yep, and the next thing we leftists want to kill is you, fascist😅🤣
yep, and the next thing we leftists want to kill is you, fascist😅🤣
Die rechte wiederholt lediglich die gräueltaten der vergangenheit in sozialistischen ländern und versucht, versuchen, den sozialismus als schreckliche sache zu beschreiben. Aber in wirklichkeit produziert der imperialismus am meisten kriege, hungersnöte und tod, und das elend, das ein mit blut befruchtender kapitalismus menschen anrichtet, ist das größte.
"The lightning drove away the clouds, but some people blame the lightning for being too loud."
The great Mao Zedang. No. 3 of the top Mass murderes in 20th century after Hitler and Stalin.Then why don't we talk about the Holodomor in Ireland, the famine and the bloody repression to the workers' movement in Germany and Austria-Hungary during WWI, US's exploitation and oppression to African and Latin American people, and the atrocities committed by Israel against the Palestinian people?But Tell that Chinese who are so proud of their nation...
The great Mao Zedang. No. 3 of the top Mass murderes in 20th century after Hitler and Stalin.I don't know why you keep sending this kind of messages when you are supposed to know that it will bring nothing but wild answers. Plus that will be forgetting how Germany, through EU, is starving Southern Europeans and selling them to China.But Tell that Chinese who are so proud of their nation...
US's exploitation and oppression to African and Latin American peopleChina is very present in Africa too and, with US, replaces European power on the continent... If Chris always look for troubles, it's good not to forget that China is not a better country than other. Not worse, but not better. Every country will do what the US or China does nowadays, given the chance to.
Also about this :
yep, and the next thing we leftists want to kill is you, fascist😅🤣Fascist this, fascist that. Chris always use this word to describe people who contradict him, the same way that you use it to describe him. That makes it a little funny to see how meaningless the term has become.