A year abroad

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I just wanted to ask if anyone here as done this, and how it was. Bc I want to do a gap year after I finish my third year of high school, but I really don't know where, any Ideas?? (Preferably a Spanish or English speaking country, I've always tried to learn Spanish I imagine it'd be better in a spanish speaking country, otherwise a English one bc I can speak it)


Is third year of highschool right before university in Norway? Depending on your plans, you might consider just to keep up with studies and go for an Erasmus for your third year of bachelor?
If you'd rather go to explore the world first, then maybe Catalonia would be a better place for Spanish speakin country (although they speak Catalan too). I don't recall I have ever heard someone complain about their time there, quite the opposite in fact.

For Latin America might be tricky for a young girl alone, but it might be nice if you focus on the safest countries, like Argentina, Paraguay, Costa Rica, El Salvador nowadays... Mexico could be nice if you already know some people there or have a plan more than simply be alone there (like studying or something) and if you don't stay out at night. Generally, having a host family (which would probably instantly adopt you) might be a solution there.
It can be a great place to learn Spanish too, assuming that you don't go to the Yucatan where most of people will talk to you in English due to how touristic it is. That being said, you'd have to prepare much more than if you stayed in Europe and you would have to avoid some states like Colima, in my opinion, but Mexico, Guadalajara, Guanajuato are nice. Guanajuato is very nice even at night.

Is third year of highschool right before university in Norway? Depending on your plans, you might consider just to keep up with studies and go for an Erasmus for your third year of bachelor?
If you'd rather go to explore the world first, then maybe Catalonia would be a better place for Spanish speakin country (although they speak Catalan too). I don't recall I have ever heard someone complain about their time there, quite the opposite in fact.

For Latin America might be tricky for a young girl alone, but it might be nice if you focus on the safest countries, like Argentina, Paraguay, Costa Rica, El Salvador nowadays... Mexico could be nice if you already know some people there or have a plan more than simply be alone there (like studying or something) and if you don't stay out at night. Generally, having a host family (which would probably instantly adopt you) might be a solution there.
It can be a great place to learn Spanish too, assuming that you don't go to the Yucatan where most of people will talk to you in English due to how touristic it is. That being said, you'd have to prepare much more than if you stayed in Europe and you would have to avoid some states like Colima, in my opinion, but Mexico, Guadalajara, Guanajuato are nice. Guanajuato is very nice even at night.

I won't do University. But yes, of course it has to be safe and I'll have to plan more, and maybe find a family! And find out what jobs there are etc. Lots of stuff to figure out but I've got time! I love south america (I've never been there), Idk which country there is the best for this

It might be a good idea to organize just a small trip first, since this is your first time. Latin America is quite different from Norway (it's literally the opposite in my opinion). This way, you will know where you go first, to make sure youreally want to spend a year there, and don't get surprise once you arrive with all your suitcases.

For a best country, I don't think there is any. It will depends on what do you want to experience the most.

A good place would be Buenos Aires in Argentina. It is a magnificent city which has a unique vibe (somewhat reminiscent of Europe, but also a clear Latin American pulse). Facilities are great, lots to see and do, good food and an ideal springboard to various other places on the continent. I also love Rio de Janeiro, but that would be Portuguese instead of Spanish. In addition to safety and logistics, another thing to consider is that Spanish in Latin America is not entirely the same as in Spain. There are also differences as between countries in South America. I have been told that Spanish in Peru is most “pure” and easy to understand, but I can’t confirm this myself. Perhaps you can check this if this would be relevant to you. Hope that this is of help. Good luck!