First kiss Tout et rien

When did you had your first kiss? I had it at like 13

Boah, please don't remember me!! Lol

Never .... ? 🙃

Never .... ? 🙃

Never .... ? 🙃
Why uhhhh .

Same, I've never had my first kiss yet 😆

Ahah 13?

Ahah 13?
What’s wrong with that not everyone is muslim😭😭

i was 14

*50 years old boomers probably from islam countries that are still in the year 1330 complaining about having the first kiss ar 13 like is their business *

Never .... ? 🙃
Yeah Parsa, please never 😂

Never .... ? 🙃
Yeah Parsa, please never 😂
Whyyy ?😱 what happened to u


Never .... ? 🙃
Yeah Parsa, please never 😂
Whyyy ?😱 what happened to u
I think she meant that the first time is embarrassing

Never .... ? 🙃
Yeah Parsa, please never 😂
Whyyy ?😱 what happened to u
I think she meant that the first time is embarrassing
No i thing something happened

Never .... ? 🙃
Yeah Parsa, please never 😂
Whyyy ?😱 what happened to u
I think she meant that the first time is embarrassing
first time embarrassing and uncomfortable 😃

It was unexpected and he wasn't my guy. And the first Kiss, you will never forget this!

I had it with a random guy😭

Have your first kiss with christine,parsa