they bring back the wolves ❌
It's just an imprecision. Wolves are not reintroduced in Europe (at least). They come back alone without the help of anyone.

-> sometimes people see them and are even attacked! βœ…
Sometimes, people indeed get attacked. Attacks are rare though, and mainly triggered by different factors. First of them in history is rabbies. Most of attacks through history typically fit the description of a rabid animal that will show no fear of people, approach, bite and just leave to bit another victim. Nowadays in France, Uk and maybe Netherlands as well, there is no native case of rabbies anymore (meaning that a rabid animal surely crossed the border and wasn't born in France).
Another reason for a wolf to attack humans can simply be habituation/positive conditionning. Positive conditionning and habituation occur when some people feed wildlife. For example, people see a wolf and think it's super cute and not dangerous, so they give a sausage or some food to it. Animals will then associate humans with food and get less and less afraid/come closer to humans.
When we talk about large carnivores (Wolves, bears...) then we say that those animals become "bold" because they start to approach humans settlements or people by less than 30m and come to humans willingly. At a moment though, since they are not afraid of people anymore, they might just try to take a bite from your leg to see how does it taste like, and what will be your reaction...

To avoid these "slight problems", we have to perform negative conditioning if the animals aren't too much into humans (like making them run away by scaring them) or eventualyl moving them, but many time, they will just be prioritized if there are population regulation. In Norway for instance, wolves are culled, and selection to know which wolves will be killed are its boldness/threat for human safety among other traits liek consanguinity level (Scandinavian population comes from 3 wolves, so it 's a problem there) etc.
Hence, if you like those animals, just remember one simple rule : Do NOT feed (and do not try to pet)

Is it good or bad that they put wolves back like it used to be? βœ… and ❌
In fact, the answer for this question will depend on people/stakeholders and sensibility of everyone. You cannot expect a sheep herder to say that having the wolf returning is really nice when some of his animals will inevitably be killed. However, it can be very nice for people who like large carnivores and it can bring various effects.
However, to go further, the aime of management policies and conservation is not at all to have the wolf like it used to be. The goal is to get a human-wildlife cohabitation, which can be possible even in a very high density country like Netherlands if management policies are favourable.

If you want a better overview, I suggest to look at some work/presentations from John Linnell. I had the chance to have him as a teacher and he is very pedagogical in addition to have a huge experience in wildlife-humans conflicts/coexistence

Wow Lianshen that is really cool!! Thank you very much!! πŸ™πŸ™ Even if this forum does not ever have new posts i think it is already very nice and great to read what you wrote!!! I expected like maybe a short answer but you explain a lot and I like that you make every step that we can understand it! πŸ˜ƒ

I would NEVER feed or pet a wolf or anything that is scary and dangerous. I know that maybe some people think that is cool but they can always attack you and think that you are like a hamburger with legs for them. I think the last person that was attacked in my country was a girl of 5. She was at the BSO: that is where you go after school until your parents pick you up. Sorry i dont know the English word for that. It is like a kindergarten but for older children after school. And the girl was hiding an apple for a search game. And one of the BSO people saw suddenly that a wolf stalked her and attacked her. But the attack was only very short and not heavy. You can see pictures here from the wounds and also the news in Dutch: https://www.rtvutrecht.nl/nieuws/3777023/meisje-werd-beslopen-en-aangevallen-vader-en-bso-doen-hun-verhaal-over-de-wolf

Maybe if there are wolves in some parks they can make a fence around it and you know that inside it is dangerous and what is allowed and not. And I think that they should not have a BSO where there are wolves!

Do you think that from John Linnell that if we read it that we can understand it or is it too difficult? πŸ™„

It's my pleasure.

The article you mention doesn't seem to describe an attack, but I couldn't say for sure. Even though, yes, wolves can be dangerous and this shows it. That being said, there are some "attacks" that are said to be from wolves and are in reality from dogs (which probablyt are much more dangerous for humans than wolves are).

Fences may be a good thing in some areas, but I believe that it isn't strictly needed. Those animals tend to be very wary of humans and avoid them, even when you walk in forest and that you cannot see them. Thus, the main focus should be on education in order to prevent makingg "bold wolves", by not feeding them and not encouragingg them to approach humans. I saw 1 or 2 weeks ago again a video of people in motorbike stopping to feed wolves and most comments were "oh, that's so cute" or "we should be nice to animals and help them" when this is everything you should avoid.

John Linnell is a very good teacher and isn't so much fond in statistics. He prefers to use some storie, which are easier to understand and try to talk to people a lot (which is very important in his job). I believe you wouldn't have much problem understanding what he says. Only problem I guess is that videos I found of him are 1h long on Youtube πŸ˜‰

Merci Lianshen!! I think that it will be very difficult to change the people. Because they go in a forrest and they do whatever they want most of the times. So I think in the future we will still have problems with attacks even if it is the own fault of people.

I am going to watch the video of John Linnell and I hope that I can understand it! πŸ˜›

A new statement for today:

➑️ Do you think that smoking and vapes should be prohibited between now and 5 years?

It is also about health like the earlier statement:

➑️ Do you think that if people live more unhealthy (for example no sports, or they are overweight or smoking or other things) that they should pay more for medical things like the hospital and medicines and other things or should everybody pay the same always? πŸ™„

What do you think? True βœ… or false ❌ ?

For who likes to play today I have a new statement! πŸ˜›

➑️ At HOME the best cooks are more often female than male!! πŸ™‚

What do you think? True βœ… or false ❌ ?



Hahah!! I get the joke!! BUTTTT monsieur Etienne: in your house who cooks the most often you or your wife? AND who cooks the best? πŸ˜›

Hahah!! I get the joke!! BUTTTT monsieur Etienne: in your house who cooks the most often you or your wife? AND who cooks the best? πŸ˜›
We each have our own signature dishes Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―, I'd say 50-50

We each have our own signature dishes Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―, I'd say 50-50

So what is your signature dish? Is it very good? πŸ™‚ And what can she make the best?

But if guests come in your house who makes the signature dish? Or is that also 50-50 like you said. πŸ™„πŸ™„

A new statement for today:

➑️ Do you think that smoking and vapes should be prohibited between now and 5 years?

It is also about health like the earlier statement:

➑️ Do you think that if people live more unhealthy (for example no sports, or they are overweight or smoking or other things) that they should pay more for medical things like the hospital and medicines and other things or should everybody pay the same always? πŸ™„

What do you think? True βœ… or false ❌ ?

Nope, but I indeed think that people should pay more if they are willingly puting their health at risk. People should face the consequences of their actions, and if people are overweight, then they should pay more for their care. Health is already very expensive and I would really prefer to see children having 100% free healthcare + adapted education and entertainment to help them deal with their health problems than seeing people puttingg their health on the stake (and often people around them) being backed up.
This is only my 2 cents though.

For who likes to play today I have a new statement! πŸ˜›

➑️ At HOME the best cooks are more often female than male!! πŸ™‚

What do you think? True βœ… or false ❌ ?

false ❌ unless it's a grandma. Can't fight the granny

That is very interesting @Lianshen! I also think that people should be living more healthy. In my society class my teacher said it is impossible to pay for everything if it keeps the same for 5 years. So people must be more healthy for themselves and everybody I think.

And it is funny how you say it about the granny! πŸ˜› If my grandmother cooks I think the house will burn in fire accident!! 😬😬πŸ”₯

Whoever has a terrible diet and overall poor health habits shouldn't have free healthcare. Most people have lost the meaning of personal responsibility and this is very costly as a society. That said, I believe they should have the right to do whatever they want, but then just face the consequences on your own πŸ˜›

So what is your signature dish? Is it very good? πŸ™‚ And what can she make the best?

But if guests come in your house who makes the signature dish? Or is that also 50-50 like you said. πŸ™„πŸ™„

I make a bunch, but I'm pretty good at cooking meats exactly right. I never do anything in the oven, it's all about the stove tops and butter (lots.. of butter 🀫) πŸ˜ƒ

That is very interesting @Lianshen! I also think that people should be living more healthy. In my society class my teacher said it is impossible to pay for everything if it keeps the same for 5 years. So people must be more healthy for themselves and everybody I think.

And it is funny how you say it about the granny! πŸ˜› If my grandmother cooks I think the house will burn in fire accident!! 😬😬πŸ”₯

Who cooks if not your grandmother then? Your grandfather dedicates himself to save the house?😲

But @Etienne it is difficult because there are so many things that are unhealthy like smoking, overweight, no good diet, stress, not enough sleeping, not enough sporting and a lot of other things so when do people have to pay more for the doctor or hospital and when not.

And about the cooking meat and lots and lots of butter? πŸ™„πŸ™„ Can you also make nice salads? πŸ˜› That is a joke πŸ™‚

Who cooks if not your grandmother then? Your grandfather dedicates himself to save the house?😲

@Lianshen: my uncle and aunt look after her or it is too dangerous!! In China it is normal that family helps so that is good. 😊😊

And about the cooking meat and lots and lots of butter? πŸ™„πŸ™„ Can you also make nice salads? πŸ˜› That is a joke πŸ™‚

Absolutely! πŸ˜ƒ

But @Etienne it is difficult because there are so many things that are unhealthy like smoking, overweight, no good diet, stress, not enough sleeping, not enough sporting and a lot of other things so when do people have to pay more for the doctor or hospital and when not.

Of course it is easier said than done, but many people won't even agree with this premise πŸ˜›