people having a relationship

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i dont understand. So much people round my age saying they have a gf/bf, is that just a sence of going to school/living in the city? I never understand how they do that.

i would like fast reply on this so im puting @Yue_ @Esma-Nur @Roseeeee (idk other names form teenagers so fast)

it's okay if you haven't feel that way. probably because you have different perspective or preferences of life. maybe you kind of person who set carrier as your main goals and priority. some of them are different, like, using relationship as the reason & main motivation of why they want to be rich so bad.

or maybe the older you get, your perspective and preference will change? nobody knows about future, right? people change day by day and it's normal. it doesn't mean you are inconsistent or what. but it's about journey. let's enjoy & try everything~

cause my bf is the kind of 'late' realizing in relationship lol he never had any relationship in highschool before, but later, when he hitted university, he changed and starting to see it interesting. so imma kind like dating a virgin lolll even though he's older than me, but i teach him a lot about relationship.

i would like fast reply on this so im puting @Yue_ @Esma-Nur @Roseeeee (idk other names form teenagers so fast)

Hi Mareee, Actually I dont have a boyfriend or a relationship. I feel not comfortable for that now. But in my class some have a relationship and some dont so it depends for everybody i think. 🙂

i dont understand. So much people round my age saying they have a gf/bf, is that just a sence of going to school/living in the city? I never understand how they do that.
Sorry, is the question that you don't understand why they have a relationship?
I think that most people, young or old, feel uncomfortable when they are alone.
To be in a relationshop at young age is not a relationship of souls I think.

Don't think so much about it.
Everything is fine with you and youare ffine the way you are...

i dont understand. So much people round my age saying they have a gf/bf, is that just a sence of going to school/living in the city? I never understand how they do that.
they fall in love,because love is a normal and human feeling...umh what else to say? i don't understand you

cause my bf is the kind of 'late' realizing in relationship lol he never had any relationship in highschool before, but later, when he hitted university, he changed and starting to see it interesting. so imma kind like dating a virgin lolll even though he's older than me, but i teach him a lot about relationship.
im not going to àny school

Sorry, is the question that you don't understand why they have a relationship?
I think that most people, young or old, feel uncomfortable when they are alone.
To be in a relationshop at young age is not a relationship of souls I think.

Don't think so much about it.
Everything is fine with you and youare ffine the way you are...

no, i understand why they have it, i just dont understand how they get it

no, i understand why they have it, i just dont understand how they get it
how get idk ether!

no, i understand why they have it, i just dont understand how they get it
because they have a social life out of their family

What do your parents think if you get a relationship? Are they ok with that Maree? Or is your choice?

What do your parents think if you get a relationship? Are they ok with that Maree? Or is your choice?
i mean if their parents don't allow their 16yr son to have a relationship they are probably still living in 1200 lol

What do your parents think if you get a relationship? Are they ok with that Maree? Or is your choice?
i bet with u it is Mare´s choice to have a GF or not!

i bet with u it is Mare´s choice to have a GF or not!
for you is it ur parents choice since ur muslim so for a girl it's like living in 1200?

yk what it is my choice but ig i will not have one look at me do u rosee, or anyone else think i ll get somone ?! NAH never so i ll stay singel forevvver!

but yeah if i ll get married it will also be my parents (mostly my moms ) choice (not Mama Killers my real mom)

no, i understand why they have it, i just dont understand how they get it

They talk with girls and are somehow atractive. Better to catch the chance for some relation when You have oportunity. (School is full of oportunities mostly).

So, why You don't have a girl? Sounds like You would like to have some relationship.